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1、九年级上册单元课时当堂训练Unit 3 Period 3(Reading2)一、词组翻译。1.准时完成所有的作业_ 2.除了做它别无选择_3.采纳我的建议_ 4.对.狂热的_5.呆在外面很晚 _ 6.有空闲时间做我的爱好_7.陷入困境 _ 8.根据_二、词汇运用。1. The children are looking forward to _ (visit) the Great Wall.2. You can a_ your goals by working hard.3. To have a healthy lifestyle, you need to maintain a b_ betwe

2、en work and play.4.Youd better make a l_ of what you want to buy.5.The Summer Palace is w_ a visit.6.It will be a good c_ to plan everything on paper.7.On the train, the conductor(列车员)kept o_ us hot water.8. Jack spends as much time as he can (watch) TV.9.My father is _(严格) with me than my mother.10

3、. Why not send an e-mail to her instead of _(reply) to her letter?三、句子翻译。1、我有个问题,而且我不知道如何应对它。_2、这个小女孩别无选择只有去请求妈妈的帮助。_ 3. 我只是无法决定我应该在什么时候该花时间在我的兴趣爱好上。 _ 4. 她主动提出要帮助我做学生会的额外工作。_ 5.我常常怀疑,这样如此努力学习值不值得。_6.我梦想一个没有家庭作业的假期。_四、完形填空。 Henry was a pen name used by an American writer of short stories. His 1 name

4、 was William Sydney Porter. He was born in North Carolina in 1862. 2 a young boy, he lived a poor life. He did not go to school for very long , 3 he tried to teach 4 everything he needed to know. When he was about 20 years old , Henry went to Texas. He 5 different jobs there. He first worked for a n

5、ewspaper, and then he had a 6 in a bank . When some money went 7 from the bank . Henry was 8 to have stolen it. Because of 9 , he was sent to prison(监狱)。During the three years in prison , he learnt to write 10 . After he got out of prison, he went to New York and went on 11 . He wrote 12 about New Y

6、ork and the 13 of the poor there. People liked his stories, 14 the stories were simple, they would 15 with a sudden change at the end, to the readers surprise.( )1.A.first B. last C. family D. real( )2.A.Like B. As C. For D. Since( )3.A.but B. and C. or D. not( )4.A.one B. him C. himself D. someone(

7、 )5.A.looked for B. lost C. tried D. missed( )6.A.classmate B. friend C. work D. job( )7.A.away B. missing C. back D. out( )8.A.said B. told C. talked about D. believed( )9.A.that B. the C. those D. these( )10.A.letters B. messages C. short stories D. music( )11.A.studying B. learning C. reading D.

8、writing( )12.A.nearly B. certainly C. hardly D. mostly( )13.A.people B. life C. person D. live( )14.A.because B. because of C. so D. so that( )15.A.begin B. finish C. do D. make九年级上册单元课时当堂训练Unit 3 Period3参考答案一、 词组翻译。1. finish all the homework on time 2. have no choice but to do it 3. take my advice

9、4. be crazy about 5. stay out late 6. have spare time for my hobbies 7. get into trouble 8. according to 二、词汇运用。1. visiting 2. achieve 3. balance 4.list 5. worth 6. choice 7. offering 8. watching 9. stricter 10. replying三、句子翻译。1. I have a problem, and I dont know how I should deal with it.2. The lit

10、tle girl had no choice but to ask for her mothers help.3. I just cant decide when I should spend time on my hobbies.4. She offered to help me to do extra work for the Students Union.5. I often doubt whether it is worth working so hard.6. I dream of a holiday without homework.四、完型填空。1.D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.D 9.A 10. C 11.D 12. D 13. B 14.A 15.B



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