牛津译林版英语七年级上册英语unit 4 my day-comic strip & welcome to the unit同步练习1

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牛津译林版英语七年级上册英语unit 4 my day-comic strip & welcome to the unit同步练习1_第1页
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1、Unit 4 My day -comic strip & welcome to the unit 一.单选题1.Itstimeforus_breakfast.A.tohaveB.haveC.havingD.forhaving2._,Tom!Itstimetogetupandgotoschool.A.WakeupB.MakeupC.GrowupD.Lookup3.TheGreenshavegreatfun_atWaterWorldtoday.A.swimmingB.swimC.swimsD.swimmer4.-Its10oclock.Itstimeto_.-OK,Mum.A.bedB.aslee

2、pC.gotobedD.fallasleep5.Hurryup!Dontbelate_class.A.toB.forC.atD.with二.翻译下列短语1. 吃早饭_ 2.做课外活动_3. 吃晚餐_ 4. 做家作_5.做早操_ 6. 醒来_7. 取乐_ 8.上课_9.上床睡觉_ 10.看电视_来源:学优高考网三.请用下列所给的词的正确形式填空来源:学优高考网gkstk1.Its time _(get ) up ,Eddie .2.Lets _(go ) to school after breakfast .来源:学优高考网3.I want _(go) shopping this weekend

3、 .4.We have lots of _ (乐趣) at the weekend .5.I _ (享受)breakfast at half past six every morning.四.翻译下列句子1.要叫醒我2.1:50了,吃午饭了。3.你想干什么? 我想进行课外活动。4.他想睡觉5.我不知道怎样用英语回答这个问题?来源:学优高考网gkstk参考答案:来源:学优高考网一. AAACB二.1.have breakfast 2. do after-school activities 3. eat supper 4. do ones homework5.do morning exercises 6. wake up 7. have fun 8. have lessons9. go to bed/sleep 10. watch TV三.1.to get 2.go 3.to go 4.fun 5.enjoy四.1.Dont wake me up . Its 11:50. Its time for lunch.3. What do you want to do ? I want to do after school activities.4.He wants to sleep.5. I dont know how to answer the question in English .



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