仁爱版七年级英语上册 unit4_topic1_sectionc_预习检测1

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1、Unit4 Topic1 SectionC 预习检测一、根据语境及首字母提示填写单词1. How much water do you need?Three b .2. I would like to s money (钱)to buy what I need.3. Can you help me to take the big box? Its too h . Sure.4. What do you want to buy, Tom?One k of bananas and some milk.二、单项选择1. He wants two rice and three eggs.A. bags;

2、 kilosB. bags of; kilosC. bags of; kilos ofD. bags; kilos of2. bottles of apple juice do you need?Five bottles.A. WhatB. How many C. How muchD. How3. Liu Qian often with his mother.Me, too.A. does some shop B. do some shopC. does some shopping D. do some shopping4. How much is the fish?_.A. Eight yu

3、an and fifty fen. B. Fifty fens and eight yuan.C. Fifty fen and eight yuan. D. Eight yuan and fifty fens.参考答案及解析一、1. bottles 2. save 3. heavy 4. kilo二、1. C two bags of rice 两袋米;three kilos of eggs三千克蛋。故选C。2. B “how many +可数名词复数”通常用来对可数名词的量进行提问。故选B。3. C do some shopping去购物,主语刘谦是第三人称单数,因此要用does。故选C。4. A 表述价格的时候先说大的单位,再说小的单位。无论是“元”还是“分”,都不能是复数。故选A。



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