外研版七年级下册(新)英语练习:module 11 单元测试题 1

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1、Module 11单元测试题Written test part.词汇(共10分,每小题1分)A)根据句意从方框中选择适当的单词填空。bow, bring, together, touch, body1. These children are singing a song.2. Dontthat white dress, please.3. InJapan, people usually.4. Do you know about thelanguage?5. We cantany food into the classroom.B)根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺单词。6. This boy(点头)

2、his head and says“Yes”.7. My friends are from(印度).8. Her(脚) are so big.9. I cant(移动) away these boxes.10. We see many(游客) on the Great Wall.单项选择(共10分,每小题1分)从各题后所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( ) 11. Mr. Zhu is going to visit some places around _ world.A. an B.不填C. the D. a( ) 12. You cant stand too close _

3、Jack.A. for B. with C. at D. to( ) 13. They come from _ countries, but they can speak _ language.A. the different; the sameB. the different; sameC. different; the sameD. different; same( ) 14. This boy is looking at _.A. other somewhereB. somewhere otherC. else somewhereD. somewhere else( ) 15. How

4、about _ toDisneylandon holiday?Thats a good idea.A. going B. go C. to go D. goes( ) 16. Do you know _ when they meet?A. what they doB. what do they doC. what they didD. what did they do( ) 17. _ be late for class, children.A. Not B. NoC. Dont D. Not do( ) 18. _ do they usually say hello to their fri

5、ends?They smile and wave.A. How B. WhatC. When D. Where( ) 19. _! Here comes a car!A. Be quiet B. Be carefulC. Be fun D. Be here( ) 20. What do you say when you meet your teacher in the morning?_.A. Good afternoonB. Good morningC. GoodbyeD. Thank you.完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可

6、以填入空白处的最佳答案。Do you like learning English? You may think English is important, but some students dont think so. And they find it very21to learn English. That is because they dont learn it in a right22.Please often read English aloud (出声地), because its good23your listening. On the other hand, listenin

7、g24can help you read better. Reading English aloud can25help you speak clearly and fluently (流利地). You can read English anywhere when you26. You can get lots of information when you read. When you need to show your27, you can speak or write. That means you are using what you28from reading. In a word

8、, reading can help improve (提高) your listening, speaking29writing. If you want to learn English30, you should read more.( ) 21. A. dangerous B. safeC. difficult D. easy( ) 22. A. day B. placeC. team D. way( ) 23. A. at B. for C. from D. on( ) 24. A. lot B. lots C. a lot D. lots of( ) 25. A. also B.

9、too C. either D. never( ) 26. A. be free B. will be freeC. are free D. were free( ) 27. A. ideas B. picturesC. food D. homework( ) 28. A. lose B. learnC. pay D. teach( ) 29. A. after B. and C. so D. but( ) 30. A. alone B. good C. perfect D. well.情景交际(共10分,每小题2分)根据上下文情景从方框中选出恰当的选项完成对话,其中有两项多余。A: Look

10、! Theyre my new friends over there.B: (31)_A: Guess!B: They have black eyes and black hair. Are they Japanese?A: (32)_B: Oh, really? May I be their friend too?A: Of course. (33)_B: Great! What do I do when I meet them?A: (34)_B: I see. Thank you, Daisy. (35)_A: OK. Come with me.A. You can shake hand

11、s with them.B. Where are they from?C. Youre welcome.D. No, theyre Chinese.E. Lets go to play with them.F. I think they will be happy to have a new friend.G. They are talking near a tree.阅读理解(共20分,每小题2分)ABruce is 12 years old. He is a clever and lovely boy. His parents run (经营) a big restaurant. They are very busy every day. Bruce often helps them when he is free.This morning Mrs. White, Bruces mother, asked him to send some bills (账单) on his way to school. Bruce didnt feel happy. Before he left home, he left a bill


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