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1、10 Things That Might Make You Believe In Aliens10 件事,可能会让你相信外星人1. The universe is pretty bigAt the beginning of Contact, Carl Sagan talks about alien life in terms of our relationship to ants. We know ants exist, we see them all the time. Im not sure if ants know we exist though theyve surely intera

2、cted with us, but its not really worth our time to figure out how to communicate with ants and make sure they know we exist. That analogy makes the universe seem very big, no?We live in the Milky Way Galaxy. There could be up to 170 billion additional galaxies in the universe. It is a widely accepte

3、d err in reasoning to make assumptions about a universal based on only one example. (And besides, in our one example, there is intelligent life so)1。宇宙是相当大的接触之初,卡尔萨根谈到外星生命的我们的关系,蚂蚁。我们知道蚂蚁存在,我们看到他们所有的时间。我不知道蚂蚁虽然他们肯定知道我们存在与我们互动,但它不是真的值得我们花时间找出如何与蚂蚁交流,确保他们知道我们存在。这个比喻使宇宙看起来很大,不是吗?我们生活在银河系。可能有多达 1700 亿额外

4、的星系在宇宙中。这是一个被广泛接受的错误推理猜测一个通用的基于唯一的一个例子。(除此之外 ,在我们的一个例子,有智能生命所以)2. Physical evidenceIn 1991 people claimed that a UFO landed in France. Stanford University did studies on the plants and soil in the area and found unexplainable damage due to “powerful microwave radiation.”2。实物证据在 1991 人声称在法国一个不明飞行物降落了

5、。斯坦福大学(Stanford University)研究了在该地区的植物和土壤,发现费解的损失由于“强大的微波辐射” 。3. Betty and Barney HillIn 1961 Betty and Barney were traveling home from vacation in rural New Hampshire when Betty saw a light in the sky, like a satellite that grew bigger. Suddenly, they were 35 miles away with no recollection of trave

6、ling that distance. Their four hour trip had taken seven hours, without explanation. Their clothes were torn and scraped. They drew separate but similar drawings of humanoid figures they vaguely recalled seeing and later gave similar accounts under hypnosis.3。贝蒂和巴尼希尔 1961 年贝蒂和巴尼从农村新罕布什尔州度假旅行回家当贝蒂看到一

7、盏灯在天空,像一个卫星,变得更大。突然,他们 35 英里之外没有回忆的旅行距离。四个小时的旅行花了 7 个小时,没有解释。他们的衣服被撕裂,撕掉。他们吸引了独立但类似人形的绘图数据模糊地想起看到催眠下,后来给了类似的账户。4. The sheer volume of personal accountsOf course, there is no safety in numbers. There are billions of people who thought the earth was flat and that their specific religion is The Truth.

8、However, there are so many accounts of extraterrestrial contact. And theres some consistency to theman attribute detectives use in trying to determine truth. Whats in it for these people though? What is the point of lying? It seems really embarrassing to have been abducted by aliens.4。当然,大量的个人账户中没有安

9、全号码。有数十亿人认为地球是平的,他们的特定的宗教是真相。然而,有这么多的外星人接触。和有一些一致性规矩属性侦探使用在试图确定真理。这些人虽然是为了什么?说谎的意义是什么 ?似乎真的尴尬被外星人绑架。5. Theres basically a giant space ship at the bottom of the oceanIn 2011 a Swedish diving company was exploring the Baltic Sea looking for treasure when they found a 60 meter circular object at the en

10、d of a stretch that looks like a runway.5。基本上是一个巨大的宇宙飞船在海底 2011 年瑞典潜水公司探索波罗的海寻找宝藏,当他们发现 60米的圆形对象在一段,看起来就像一条跑道。6. Weve found evidence of non-intelligent extraterrestrial life, maybeFormer NASA scientist Richard Hoover says he has found fossilized microorganisms in meteorites.6。我们发现的证据摘要非智力外星生命,也许前 NA

11、SA 科学家理查德胡佛说他发现微生物化石在陨石。7. This phone callIn 1997 radio program Coast to Coast AM, then hosted by Art Bell, aired a call from a frantic man who claimed to be an ex-Area 51 employee. Not only was the call suddenly cut off after the man claimed “they” would triangulate his position soon but the entire

12、 show was knocked off the air without explanation. After a few minutes, Coast to Coast went back on using back up equipment, but the caller never contacted them again.7。这个电话在 1997 年广播节目东海岸到西海岸,然后由艺术钟,播出了一个疯狂的男人的电话自称是一名 ex-Area 51 个员工。不仅是突然切断后的人声称“他们” 很快就能确定他的位置但整个节目被停播,没有解释。几分钟后,东海岸到西海岸回去使用备份设备,但调用者

13、没有联系他们了。8. Witness accounts of the Roswell UFO IncidentThis Wikipedia article of “Witness Accounts of the Roswell UFO incident” is terrifying.Notably, “In 2012, retired CIA agent Chase Brandon performed an interview with The Huffington Post talking about the Roswell UFO incident. He told that the de

14、bris recovered was not a weather balloon, and claimed it did not come from this planet.”Perhaps its a massive conspiracy of a bunch of bored south-westerners, but how do you get so many people to lie about something like this?8。罗斯威尔 UFO 事件的目击者的维基百科文章 “罗斯威尔 UFO 事件的目击者”是可怕的。值得注意的是,“2012 年,退休的中情局特工追逐布兰

15、登执行赫芬顿邮报采访时谈到了罗斯威尔 UFO 事件。他告诉碎片恢复不是一个气象气球,并声称它没有来自这个星球。 “也许这是一个巨大的阴谋的一群无聊 south-westerners,但是如何让这么多的人撒谎是这样的吗?9. Politicians have seen unidentified flying objectsJimmy Carter and Dennis Kucinichboth say they have seen a UFO firsthand.9。政客们看到不明飞行物吉米卡特(Jimmy Carter)和丹尼斯的第一手 Kucinichboth 说,他们看到了一个不明飞行物。

16、10. Stephen HawkingThe go-to clich we use when talking about a genius, Stephen Hawking, said “to my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational.” He also said we should probably be afraid of them, because if humans are any indication of how these beings would act, its bad. “We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldnt want to meet. I imagine they might exist in massi


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