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1、六年级英语周周清测试题2013.3.14一、选出画线部分发音不同的一项( )1.A.to B.radio C.go ( )2.A.nice B.rice C.milk( )3.A.guitar B.usually C.music( )4. A.name B.came C.backpack( )5. A.football B.food C.book( )6.A.today B.so C.clothes二、用所给单词的正确形式填空1.My ruler is longer than _(you).2.Whose bag is this?It is _(her).3.Lets _(do)it agai

2、n.4.He _(be)go to Beijing next Monday.5.Mocky _(eat)many bananas just now.三、选择题()1.Yesterday,dad _back from Germany with my mum.A.comes B.came C.come( ) 2.Wang Li got the first prize.So he was very_.A.excited B.exciting C.sad( )3.You_have fun tomorrow.A.are B.who C.will ( )4.Who will _the guitar.A.d

3、o B.did C.play( )5.The school will have a concert _Childrens Day.A.in B.on C.at ( )6.Parents will go _the concert.A.for B.from C.to ( )7.-What did he want to do? -He wanted _.A.to seeing a film B.to see a film C.sees a film( )8.Ken and Ann are_.A.worry B.worried C.worring ( )9.We will have a big sch

4、ool concert _. A.the day before yesterday B.next Saturday C.just now( )10.He _go on vacation next week.A.doesnt B.isnt C.wont 四、连词成句1.they,a,movie,see,will,not 2.I,want,play,drums,to,the 3.his,not,this,is,T-shirt .4.concert,play,they,the,will,in,drums,together,the . 5.guitar,Sunday,the,Tom,play,will

5、,next .五、为问句选择正确的答案( )1.Can you and your mom come tomorrow? A.Mocky will.( ) 2.Hows Mocky? B.Yes,they will.( )3.Can he play the guitar tonight? C.Yes,we can( )4.Who will play the drums? D.No,he cant.( )5.Will your parents come here tomorrow? E.Hes not well.六、阅读理解Our school will have a concert on Chi

6、drens Day.It will begin next Saturday,Mocky will play the drums.Tom will play the guitar.All the chidren and their parents will come that day.We are very busy but happy.I hope next Saturday will come soon.根据短文内容判断正误,正确的写“T” ,错误的写“F”()1.Our class will have a concert on Childrens Day.()2.Mocky will pl

7、ay the drums.()3.Tom will play the guitar.()4.Almost all the children and their parents will come to the concert.()5.All of are very busy but happy.乡镇学校班级姓名 枣园中心小学五年级数学测试题2013.5.3一、填空1、一个数被 5 除余 1,被 6 除余 1,这个数最小是。2、a 的最大因数是 12,它的最小倍数是。3、用 1,5,0,6 四张卡片取三张组成一个三位数,使它同时是 2,3,5 的倍数,最大的是。4、一个棱长总和是 36m 的正方

8、体它的体积是。5、1.2Lml 3.25L=_l=_ml250cm2=_dm2(用分数表示)6、一辆汽车 4 小时行 200km,平均行驶 1 千米要小时。二、判断1、升降电梯的运动方式是平移。 ()2、一个合数至少有 3 个因数。 ()3、自然数不是质数就是合数。 ()4、要使 为假分数, 为真分数,a 可取的值有 2 个。 ()a6 a105、一个长方体和一个正方体的表面积相等,则它们的体积也相等。 ()三、选择题1、整数 a(a0)的最小因数是()最大因数是() ,最小倍数是()A.1B.a C.2a2、在 1100 这 100 个自然数中,合数有()个A.75B.76C.743、123

9、9989991000 的和是()A.奇数B.偶数C.质数4、将一个长方形的长、宽、高都缩小 2 倍,则它的体积()A.缩小 2 倍B.缩小 4 倍C.缩小 8 倍5、 的分母加上 26,要使分数的大小不变,分子应()1113A.加上 11B.乘 3C.除以 3四、画图将图形 a 向左移到 5 格得到图形 b; 将图形 b 绕 B 点顺时针放置 900,得到图 c五、应用题1、五年级有男生 240 人,女生 260 人男生人数占五年级人数的几分之几?2、一块长方形铁皮,长 24cm,宽 18cm,从四个角各剪去一个边长 4cm 的正方形,然后做成无盖的盒子这个盒子的容积是多少升?3、一个长方体油

10、箱,从内壁量长 0.4m, ,宽 0.3m,高 0.5m,若每升油重 0.8kg,这只油箱最多可盛多少千克油?4、一盒糖平均分给 4 个小朋友,5 个小朋友或 6 个小朋友都正好分完,这盒糖至少有多少颗?5、把一根长 3 米的长方体木料锯成相等的 3 段后表面积比原来增加 4.8 平方分米,求这根木料原来的体积?乡镇学校班级姓名 枣园中心小学五年级语文测试题2013.5.3一、看拼音写词语ling jio j ju gung mo pi jin( ) ( ) ( ) ( )fi x xun yn y zh xn yng( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、多音字组词()()()塞数落()()()()()()行空散()()()三、比一比再组词竭()喧()拌()玻()馨()渴()渲()绊()破()磐()四、照样子写词语力大如牛(夸张)前程似锦(比喻)草船借剪(历史典故)赫赫有名得意洋洋四、补充下列成语,解释所填的字,并用其中三个词语写一段话兴奋不()()之不理()无音讯()想天开


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