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1、,题目:八年级上册第五模块复习模式介绍:运用“知识树”对所学内容进行总结归纳作课教师:滨海实验学校李东华,Module 5 western music,Unit 1 You like western music, dont you?Unit 2 Vienna is the centre of European classical music.Unit 3 Language in use,1.You have heard of the music, havent you ?2.Who is it by ?3.What kind of music do you like? Why ?,Listen

2、 and answer,Yes, I have.,Its by Johann Strauss the younger.,I like pop ,because it is modern and lively.,1.My father doesnt like modern music .but he likes c_ music.,lassical,2.Johnann Strauss was one of the most famous c_,omposers,出生于 hear of,3.英汉互译,be born 听说,的中心 not only but also,4.英汉互译,the centr

3、e of不但而且,5.Mozart played not only the piano, but also the v_ and the o_.,iolin,rgan,6.D_ and g_ are two kinds of musical instruments and t_ is another kind of musical instrument.,rum,uitar,rumpet,7._ _ _ _ ! Im tired of your endless talk.别烦我了!我已经厌烦了你那无休止的讲话,Give me a break,8.What did Mozart write _

4、_ _operas.除了歌剧之外莫扎特还写了什么?,in addition to,9.Who _ _told you the news.究竟是谁告诉你这个消息的,on earth,10.He wrote _ _ 400 waltzes他写了多首华尔兹,more than,words tree,pop,techno,rock,the blues,rap,jazz,classical music,dramatic beautiful modernlively funslow sad fast serious traditional,opera,piano violin organ guitar t

5、rumpet drum,adjective,Instrument:,Music name,words tree,piano violin organ guitar trumpet drum,Instrument:,You can play the,cant you?,You cant play the,can you?,words tree,pop,techno,rock,the blues,rap,jazz,classical music,opera,Music name,You like ,dont you?,You dont like , do you?,words tree,pop,t

6、echno,rock,the blues,rap,jazz,classical music,dramatic beautiful modernlively funslow sad fast serious traditional,opera,adjective,The is , isnt it?,The isnt , is it?,enjoy,nice,music,enjoy,happy,life,Vienna is a beautiful old city on the river Danube,_?Vienna isnt the capital city of Austria,_?,isn

7、t it,Yes, it is.,is it,Yes , it is .,A lot of musicians and composers came to study in Vienna,_?The most famous family of musicians wasnt the Strauss family,_?,didnt they,Yes ,they did.,was it,Yes,it was.,There were two composers called Johann Strauss,_ ?Li Yuchun can play not only the piano, but al

8、so the guitar,_?,Werent there,Yes, there were.,cant she,Yes, she can,Li Yuchun will give concerts next year,_?Li Yuchun hasnt given many concerts,_?,Wont she,No ,she wont.,has she,Yes,she has.,You are playing the piano,_?She wasnt sitting by the river,_?,arent you,No,Im not.,was she,Yes ,she was.,一般

9、现在时态,grammar tree,一般过去时态,现在进行时态,一般将来时态,过去进行时态,现在完成时态,反 意 疑 问 句,composition tree,Beethoven,Juhann Strauss,Xian Xinghai,Mozart,Li Yuchun,Li Yuchun,singer,be born,hobby,Olympic torch bearer,give concertsplay the guitarRead books be good at dancing,fans,Beethoven (1770-1827),1770年12月16日出生于德国(German )在很小

10、时候学习弹钢琴8岁时举办音乐会(give concerts)19岁时候到维也纳学习,认识了莫扎特,在22岁时候搬到维也纳(vienna)48岁时候失聪hear nothing) 他( 因作品月光曲( Moonlight Sonata)第九交响曲(the Ninth Syphony )命运等闻名天下. 1827年3月26日于维也纳逝世,根据提示完成一篇不少于60字的人物介绍,注意时态变化,语句通顺,有条理。,李宇春于1984年3月10日出生于四川。父亲是警察,喜欢唱歌。爷爷是四川大学的教授,喜欢音乐。宇春自小就刻苦学习,喜欢读书。13岁开始住校学习。中学时获学校唱歌比赛第一名。18岁举行了第一场

11、个人演唱会(give a concert)拥有无数粉丝。2008年任奥运会火炬手(Olympic torch bearer )任中国环保大使Environmental protection ambassador,words tree,grammar tree,writing tree,Knowledge forest,The words are the leaves of a tree. The grammar is the stick of the treeWith the help of the words and grammar,You can write a beautiful passage.,some advice for you:Music is a wonderful language,It can help you to make friends,It can help you to be out of sad,It can help you to enjoy life. just enjoy nice music enjoy happy life. Thank you,



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