2018年中考英语(河北专版)总复习练习:第8部分 经典范文必背 主题写作10 观点态度篇

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2018年中考英语(河北专版)总复习练习:第8部分 经典范文必背 主题写作10 观点态度篇_第1页
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2018年中考英语(河北专版)总复习练习:第8部分 经典范文必背 主题写作10 观点态度篇_第2页
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2018年中考英语(河北专版)总复习练习:第8部分 经典范文必背 主题写作10 观点态度篇_第3页
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《2018年中考英语(河北专版)总复习练习:第8部分 经典范文必背 主题写作10 观点态度篇》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018年中考英语(河北专版)总复习练习:第8部分 经典范文必背 主题写作10 观点态度篇(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、主题写作十观点态度篇主要考点:就学生上网、学生吸烟、课堂活动方式等话题发表观点。A假如你是李华,你的好朋友Lisa不久前参加达人秀节目被淘汰了,她被这次失败所困扰,无心学习。请你给她写一封电子邮件,建议她正确地看待达人秀节目,享受参与的过程而不必太在意结果;提醒她实现理想的途径有很多,只有努力才能获得成功;鼓励她好好学习,也不放弃个人爱好,开心地度过每一天。要求:1.包含以上所有要点,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;2词数:6080(信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);3信中不得出现你的真实姓名、学校名和地名。【范文诵读】Dear_Lisa, Im_sorry_to_hear_that_you

2、_are_feeling_down_because_of_your_failure_in_this_talent_show. Id like to share with you my thoughts on this matter. Yes, talent shows may change ones future. They offer the opportunity to show ones talents, and give people a way to make their dreams come true. Since only some people are truly talen

3、ted, there is no need to take the result too seriously. It may not be good for us teenagers to become famous overnight. So just enjoy the process. In addition, there are many ways to success, and only by working hard can you achieve your goals. As a teenager, you should spare no efforts to study and

4、 develop your interests at the same time, which, without doubt, will enrich your future life. Hope_youll_be_happy_every_day.Yours,Li_HuaB众所周知,良好学习习惯的养成对中学生极为重要。请以“How to develop our good learning habits”为题写一篇英语小短文,向同学们提出以下建议: 写作要点:1.课前为新课做准备; 2.课堂上认真听课,做笔记; 3.课后按时完成作业并多做阅读。 写作要求:1.语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规

5、范; 2.写作要点齐全,并做适当发挥; 3.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名或地名,否则不得分; 4.词数:80左右。标题已给出,不计入总词数。How to develop our good learning habits_【范文诵读】How to develop our good learning habits As middle school students, its very important for us to develop our good learning habits. What should we do to form our good learning habits? Fi

6、rst, we should get ready for new lessons before class. Second, we must listen to the teachers and take notes carefully in class. Third, it is necessary for us to finish our homework on time after class. At the same time, wed better do more reading every day. We should also study hard and ask for adv

7、ice when we have problems. Try to make study plans for ourselves. Its very useful. I think if we keep on doing these, we will be successful in the future.C 英语课上,你们开展了一次以“What can we do to make home a happier place?”为主题的讨论,同学们把自己的想法写在卡片上。请结合卡片信息,用英语写一篇短文,向校刊English Learning投稿。要求:1短文必须包括卡片所给的信息,适当发挥,并

8、谈谈自己的想法;2文中不得出现与你身份相关的信息;3词数:80100(短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数)。In our English class, we had a discussion about what we can do to make home a happier place._【范文诵读】 In_our_English_class,_we_had_a_discussion_about_what_we_can_do_to_make_home_a_happier_place.We shared different ideas. Some say its better to spen

9、d more time with family. The more we get together, the better we understand each other. Family members should share happiness and worries. For example, when they have problems, we should try to cheer them up. Others believe its important to give small presents to our family on their birthdays. I think, showing love for family is necessary. If we help with housework, they may feel warmer. Sometimes, even the smallest thing like walking with family makes them happier. Though were young, we can do much to make a happier home.


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