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1、2012中考英语:名师点拨语法及提分训练题解析第17篇【常见习惯用语】专题练习 1 - Thank you very much for your help- AYoure welcome BPlease dont CTheres no trouble DNo, no答案 A.2 Your uncle has taken you to the cinema Afterwards you thank him He says AIt was nothing BIm glad you enjoyed it CDont say it DNo, neednt答案 B.析 这是英语的答语,千万不要选A,因它

2、是中文习惯的答语。3 - Thank you for your good present- AIts not good BNo, no CMy pleasure DNever mind答案 C.4 When someone did a good deed for you, you should say A.you are too good B.Its very kind of you C.you are very kind D.Ill thank you答案 B.5 - I am very sorry I am late for dinner - A.No, you arent B.Thats

3、 all right C.Yes, you are D.No, you dont答案 B.析 Thats all right 没关系。6 - Im sorry if I hurt you- AIm sorry BIts not true CIt doesnt matter DDont say sorry答案 C.7 - I should have gone to see the exhibition with you - AIm sorry BWhat a pity CIt doesnt matter to me DThats terrible答案 B.析 What a pity. 真遗憾。第

4、一句应为我真该和你一起去展览会。8 - Help yourself to some fish- AYou are very kind BYes, Im helping myself CThank you DYes, dont worry about me答案 C.9 - Are you ready?-_ AIm very sorry BTry to be patient CNot yet, wait a minute DDo you have the time, please?答案 C.析 not yet 意为还没有完成。10 - Mum, I have passed the exam- AT

5、hats all right BCongratulations CYou are luck DGood luck to you答案 B.11 - I think I have to leave I hope we can get together again- AAll right BThats all right COK DI hope so, too答案 D.12 Must I wait till he comes back? ANo, you neednt BNo, you mustnt CNo, you may not DNo, you cant答案 A.析 must 提问表示必须这样

6、做吗?而肯定句要用 must, 表示必须做,而否定句则要用 neednt 表示没有必要做。13 - I pay you the house rent right away?- Yes, you have to do itAShall BWay CMust DHave答案 C.14 - Dont you think this colour is too bright? - AYes, I agree BYes, but I dont think so CYes, of course not DYes, whats wrong?答案 A.15 - It was cold yesterday- AS

7、o was it BSo it was CI believe not so DI believe not答案 B.析 当答语只是重复对方讲的话时,则不用倒装。因 so it was即为:是的,天气昨天很冷。而当讲前面讲的动作也适合于另一个人时,则要倒装。如: I went to the cinema yesterday So did I 表示对方去了电影院,我也去了。16 - What do you think of the song?- AI like music very much BI like it too CWith pleasure DIt sounds sweet答案 D.析 s

8、ound 在这里是系动词,为听起来很甜美。系动词后要用形容词,而不要用被动语态。17 Do you like tea or coffee? AYes, I do BThank you CThats fine DEither will do答案 D.析 either will do 为两者哪个都可以。18 I like your sweater very much ANo, its ugly BSorry CThank you DYoure welcome答案 C.析 这是英美语言的习惯。19 He likes travelling by train ASo do I BI dos CI lik

9、e so DI like it, neither答案 A.20 - How do you like your school?- AI like it very much BIts very beautifulCI doesnt like it DVery well答案 B.析 How do you like 是问你们学校是怎样值得你热爱的。也就是为什么你热爱你的学校。21 What a nice day! AYoure right BNo, isnt it? CYes, isnt it? DReally?答案 C.析 Yes, isnt it 是的,难道不是个好天气吗?22 - Hello,

10、?- This is Della speakingAWho are you BAre you Tom CWho is that DPlease tell me who are you答案 C.析 电话用语中 that 指对方,而 this 指自己。23 -Whats he like? - AHe likes English BHe is old CHe is like a farmer DHe is tall and this答案 D.析 要区分 Whats he like? 如 What does he like? 前者为:他长得什么样?而后者是:他喜欢什么。24 How did you d

11、o your job? Not very well, AIm sure BI am afraid CThank you DIm sorry答案 B.析 I am afraid 我恐怕是,我想是。25 - your aunt?-She is a principal of a middle schoolAWhat does BWhere does CWhat is DWhom is答案 C.26 - - He is my bossAWhats the man? BWho is the man? CHow is the man? DWhat does the man do?答案 B.27 - May

12、 I have your name? - ANo, no BYoure polite CCall me John DIts kind of you答案 C.28 - Shall I make coffee for you? - AYes, thank you BNo, dont trouble CDont trouble this, thank you DNo, dont make it答案 A.29 - Could you show me the way to Mr Buowns office?- ANot at all BIm sure CAll right DI can do it答案 C.30 - Shall we go swimming tomorrow afternoon?- AIts very kind of you BYou are so thoughtful CThats a good idea DYes, well go答案 C. *



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