lesson 15 chestnut street 栗树街 christopher morley

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1、Lesson 15 Chestnut Street 栗树街 Christopher Morley 我们的办公室窗外是一个带有铁阳台的消防梯。当天气暖和、高窗大开时,那相当壮观的绝妙阳台,就成了我们观察栗树街的最佳视点。我们常常想,要是有一张床放在那里,就太惬意了。那样,我们就能以一种斜躺着的姿势,在那儿工作。那多么令人神旷心怡。 但是我们不离开我们的办公桌,我们也能讲讲栗树街上的情况。栗树街吟唱着它自己的歌。它那与人友好的和谐,绝不会和别的街道的情况相混而搞错。各种各样的声音,组成一首和谐的乐曲,用不着用心去听,就会徐徐传入我们的头脑。比如,那有轨电车集电弓在电线上轻轻滑动的瑟瑟声,伴随着它的

2、车箱晃动的隆隆声,还有它通过第六街的横过铁轨时的撞击声。那儿还有电车鸣锣的当当声。飞速行驶的马车轮沿着电车铁轨前进的吱吱乐章。以及马蹄有铁轨间夹道的卵石上的咯咯声。特别容易辩认的是每个市民都知道的声音,那就是马车轮子为了给电车让道而从铁轨滑开的粗厉的剌耳声。前轮已经离开了铁轨,而一对后轮还吱吱地刮擦着铁轨下的石条,直到它们翻过铁轨。 每条街都有它自己的独特的嘈杂声。用心去听的人,会习惯这种情况,以至这声音几乎成为一天的乐趣的一部分。独立大厅的深沉的铜钟敲的是我们和谐的乐章的一部分。还有同样熟悉的是盲人阿里的手杖碰击地面的哒哒声。瞎子阿里是栗树街和第五大道拐角的报刊商。每天他都要好几次从我们的窗

3、下经过。他的拐杖声,我们早就熟悉了,而且觉得很中听。我们喜欢想象,我们能够辩认出西瓜车的特别柔和和悠闲的辘辘声。 Ex.1 compare the purpose. Is Morley trying as plainly to convey an impression? If not ,what is he attempting?In last lesson the purpose of Manns description is to covey his impression. Here in this lesson, Morleys doesnt hope to convey his imp

4、ression. He tells us his auditory experience, attempting to convey the different sounds of Chestnut street to the reader as pleasantly and colorfully as possible.Ex.2 why does author begin a new paragraph at .?Morley starts new paragraphs at but we can tell. and ends at before mounting over the rain

5、 because his thought turns into a new direction. In the first paragraph, he tells us that on warm days his office is a vantage ground for watching Chestnut street. Underline the topic sentence of para2 and 3. Which sentence make transition?In para2: Chestnut street sings a music of its own. In para3

6、: Every street has its own distinctive .a part of the days enjoyment. The first sentence of paragraph 2 serves as a transitional sentence.Ex.3 any way in which the writer has organized them?In 2 the description of the sounds begins infor instanceand comprises the following four sentences. The study

7、of these sentences indicate that Morley groups the sounds of different vehicles according to the gradation of the sound intensity. He holds together the first two sentences with similar there-be constructions, adopts an inverted construction Particularly easy to identify is the sound. in the third f

8、or emphasis, and organizes the fourth sentence into a balanced one. The front wheels have left the track, but the back pair are scraping along.over the rim to show the sharp contrast. Such organization of sentences makes the description impressive and colorful.Ex.4 to unify the sentences in . What i

9、s that device?To unity the sentences.Morley uses much the same syntactic device. That is there be sentence structure. Ex.6 any pattern in the order in which it treats the different sounds?we can find patterns in the order in which it treats the different sounds. First the light sliding swish comes f

10、rom the movement of the poles along the wire as the trolley moves and pounds over the cross-tracks. And at the same time the deep rocking rumble comes from the movement of the wheels along the track. In the mixture of these sounds, we feel a symphonic effect that ends with a crescendo on crash: from

11、 the light to the deep, from sliding to rocking, and from swish to rumble.What of the progression if sounds in the following sentence?In this sentence, we can see that, as the trolley moves it sends out a warning the clear mellow clang of gongs to announce its coming. And the sounds of the musical t

12、rill of fast wagon wheels, the rattle of hoofs, can only be produced when they are moving. Ex.7 there is a fire escape with a little iron balcony just ouside our office windowThe first revision loses the emphasis on the location because the original one gives a clear sense of location: Just outside

13、our office windowThe back pair are scraping.have left the trackThe second revision is against the natural movement of the wagon.Chestnut street sing a music.any other highwayThe third revision puts two different senses together while they should be apart.Several times a day. Pleasant note in our ear

14、sIn the fourth revision, the sentences are separated abruptly without considering their inner logic.Ex.8 Look uppallet, straw-filled mattress for sleeping genial, kindly, sympathetic, sociabletrolley, small contact-wheel between a tram-can bus mellow, pleasant, gentlecobble, paved with cobbles which

15、 is a kind of stone worn round and smooth by water and used for pavingsetts, pieces of rectangle stones with four corners tightly trimmed, used to pave the road trill, quavering soundEx.9wo describe what he hears. List other 5 or 6 other terms of this sortIn the text Morley employs many onomatopoeti

16、c words, such as tinkle, swish, rumble, crash, trill, rattle, rasping, clatter, scraping, etc. Ex.10 find one or two other instances of each of these kinds of rhymeAlliteration is the repetition of two or more initial consonant sounds in words within a line, such as: strands of sound, sliding swish, attentive


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