2018年(辽宁地区)聚焦中考英语总复习练习:第1轮 课本知识聚焦 课时22 九年级(全)units 13~14

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2018年(辽宁地区)聚焦中考英语总复习练习:第1轮 课本知识聚焦 课时22 九年级(全)units 13~14_第1页
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2018年(辽宁地区)聚焦中考英语总复习练习:第1轮 课本知识聚焦 课时22 九年级(全)units 13~14_第2页
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2018年(辽宁地区)聚焦中考英语总复习练习:第1轮 课本知识聚焦 课时22 九年级(全)units 13~14_第3页
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2018年(辽宁地区)聚焦中考英语总复习练习:第1轮 课本知识聚焦 课时22 九年级(全)units 13~14_第4页
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2018年(辽宁地区)聚焦中考英语总复习练习:第1轮 课本知识聚焦 课时22 九年级(全)units 13~14_第5页
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《2018年(辽宁地区)聚焦中考英语总复习练习:第1轮 课本知识聚焦 课时22 九年级(全)units 13~14》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018年(辽宁地区)聚焦中考英语总复习练习:第1轮 课本知识聚焦 课时22 九年级(全)units 13~14(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课时22九年级(全)Units 1314 一、单项选择。1. (导学号:22604028)If you can speak English well, you will have a great _D_ over others when looking for a job. (2017,乌鲁木齐)A. activity B. article C. attention D. advantage2. Its his new book, but I think it is more interesting than his other books. I agree with you. His lat

2、est book is up to his highest _B_. (2017,荆州)A. choice B. standard C. purpose D. wealth3. John _A_ the TV and helped his mother with the housework. (2017,天津)A. turned off B. heard fromC. joined in D. looked after4. Im going to Hong Kong next month. What about you, Jenny?I will _A_ social practice. (2

3、017,贵港)A. take part in B. take placeC. take off D. take action5. Dont _C_ the waste paper. We can collect and recycle it. Youre right. Everyone should be a greener person. (2017,福建改编)A. blow away B. put awayC. throw away D. take away6. The chicken sandwich tastes so good. Could you tell me how to ma

4、ke it?It is easy. Just follow the _B_. A. discussions B. instructionsC. resolutions D. conditions7. The old building is too dangerous. I think it should be _D_ as soon as possible. A. turned off B. cut downC. shut off D. pulled down8. They have a little money and cant afford _C_ the ticket to the co

5、ncert. A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. bought9. Mark was caught in trouble. Luckily, with his brothers help, he _C_ it.A. repeated B. attendedC. overcame D. visited10. Can you imagine _C_ in 100 years from now?Itll be unbelievable. A. how will life be likeB. how life will be likeC. what life will be l

6、ikeD. what will life be like二、补全对话。(2017,西宁)Anna: What is the topic of your project? Alice: About pollution in our city. Anna: _11_ Alice: The pollution is rather serious. _12_ Anna: It may pollute our water. Alice: We should do a survey near the river and take action. Anna: _13_ Alice: Ill write my

7、 report and do something for it.14_ Anna: Sure! Lets work together. Alice: The city is our home. It is our duty to make it clean and beautiful. Anna: _15_ A. Would you love to do it with me?B. What a pity!C. It is a good topic. D. How great your idea is!E. But your report may not be the best. F. Wel

8、l, our environment needs everyones effort. G. Its said some factories pour waste water into the river near our city. 1115 CGDAF 三、完形填空。(2017,黔东南)Natural resources(资源) come from the earth. And they are limited. This means that they will not _16_ forever. Some are renewable, like trees. For example, y

9、ou can plant a new tree when you _17_ one down. Others are not renewable, like the coal(煤). Once it is dug out of the _18_ and used, it is gone. People realize the _19_ that the earths natural resources are limited, and they decide to do something to help save _20_. When you try to save one kind of

10、natural resources, you had better use less of it, _21_ it will be used up so fast. One way that people save the fuel(燃料), such as gasoline, is by riding a bicycle or walking when the _22_ is short instead of driving. Water is a very important kind of natural resource because we all need it to keep _

11、23_. We can save water by making sure that our pipes and taps do not leak (漏). We can also make _24_ choices to save water, like only using the dishwasher or washing machine, not making the water keep running. Everyone can make contributions to _25_ natural resources. 16. A. last B. spreadC. burn D.

12、 change17. A. turn B. cutC. put D. move18. A. station B. buildingC. ground D. house19. A. news B. planC. decision D. fact20. A. them B. itC. that D. one21. A. and B. butC. or D. so22. A. money B. spaceC. place D. distance23. A. alive B. aloneC. asleep D. awake24. A. generous B. funnyC. wise D. stupi

13、d25. A. protecting B. wastingC. using D. making1620 ABCDA 2125 CDACA 四、阅读理解。(2017,贵港)What does a typical day look like for a high school student in the United States? Well, everyones is very different. I can describe my normal day in high school for you. Our school day usually went from 8:30 am to 5

14、:30 pm. However, some days I had cheerleading(啦啦队)practice or play practice at 6:30 am. If I had cheerleading practice I got ready at school, and if I had time, I ate breakfast at the school dining hall. Then I would go towards my locker and get my books for the first period. Each class went for abo

15、ut 50 minutes and we had 4 minutes to get to the next class. We studied everything from science to math and Spanish to P. E. I played the flute(长笛)in band, so one of my class periods was used for that. Lunchtime would be at 12:30 pm and then we had some time to hang out outside or by our lockers. At the end of the day there was a seminar (研讨会)period. It could be used for studying or meetings. After school, I would cheer at a basket


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