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1、2012中考英语:完形填空精选练习及答案【03】完形填空强化训练(*) Have you found that boys seem to do well in science while girls have a better vocabulary? If your answer 1 the question is “Yes”,you are rightHere are some facts,according to a 2 in Modem Science In general,men score(得分)higher,on 3 about math,physics,chemistry and

2、 the kind of solving skillsBut women 4 better ability about spelling, vocabulary and memoryIt is 5 that bones,muscles(肌肉)and nerves(神经)grow faster in baby girlsUsually,too,baby girls 6 at an earlier age than boys doScientists think that there is a 7 reason for thatThe left side of the brain develops

3、 faster in girls than boysAnd it is just this side of the brain that runs a persons ability to 8 words,to spell and to remember thingsBy the time the children start school,little girls have an advantage that boys dont haveAnd the advantage is very 9 for them to study wellSo girls are always 10 than

4、boys in class, especially in primary schoolDo you agree? ( )1Ato Bof Cabout Dfor ( )2Ajob Bresearch Csurvey Dstory ( )3Aday Bnight Ctime Dexams ( )4Ashow Bdo Cmake Dprefer ( )5A1ooked Bseemed Cbelieved Dseen ( )6Atalk Bwork Cplay D1isten ( )7Aimportant Bphysical Cpopular Dhard ( )8Aspeak Blike Cuse

5、Dhave ( )9Adifficult Bfunny Ckind Dhelpful ( )10Amore confident Bsmarter Chealthier Dmore lovely参考答案15 ABDAC 610ABCDA *Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed a boy ahead of him had dropped all of the books he was carrying. Mark helped the boy pick them up. _1_ they were going the

6、same way, he carried them for the boy. As they walked, Mark knew the boys name was Bill. Mark _2_ discovered that he loved computer games, baseball and history and that he was having a lot of _3_ with his other subjects.They arrived at Bills home first and Mark was invited in _4_ Coke and to watch s

7、ome television. The afternoon passed _5_ with a few laughs and some shared small talk, and then Mark went home. They _6_ to see each other around school, had lunch together once or twice and then _7_ ended up from the same high school. Just three weeks before they finished school, Bill asked Mark if

8、 they could have a talk.Bill _8_ him of the day years ago when they had first met. Do you _9_ wonder why I was carrying so many things home that day? asked Bill, You see, I _10_ out my locker because I didnt want to leave a mess for anyone else. I had planned to _11_ from home and I was going home t

9、o pack my things. But after we spent some time together _12_ and laughing. I realized that _13_ I had done that, I would have _14_ a new friend and missed all the fun we would have together. So you see, Mark, when you picked up my books, that you did a lot more. You _15_ my life.( )1. A. After B. Si

10、nceC. Although D. Until( )2. A. also B. stillC. always D. almost( )3. A. questions B. ideasC. trouble D. doubt( )4. A. from B. withC. to D. for( )5. A. quietly B. proudlyC. freely D. pleasantly( )6. A. continued B. hopedC. preferred D. offered( )7. A. all B. bothC. every D. none( )8. A. removed B. r

11、emindedC. asked D. described( )9. A. ever B. soonC. even D. never( )10. A. checked B. tookC. cleaned D. put( )11. A. run away B. take awayC. put away D. pass away( )12. A. reading B. playingC. talking D. watching( )13. A. before B. ifC. while D. as( )14. A. forgotten B. madeC. became D. lost( )15. A

12、. helped B. savedC. changed D. improved语篇解读:马克在回家的路上遇到了一位想离家出走的学生比尔,就把他送回家并且和他谈心、玩耍,结果成了好朋友。朋友的热情点燃了比尔的生命火花,正是这个动力使比尔重新走进了学校的大门,然后坚持到毕业。1. B。考查连词。 由于他们走同一条路,他就帮着小男孩拿着这些书。2. A。根据文意:马克不但知道小男孩的名字,还进一步知道他喜欢的科目。表示意思递进一层。3. C。与此同时,马克还了解到对于其他的学科,比尔感到有些困难。4. D。他们到达比尔的家后,招待马克喝可乐,看电视。5. D。由于谈笑风生,因此那天下午在愉快的氛围中

13、度过。6. A。他们继续彼此见面,在一起吃了一两次午饭。7. B。因为故事中只有两个人,因此用both。8. B。考查固定词组。remind of意思是“使某人想起”。9. A。根据句意:你是否曾经想过那天我为什么带着那么多的东西回家?10. B。took 我带走我的物品是因为我不想给其他人留下一团糟。11. A。run away我曾经想离家出走,run away是跑开的意思。12. C。talking动名词的用法,spend doing sth.。13. B。句意:我意识到如果那样做了,我就会失去一位新朋友。14. D。lost 联系13题理解。15. B。saved 你挽救了我的生命。*完形填空强化训练(*) A boy was sent by his parents to a boarding school. Before being sent away, this boy was the 1 student in his class. He was at the top in every competition. But the boy changed after 2 home and attending the boarding school. His grades started dropping. He hated being in


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