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1、2012中考英语:四月【书面表达精选练习及参考范文04】 【发言稿】假定你是李华,正在参加英语夏令营。请你用英语写一篇发言稿,谈谈你在夏令营的活动及收获。写作要点: 1.擅长运动,参加篮球队及比赛,学会与队友合作2.喜爱英语,参加“英语角”,结交新朋友;用英语交流,提高英语水平。参考词汇:与队友合作work with the teammates;英语角the English corner写作要求: 1.词数60-80;(开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数)2.文中不能出现真实的校名和人名,否则不得分;3.所给的要点必须都用上;紧扣主题,适当发挥。Hello, everyone! I am Li

2、Hua. I have learnt a lot on the English Summer Camp._ I think I have done a good job. Thank you.Hello, everyone! I am Li Hua. I have learnt a lot on the English Summer Camp. I am good at sports, so I joined the basketball team. We had a basketball match with another team. At last our team won the ma

3、tch. Through the match I learned worked with the teammates. I was very happy. I love English, I joined the English Corner. I made some new friends. We got on well with each other. We talked with each other in English, it improved my English. I think I have done a good job. Thank you. *【发言稿】*针对社会上人们对

4、90后年轻人的某些评论,英语课上同学们与老师就此展开了讨论。作为一名90后的中学生,请参考下面的提示词写一篇英语发言稿,展示真实的你。要求:1. 语句通顺,表达准确,内容连贯,可适当发挥。 2. 文中不能出现真实校名、姓名等相关信息; 3. 词数:不少于80词。发言稿的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:selfish(自私的) ; Internet; believe in oneself; high ideals(崇高理想); in style, creativeAs we know, most of us are the only child in our families now.

5、 _We are growing up. We are sure to do better. One possible versionAs we know, most of us are the only child in our families now. Our parents love us very much and they try their best to do everything for us, which make us become selfish. Usually we are so concentrate on the Internet that we have le

6、ss time to communicate with others. There is no doubt that we have our own advantages as well. We teenagers have high ideals. We always believe in ourselves and never say “die”. Meanwhile we are in style. New ideas can be easily accepted by us. You can find out that creative thinking is full of our

7、life. We also know how to respecet your parents and teachers. We are growing up. We are sure to do better. *书面表达【时事热点】从2006年起,我国政府(govemment)让所有儿童都有机会免费入学,但很多乡村的儿童学习条件还很艰苦。假设你叫Sam,请给你们学校的学生会(Student Union)写一封信,提一些建议。要求语方通顺,建议合理,80词左右。(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;卷面整洁,书写工整)内容包括:1. 阅读短文后,谈谈你的感想;2. 建议学生会组织同学们为当地一所

8、乡村小学筹款,增添图书和教学设备;3. 希望乡村的孩子们能受到很好的教育,长大后为乡村服务。Dear Student Union,I have just read an article on “Hope Project” in an English newspaper._Best wishes!Yours truly, Sam Dear Student Union I have just read an article on “Hope Project” in an English newspaper. A girl named Xiao Juan was so poor that she c

9、ouldnt go to school. Hope Project made her wish of study come true. But do you know there are many thousands of children who can not go to school. I think Student Union organize the students and raise money for a primary school in the local village, and give away some books and Teaching equipments.

10、I hope the children there can get better education, and work for the village when they grow up. Best wishes! Yours truly Sam*(*)许多学习生活中的烦恼都会使人产生压力,为了更好地发现及解决同学们中存在的心理压力问题,你们班特意开展了一次以Less Pressure, Better Life为主题的英语演讲比赛,请你准备发言稿,谈谈你的一些缓解压力的好办法,与同学分享,内容包括:同学们中普遍存在的压力是什么;我的压力是什么;我是如何成功缓解我的压力的。注意:文中不得出现真

11、实的姓名和校名。词数80100;短文的开头已给出(不计入总词数)。Less Pressure, Better LifeHello, boys and girls!Pressure is a serious problem in todays world. Students in our class are under too much pressure. _Thats all. Thank you!参考范文:Less Pressure, Better LifeHello, boys and girls!Pressure is a serious problem in todays world.

12、 Students in our class are under too much pressure. Some students cant get on well with their classmates, while others may worry about their exams. Im always under pressure, too. My parents want me to be the top student in class. So they send me to all kinds of after-classes at weekends. Last Monday evening, I had a talk with my mother. I told her I


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