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1、第一部分 夯实基础过教材,九年级(全)Units7-8,教材例句讲考点,考点1 regret的用法,考点2 manage的用法,考点3 prevent的用法,I regret talking back, not listening to Mom. 我后悔顶嘴,没有听妈妈的话。(Unit 7 P51) 【考点精讲】regret的用法,考点 1,如: I regret to have to tell you that news. 我很抱歉不得不告诉你那个消息。 I regret disturbing you so long.我很抱歉打扰了你这么久。,【考点冲关】 1. We regret _ yo

2、u that the flight at 11:00 to Changsha has been canceled because of the bad weather. A. telling B. to tell C. tell,B,2. Five years later, she regretted _ her home for only a quarrel with her parents. A. leave B. to leave C. leaving 3. It is so cold outside. I regret not _ more clothes this morning.

3、Yes, the weather is changeable these days. A. wearing B. to wear C. wear,C,A,This way, when they start working they can manage their own lives.这样,当他们开始工作时,他们就能经营好他们自己的生活。(Unit 7 P52) 【考点精讲】manage的用法 manage v.完成(困难的事);应付(困难的局 面);经营;管理。如:,考点 2,She knows how to manage him when he is angry.她知道在他生气的时候怎样应

4、付他。 manage to do sth. 设法做成某事;努力完成某事。如: We managed to get to the airport in time.我们设法及时赶到了机场。,【考点冲关】 4. Im not sure whether I can manage _ my composition in such a short time. A. finish B. finishing C. to finish,C,5. 我们不知道如何去尽快地完成这项任务,但是我们会尽最大的努力。 _,We dont know how to manage this task quickly, but w

5、e will try our best.,考点 3,They think the stones can prevent illness and keep people healthy.他们认为这种石头能够预防疾病,并使人们保持健康。(Unit 8 P62 ) 【考点精讲】prevent的用法 prevent vt.阻止;阻挠;预防。prevent sb. from doing sth.=stop sb. (from) doing sth.,阻止某人做某事(其中from可以省略)。如: The rain prevented us from playing football after schoo

6、l. 下雨使我们放学后无法踢足球。,注,意,【考点冲关】 6. We must do everything we can to prevent waste water _ running into rivers. A. from B. against C. with 7. 我妹妹说没有什么事可以阻止她去张家界旅游。 _ _,A,My sister said nothing could prevent her from going to Zhangjiajie for a trip.,8. 我们必须采取有效的措施遏制交通事故的发生。 _,We mush take effective measur

7、es to prevent traffic accidents from happening.,高频话题作文突破,话题9 规则 基础写作训练,.连词成句 1.our, have, school, rule, many, us, for _,Our school has many rules for us.,2. mustnt, class, in, anything, we, eat _ 3. careful, electricity, should, we, be, with _,We mustnt eat anything in class.,We should be careful wi

8、th electricity.,4. school, us, play, the, to, street, our, warn, on, not _ 5. should, in our daily life, we, people, stop, waste, from, water _,Our school warns us not to play on the street.,We should stop people from wasting water in our daily life.,.汉译英 1. 同时,我们应该尽全力去遵守交通规则。 _ 2. 我妈妈要求我每天早上早起并且整理好

9、我自己的床铺。 _,At the same time, we should try our best to obey the traffic rules.,My mother asks me to get up early every morning and make my own bed.,3. 在上学期间的晚上,我不被允许和朋友们出去玩。 _ _ 4. 在学校我们必须穿校服而且必须留短发。 _,On school nights,Im not allowed to go out to play with my friends.,We must wear school uniforms and

10、 keep our hair short at school.,5. 我们必须严格要求自己养成良好的习惯。 _ 6. 为了确保我们的安全,我们必须遵守交通规则。 _,We must be strict with ourselves to develop good habits.,In order to make sure of our safety, we must follow traffic rules.,7. 我希望你可以阅读下面的规则,并且遵守它 们。 _ _ .句子改错 I think we should stop those students from waste water. _

11、,I hope you can read the following rules and obey them.,waste改为wasting,2. If we are in dangerous,we must call the police for help in time. _ 3. We should eat healthy food and keep away junk food. _,dangerous改为danger,away后加from,4. Summer is come,and we must remember that its dangerous to swim in the

12、river. _ 5. We should be friend to and get on well with others instead of arguing with them. _,come改为coming,friend改为friendly,6. If we will do like this, our school will be better and better! _,删掉第一个will,能力提升,命题探索,分析湖南近4年各地市中考真题可知,对“规则”的考查主要有以下2种命题角度: 1. 给同学提出在某方面需要遵守的规章制度。如2015长沙:给室友王明提出在宿舍需要遵守的几条规则;,2. 列举某一方面的几条规则,并做出评论。如2014湘潭:要求列举至少五条校规并做简要评论。,亮点句型必背,【开头句】,1. I



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