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1、2012中考英语完形填空训练题08【详细解析答案】 47Many of you are studying English and you may be 1 why it is so difficult to learn. Its actually not too difficult to learn 2 you know some 3 about the language and culture that it reflects (反映). Perhaps the first thing you need to know about English is that it is made up

2、of several other languages 4 French, German, Latin, Greek and AngloSaxon. In addition, there are words 5 Spanish in English and many American Indian words and names, even some Chinese and Japanese 6 can be found in the English language. This borrowing of words 7 other languages is 8 of the key reaso

3、ns 9 some of the difficulties that people meet with (遇到) 10 they are learning English.1. A. knowingB. wonderingC. earningD. hearing 2. A. butB. andC. ifD. unless 3. A. newsB. factsC. truthD. information 4. A. such asB. the same asC. so asD. for example 5. A. inB. offC. ofD. from 6. A. wordsB. cultur

4、eC. languageD. letters 7. A. forB. toC. fromD. out 8. A. thatB. somethingC. oneD. this 9. A. whyB. ifC. whatD. for 10. A. whenB. beforeC. afterD. while名师点评这是一段论述英语词汇是由哪几方面的因素构成的说明文。文中介绍英语词汇和哪些语言有联系。答案简析1. B。想知道原因。2. C。用if表示假设。3. D。some information 为“一些语言信息”。information是不可数名词。4. A。对组成部分的列举用such as。5.

5、 D。from表示来“自于”, “选自于”。6. A。句意理解题.中文和日文是English and Japanese words。 7. C。同5。8. C 。one of 表示之一。9. A。此句是定语从句,连接词是why。10. D。由于此句用的是进行时,故用while。48Mr. Jackson was on duty that evening. It was 1 and there wasthick snow outside. So 2 people came to the hospital and he could _3 on the bed in his office and s

6、oon he went to 4 . Suddenly someone knocked at the door and it woke him up. He got up and 5 the door. In went an old man. His wife was 6 and he asked the doctor to go to look her over.It was still 7 when Mr. Jackson came out. The old farmerwalked fast and he hardly 8 him. It was difficult for him to

7、 walk on the snowy roads. When he got to the mans house, he was very 9 . He looked over the old woman and found she had a bad cold. He gave her some 10 and began to return to the hospital. The wind was blowing strongly and he had to walk 11 so that he wouldnt fall over.And when he was near the hospi

8、tal, he had a 12 in his foot.He walked slowly and at last he went into his office, He 13 his shoe and looked at his foot. There was much blood (血) on it. He 14 he stepped on (踩) a broken bottle. He looked at his shoe carefully and said to 15 , “Luckily, it didnt prick(扎)my shoe!” 1. A. hot B. warm C

9、. cool D. cold2. A. few B. a few C. some D. many3. A. play B. dance C. lie down D. sit down4. A. work B. sleep C. study D. write5. A. closed B. mended C. opened D. broke6. A. healthyB. strong C. weak D. ill7. A. snowing B. shining C. raining D. singing8. A. got on well with B. caught up with C. look

10、ed after D. listened to9. A. sorry B. afraid C. strange D. tired10. A. medicine B. food C. water D. sugar11. A. quickly B. carefully C. noisily D. heavily12. A. hole B. sock C. pain D. pill13. A. took off B. put up C. burnt D. sold14. A. forgot B. rememberedC. understood D. was told15. A. him B. her

11、C. them D. himself名师点评这篇短文讲的是一个好心的医生在下雪的夜里出诊,由于天黑和匆忙的缘故,他把自己的脚扎伤了,而他却幽默地安慰自己幸好鞋子没扎坏。答案简析1. D。根据下文的下雪,故得知是一个寒冷的天气。2. A。由于天气的缘故,几乎无人在晚上出来看病。few和little都表示否定,但little用来修饰不可数名词,故不选。3. C。没有病人,医生便躺下休息了。4. B。go to sleep 表示“睡着”。5. C。6. D。因为生病才要请医生。而weak只表示虚弱,未必就得看医生。7. A。根据上文的天气情况可知外面仍在下雪。8. B。catch up意思是“跟上,

12、赶上”。9. D。因为下雪路面不好行走,再加上走得快,所以走得很累。10. A。医生看完病后,一定会开药。11. B。路很难走,所以不得不小心。12. C。根据下文他的脚流血了,证明这里他应该感到疼痛。13. A。根据文意,他是在脱掉鞋子检查自己的脚。14. B。15. D。这里别无他人,故他是 say to himself。50It is a thousand kilometers across that desert (沙漠). The road is 1 nearly all the way. Sometimes there is a deep sand. A driver must t

13、hen put his foot down hard and drive through! There are three small 2 along the way. Vick reached the first place at ten oclock p. m. He had his 3 in a little restaurant (餐馆) there. It was a warm 4 in August. Vick wanted to 5 through the night. The nights are warm enough in August, but the days are

14、very, very 6 . He left the restaurant at 11: 30 and drove over 7 hours. There wasnt a moon, but the 8 were wonderful. There was nothing else on die road. Vick thought, Its an empty desert. No tree, house, man. He could 9 the endless, white road in the cars headlights(车灯). A million stars looked down

15、 on him. It was two oclock in the morning. Vick stopped the car. He was two hundred kilometers from the 10 town: Ill light the cooker( 炊具), he thought, and make some tea. He got out of the car. He heard some sounds, ten or fifteen meters 11 . He could not see anything in the darkness(黑暗). A man said, Goo


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