人教版七年级下册 综合训练测试包 unit 6口语竞技场

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1、口语竞技场I.选词并用其适当形式填空,补全对话。about, see, at, watch, boring, do, want, exciting, sound, movieLisa: Hi, Bill. Bill: Hi, Lisa. What are you (1) _ now?Lisa: I am (2) _ TV. But it is (3) _. Bill: Do you (4) _ to go to the movies?Lisa: That (5) _ good. Bill: What kind of movies do you like?Lisa: I like action

2、(动作) (6) _. They are (7) _.Bill: Great! There is an action movie today. When do you want(8) _ the movie.Lisa: How (9) _ 5:00? Bill: OK. Lets go (10) _ 5:00. See you then.Lisa: See you later.II. 根据对话情境及所给提示词汇,填入正确的问句或答语,使对话意思连贯、完整。Dave: Hi, Sam! (1)_ (here)?Sam: I am drawing a picture of my family.Da

3、ve: (2)_ (man, sofa)?Sam: Oh, its my father. And that is my mother.Dave: Oh, I see. What is your mother doing?Sam: (3)_ (newspaper).Dave: (4)_ (boy, beside, father)?Sam: Hes my younger brother, Jim.Dave: (5)_ (school)?Sam: No, he doesnt.答案: I. 1. doing 2. watching3. boring 4. want 5. sounds6. movies 7. exciting 8. to see 9. about 10. atII. 1. What are you doing here? 2. Who is the man on the sofa? 3. Shes reading a newspaper. 4. Then who is the small boy beside your father? 5. Does he go to school?


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