人教版2017春期九年级英语全册练习《unit 6 when was it invented 课文精讲

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1、 Unit6 When was it invented? 课文精讲Section A 1. I think the TV was invented before the car. 我认为电视机先于汽车被发明。【解析1】invent v 发明inventor n 发明家 invention n 发明【记】Edison , a great _, _over 1000_ all his life.(invent)【2014甘肃白银】28. If you could _(发明) something new, what product would you development.【2014江苏泰州】56

2、. Paper making is a great_ (invent) of ancient China. . I think the light bulb is one of the most important_(invent) .The car _(invent) in 1885.【辨析】invent/ discover/find/find outinvent发明 发明的东西是从前没有的Who invented the steam engine?谁发明了蒸汽机?discover发现发现的事物是本来存在的或是有人知道的Columbus discovered America 哥伦布发现了美洲

3、find找到指寻找的结果。是非延续性动词I am looking for my bike, but I may not find it. 我正在找我的自行车,可是不一定能找到。find out找出、查明指经过观察、调查把某事、某物查出来,搞清楚,弄明白When he was a child, he liked to find out how things worked. 他孩提时代时,就爱弄明白各种事物的来龙去脉。【辨析】Gibert _electricity, but Edison _ the electric light bulb. 吉尔贝特发现了电,而爱迪生发明了电灯泡。( ) Bell

4、 _the telephone in 1876.( ) Columbus _America in 1492.A. invent B. discover C. invented D. discovered【2012昭通】The light bulb is one of the most useful _(invent) in the world.【2013江苏盐城】65. What do you think is the greatest _ (invent) of the twentieth century? 【2012山东东营】20. After hard training for a lo

5、ng time, Liu Xiang _the records again. A. brokeB. achievedC. inventedD. completed【模拟A】 I think the telephone was invented in 1876. A. created B. found C. seen D. used【2013陕西】7. The mobile phone has influenced peoples life a lot since it _. A. invents B. invented C. is invented D. was inventeddiscove

6、r/ invent/ find / find out【解析2】一般过去时的被动语态I.【定义】表示过去某一时间的被动动作或过去经常性、习惯性的被动动作,无需说明动作 执行者时可省去“by + 动作执行者”。II.【结构】 一般过去时的被动语态: 【肯定结构】 主语 + was / were + 及物动词的过去分词 + by + 动作执行者 The teaching building was built six years ago. 这座教学楼建于六年前。( ) Many trees and flowers _ in our school last year. A. plant B. plant

7、ed C. have planted D. were planted 【注】was, were的使用由主语的单复数形式而定,主语为第三人称单数名词、代词 或I时用was, 主语为复数名词、代词they或you时用were。 This bridge was built in October last year. 这座桥是去年十月份建的。 【否定形式】:主语+was / were + not + 动词的过去分词 The window was not broken by him. 窗玻璃不是他打碎的。【疑问形式】:was /were +主语+动词的过去分词【注】一般疑问句通常把was / were置

8、于主语前。 特殊疑问句形式应将一般疑问句置于特殊疑问词后面, 反意疑问句形式应保留was / were。Was your homework finished in time yesterday evening? 昨天晚上你及时完成家庭作业了吗? Where were those buses made? 那些公共汽车是哪里制造的?III.一般过去时的被动语态疑问句的回答方法(1)一般疑问句形式肯定回答用“Yes, . was / were.”, 否定回答用“No, . wasnt / werent.”; (2)特殊疑问句应抓住特殊疑问词进行回答,可用简略方法,也可用完整方法; (3) 反意疑问句

9、也应用“Yes, . was / were.”或“No, . wasnt / werent.”进行回答。Was your office cleaned yesterday afternoon? 你的办公室昨天下午打扫了吗? Yes, it was. / No, it wasnt. 是的,打扫了。/ 不,没有打扫。 Where was the party held last Sunday? 上周日聚会在哪儿举行的? At home. / It was held at home. 在家里。/ 在家里举行的。 Your debt was paid off at last, wasnt it? 你所欠

10、的债最终被还清了,是吗? Yes, it was. / No, it wasnt. 是的,被还清了。/ 不,没有被还清。【2014淮安1】Last March, many trees _ along the streets to make our city more beautiful.A. were planted B. were planting C. had plantedD. planted【2014盐城2】Shenzhou X, Chinas fifth manned spacecraft, _into space on June 11. 2013. A. has sent B. w

11、as sent C. will send D. is sent来源:学优高考网【2014贵州安顺】Wow! You have a ticket to the Expo! lt by my uncle. He is working in Shanghai.A. has bought B. had bought C. is bought D. was bought【2014十堰】We are glad to hear that the terrorists _ by the brave policemen several days ago. A. are caught B. were caught

12、 C. have been caughtD. are going to be caught【2014山东临沂】18. Three bridges _ over the river five years ago. A. built B. build C. were built D. are built2.My pleasure! 这是我的荣幸【解析】please v 取悦 pleasure n愉快 .Its my _(please) to help you. pleased adj.(人)高兴的 pleasant adj.(物)令人愉快的 They went to Qingdao and had

13、 a _(pleasure) trip. be pleased to do sth 愉快做某事 Im pleased _(meet) you. be pleased with sth 对.满意【2014山东德州】30.What doses your father think of your school report this term? The smile on his face shows that he is _ what I have done in my study. A. surprised at B.afraid of C.angry with D.pleased with【2014黔西南州】Mr. Green is very happy because he is satisfied with his students work today. A. is moved by B. is good for C. is fond of D. is pleased with 【中考真题训练】【2014南京中考】14. The documentary


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