人教版七年级下册 综合训练测试包 unit 11阅读理解

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人教版七年级下册 综合训练测试包 unit 11阅读理解_第1页
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1、One day a man went home and said to his wife, “I bought something for you.” “Thank you!” said his wife. “What have you bought for me?” “Ive bought a gold ring (金戒指). Here it is.” He took it out for his wife to see. Then he dropped it to the ground. He began to look for it on the ground, but it was d

2、ark in the house and he could not see anything. Then he went out and began to look for it in the street. Just then a friend came along. “Whats the matter with you?” asked his friend. “I am looking for my ring. I lost it just now.” said the man. “Where did you lose it?” “I lost it in my house.” “You

3、lost your ring in your house, but you are looking for it in the street. How foolish it is!” “Ah,” said the man, “But it is dark in my house. I shall never find it there. Bet here in the street, it is much brighter, I can see everything.”( )1. The man bought a ring for his _.A. son B. wife C. mother

4、D. daughter( )2. He lost his ring _.A. in the streetB. in the house C. at houseD. in the house( )3. _ the man was looking for the ring, his friend came up.A. Before B. After C. When D. Because( )4. Why did the man begin to look for the ring in the street?Because _.A. he lost it in the streetB. it was much brighter in the streetC. his friend came upD. he wanted someone to help him( )5. The friend thought the man was _.A. clever B. bright C. interesting D. foolish参考答案:1-5 BBCBD


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