人教版七年级下学期英语练习:unit 9 what does he look like a2

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1、初一英语Unit9SectionA2学科组:初一英语组 组卷时间:4月5日一.单项选择:1.Shealways_awhiteshirt. A.wearB.putonC.putsonD.wears2.Ourmathteacherismedium_blackcurlyhair.A. highatB.tallinC.heightinD.heightwith3.Hedoesnttellme_theperson_.A.what;lookslikeB.what;looklike C.that;lookslikeD.that;looklike4. He _tall or short. He_ of medi

2、um height. A. is , is B. isnt, is C. has, is5.Does he _curly or straight hair? A. have B. has C.is6-Is Miss Li tall? -No,she isnt tall or short. She is _. A. of medium height B. of medium build C. a little heavy7_?She has big eyes and small nose.AHow old is she BWhat does she do CWhat does she look

3、like DHow is she8Lily is _medium build _ long blonde hair. Ain;of Bin;with Cof;of Dof;with9Tom _ his father and his father _ very young.Alooks like;looks like Blooks like;looks Clooks;looks like Dlooks;looks10.He_straight hair. And he_ really handsome. A. is, have B. has, is C .have, has11. She is g

4、ood-looking _ long black hair. She is _a red dress.A. has; has B. with; onC. has; wears D. with; wearing12. The man _glasses is a policewoman. A. with B. in C. on D. to13. -Do you know the girl ? -Yes. She always _a pair of glasses. A wear B. puts on C. wears14. _Mikes hair black? A. Is B. Has C. Do

5、es15. Does Marry_ glasses? A. are B. wear C. wears16. Alice Green _ thin and _ long curly hair. A. is; is B. is; has C. has; is17.Does Sally have long _short hair? A. or B. and C. but18. “Dont play soccer on the street, ” _ a policeman. A. speaks B. tells C. talks D. says19.Lets_at the school gate t

6、omorrow at eight. A. see B. meet C. go to20.He is medium build , but he looks _ fat, I think . A. a lot of B. a bit of C. a little D. a little of来源:学优高考网gkstk二.完形填空Mr. and Mrs. Miller have a son and a daughter. _1_ names are Alan and Mary. Mary is a student of a university. She is _2_. Their neighbo

7、rs say to Mr. and Mrs. Miller, “Your _3_ is beautiful. She is tall and pretty thin. She has long curly _4_.” Mary doesnt like to talk with other people. She is a little _5_ . Alan is twenty-five, but he _6_a bit old, _7_ he doesnt have much hair. His hair is _8_. The color is like the color of banan

8、as. Hes very tall and is of medium _9_. He is a policeman and usually wears the _10_.( )来源:学优高考网( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )1. A. Her2. A. clever3. A. daughter4. A. hairs5. A. outgoing6. A. is7. A. so8. A. blonde9. A. high10. A. glassesB. HerB. uglyB. sonB. hairB. funB. looksB. becauseB. brown来源:学优高考

9、网gkstkB. buildB. scarfC. TheirC. good-lookingC. childrenC. beardC. quietC. likesC. whenC. whiteC. ageC. sunglassesD. OurD. smartD. kidsD. mustacheD. cuteD. looks likeD. ifD. blackD. bodyD. uniform三.阅读理解My name is Tom. My best friends are John and Ann. We do many things together. John lives near my h

10、ouse and we are in the same class. Hes fifteen years old and hes tall and thin. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. Hes polite and very clever. Hes good at math and helps me with my homework sometimes. He usually wears jeans and a Tshirt, but in the photo hes wearing black trousers and a yellow Tshirt

11、. We also play basketball at a nearby park together and sometimes we play video games at my house.Our friend Ann doesnt go to our school. Shes short and slim with straight brown hair and brown eyes. Shes a little bit shy.We all have kungfu lessons every Tuesday and Friday afternoon. We love them. An

12、n is really good at kungfu. We call her the “kungfu kid”She sometimes plays basketball with us, too.In the picture she is wearing a dress, but she doesnt usually wear skirts or dresses. She often wears Tshirts and a baseball cap. The three of us have great fun together.1What things do the three chil

13、dren do together?APlay baseball. BPlay basketball. CPlay tennis. DPlay video games.2What are John and Anns favorite clothes?ATshirts. BJeans. CTrousers. DJackets.3Who is good at math? ATom. BAnn. CJohn. DWe dont know.4When do the children have kungfu lessons?AEvery Thursday. BEvery Tuesday afternoon

14、. CEvery Friday afternoon. DBoth B and C.5Where do they play video games?AIn the nearby park. BAt Johns house. CAt Toms house. DAt Anns house.来源:学优高考网gkstk四.根据首字母提示完成句子1.He is tall and he is m_ build. 2.He is not tall or short .He is medium h_. 3.Her hair is not straight, its c _. 4.Michael Jordan is my f_ basketball star. 5.Im new here nobody k_ me. 6.She is a pretty girl w_ blonde hair.7.My father often w_ glasses. 8.He is not heavy ,he is t_.9.Jim is the c_


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