2016-2017学年 译林版 必修5 unit3 science and nature language points 教案 (8)

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《2016-2017学年 译林版 必修5 unit3 science and nature language points 教案 (8)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2016-2017学年 译林版 必修5 unit3 science and nature language points 教案 (8)(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 Science versus nature1. versus=VS 与相对2. announcement n. announce v. 宣布,宣称,通知 announce sth to sb. 向某人宣告某事 announce that It is announced that 据宣布Eg. Please announce to your class that there will be no school tomorrow. A warm sunshine announces the coming of spring.3. on (the) one hand; on the o

2、ther hand Eg. On one hand, rapid development of the economy will improve the living conditions of the people; on the other hand, it will speed up environmental destruction. by hand 手工的 at hand 在附近,在手头,即将发生 hand in hand 手拉手 in ones hand= in the hand of sb. 在某人的控制/照料下4. point out 指出 point at 指着,指向Eg.

3、He pointed out my mistake to me. He pointed out that the project lacked one important thing. Its rude to point at people.5. interfere in /with sth. 对干涉,干扰 Interfere with (对工作等)成为阻碍,形成妨碍Eg. Dont interfere in other peoples affairs. My father always interferes with me. The noise of traffic interfered w

4、ith my sleep.6. praise sb. for (doing) sth. be in praise of 极力赞美,称赞 sing the praises of 歌颂 deserve/be worthy of praise 值得称赞 beyond all praises 赞不绝口7. breakthrough n. 突破 break through 突破 break down 故障;溃败;身体出毛病,(健康)衰弱 break into 强行进入 break in 强行闯入,打岔 break out 爆发(无被动) break up 击碎,(关系)毁坏;结束,分手;解散 break

5、 away (from) 从逃走;与断绝关系8. intention n. 意图,目的;企图 eg. She went to Paris with the intention of learning French. Without intention 无意地,非故意地intend v.intend to do sth.intend sb. to do sth. 打算某人做intend thateg. He intends to study abroad next year. He intends his son to manage his company. They intend that t

6、he plan should be put into practice within the year.be intended for/asThese dictionaries are intended for children.9. anxiety n. 忧虑,焦虑;渴望Eg. I felt anxiety for/about his safety when I heard the news of the train accident. anxiety for knowledge 求知欲 His anxiety for success/to succeed in life led him t

7、o work hard. with anxiety adv.焦虑地 in anxiety adj/adv. 担忧着anxious adj.忧虑的,渴望的eg. an anxious look She is still absent. I am anxious about/for her. We are anxious for your safe return. He is anxious to see her. Be anxious for sb. to do 渴望某人做 Be anxious that 10. desperate adj. 不顾一切的,亡命的;几乎没有希望的;很渴望的Eg.

8、The desperate thief shot at the policeman. make desperate efforts to do 拼命努力要做 Her illness is desperate, but not hopeless. He was desperate for fame. He is desperate to pass en entrance exam11. adopt vt. 收养,领养;采纳,接受 adopt a child adopt a piece of advice12. ahead adv. 往前,向前 push ahead with go ahead a

9、head of time13. deliver vt. 生产(婴儿);接生;递送Eg. The doctor managed to deliver the triplet(三胞胎) safely. She was delivered of/gave birth to a healthy baby. deliver the mail/newspapers14. succeed in doing sth be successful in doing sth. success n.15. benefit vt. 有利于,使受益 benefit from从中获益Eg. The speech benef

10、ited us enormously. 受益匪浅 I benefited enormously from my fathers advice.n. 利益,好处be of benefit to sb./sth 对有裨益= be beneficial to sb./sth.for the benefit of (ones health) 为了(的利益)16. immoral adj. 不道德的 moral adj. 道德的 morality n. 道德17. consequence n. 结果,后果 in consequence = as a result adv. 结果 in/as a cons

11、equence of 由于, 因的结果=as a result of 18. end up doing sth. 以做结束/告终 end up with sth. 以(方式)为结束 end up in sth/failure 以为结局19. for sale 供出售,待销售 on sale adj. 出售,上市20. use up 用完,耗尽;筋疲力尽(通常用被动) Sb. use up sth = sth be used upEg. He has used up all his money. The soldiers were used up after the long battle.21

12、. comment vi/n comment on sth make a comment/comments on sth 22. advance n. 进行,前进 vi/vt stop the enemys advance the advance of technoloty 科学技术的进步 make great advances in sth. 在方面取得很大进步 in advance 预先,事先 in advance of 比进步/前进 advanced adj. 先进的,高级的24. be strict with sb. be strict in sth.25. the other day

13、 几天前,那天 one day (过去、未来的)某一天 some day (未来的)有一天,总有一天26. behave vi. 举止,行为表现 behave well/badly 表现好/坏 behavior n. 表现,行为举止27. judgement=judgment n. 判断 judge v. 判断,评审 n. 法官,裁判 Judging from 由判断Eg. Judging from what he said, he must be an honest man. make a judgement on 对下判断 in my judgement 依我看来28. involve v

14、t. 涉及 be involved in 某人被卷入中,参与,加入 eg. Dont involve me in your quarrel.Some young people were involved in the case.29. cost n. 成本,代价,费用 v. 花费 sth. cost sb. moneyeg. It will cost you 500 dollars to repair the car. Such a difficult job costs a lot of time and effort. This jacket cost 200 dollars. the cost of 的费用,花费 at the cost of 以为代价 at all costs= at any cost 不惜代价,无论如何30. on ones part = on the part of sb. 在某人方面,就某人而言Eg. Th



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