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1、PLASTIC INJECTION MOULD TECHNICAL ENGLISH TRAINNING,Main Purpose,Learn basic technical English Learn the plastic moulding defects phase Learn quality control phase Learn how to make DFM Report/ customer standard,1, Known the type of gate & ejection,关键字: GATE,Overlap uvlp 重叠的,Fan fn 扇子,扇形物,Tab tb 护耳;

2、 凸出部,Submarine sbmrn 潜水的,同:Direct gate,同:cashew gate,关键字:Ejection,1.2 Known Of Hot Runner System,所谓热流道成型是指从注射机喷嘴送往浇口的塑料始终保持熔融状态, 在每次开模时不需要固化作为废料取出,滞留在浇注系统中的熔料可在 再一次注射时被注入型腔。,1.3 模具名词,A 模具专业基本用词 Professional Terms (以下内容工程,设计人员必须掌握) 塑料 plastic, resin 样件 sample 钢料 steel 注塑机 injection machine, press 产品

3、part, product, moulding a 简易模(样板模) prototype mold b 量产用模具 production mold 三维造型(数模)3D model, 3D data 二维产品图 2D part drawing 设计 design 制造 manufacture, build up, construction 检验 check, inspection 测量 measure, inspection 修改 change, modify, correction 工程更改 engineer change 质量 quality 数量 quantity 基准 datum, r

4、eference,B 如何解析2D 产品图?How to read 2D part drawing? 产品几何 Geometry 1点 point 2线(边) line, edge 3面 face a 侧面 side b 表面 surface c 外观面 appearance surface 4壁厚 wall thickness, stock thickness 5加强筋(骨位) rib 6孔 hole 7细长的槽 slot 8柱位 boss 9角 corner a 圆角 fillet b 倒角 chamfer c 尖角 sharp corner 10斜度 angle, taper 11. 凹

5、槽recess , groove C 分模信息 Splitting 分型线 parting line (P/L), splitting line 主分模方向 main direction, line of draw 浇口设定 gating,D 产品标识 Part Identification 产品名称 part name (P/N) 产品编号+版本号 part number + revision (Rev.) 型腔号 cavity number 材料标记 material symbol 模具编号 mold number (no.) 日期印 dating insert, date code 循环

6、印 cycling code 公司标志 company logo E 技术要求 Specification (Special Requirement) 项目启动表 Kick-off sheet 项目名称 program name, project name 产品名称 part name, product name, part description 产品编号 part number (P/N) 客户模号 customer mold no. 项目启动日期 kick off date, start date 项目完成日期 due date, lead time,内模件用钢 tool steel 型

7、腔数量 number of cavities 注塑材料 resin, plastic, raw material 收缩率 shrink, shrinkage, shrink factor 注塑机吨位 molding machine size, injection machine size 成型周期 cycle time 型腔光洁度 cavity polish 型芯光洁度 core polish 皮纹(晒纹) texture, grain 拔模斜度 draft angle 光泽 gloss 热流道供应商 manifold manufacturer, manifold supplier 浇口位置

8、gate location / position 浇口类型 gate type 产品标识 stamp information, part identification,F 产品质量及外观要求 Part Quality & Appearance Requirement (以下内容工程以及品质学员必须掌握) 尺寸及公差 Dimension & Tolerance 重要尺寸 critical dimension, important dim., key dim. 理论尺寸 nominal dimension 实际尺寸 actual dimension 公差 tolerance 公差带 toleran

9、ce range 尺寸超差 dimension deviation 接受(合格) accept, OK 拒绝(不合格) reject, refuse, obsolete, NG 让步接受 concession, special admit 返工 re-work 测量仪器 Measuring Instruments 游标卡尺 vernier caliper 千分尺 micrometer 高度规 height gauge 刻度规 dial gauge,三坐标测量仪(三次元) Coordinate Measure Machine(CMM) 塞规 pin gauge 圆角量规 radii gauge

10、轮廓投影机profile projector G 产品缺陷(常见的)Defects (normal) 缩水 sink mark, shrinkage 飞边,毛边 flash, burr 段差 mismatch discrepancy 银丝纹,蛇纹 snake marks, streak 弯曲,变形 warpage, distortion 打不饱(缺料) short shot 熔接线 weld line 多胶 unwanted plastic 拉伤damage H 产品外观 Part Appearance 产品颜色 part color 产品光泽 gloss 皮纹粒度 grain,I 常用词汇、

11、词组及短语 Normal Word, Short Sentence (以下内容工程以及设计需要掌握) 单边 per side 双边 both sides 加入,添加 add 去除,取消 remove 满足的要求,符合,与要求一致 according to, conform to, satisfy, meet 要求,需要 require, need, demand 确认 be approved, agreed by 允许 permit, allow 在范围之内 within 不可以,不允许,禁止 free from, prevent, avoid ,除非有另指 unless otherwise

12、specified 或少于 or less 自动化运作 automatic operation 未注尺寸(详细形状)见三维造型 Non dimensioned contour (detailed shape) see 3D model. 分型线上的飞边(披缝)或段差应小于 Burrs or discrepancy on the P/L shall be or less.,标题栏 Title Block 产品名称 part name 图纸编号 + 版本号(索引号) drawing no. + level (index) 一般公差 general tolerance J 如何阅读制模标准?How

13、to read tooling standard? 模具结构术语 Mold Construction Terms a模架 Mold Base 模架量化特征 Measurement Feature 长 X 宽 X 高 Length X Width X Height 模具高度尺寸(模厚) stack height of mould 模具重量 total weight of mould, mould thickness 定模底板 front plate, top clamping plate, clamp plate, clamping plate 定模板 cavity plate, fixed m

14、ould plate, A plate 动模板 core plate, moving mould plate, B plate 支撑板 support plate, backing plate 方铁 support blocks, rails, risers, spacer block,顶杆固定板 retaining plate, ejector retaining plate 顶板 ejector plate,bottom clamping plate 动模底板 back plate 导柱 guide pillar, leader pin, guide pin 导套 guide bush,

15、leader pin bush 复位杆 return pin, push-back pin 弹簧 spring 撑头 support pillar 顶针板导柱、导套 ejection guide pin / bush 垃圾钉 stop pin, stop button 模脚 standing-off pillars 标牌 plaque scutcheon b成型零部件 moulding components 型芯 core insert 型腔 cavity insert 镶针 core pin,镶块 sub-insert, split 滑块 slide, sliding split 斜顶 lifter, angled-lift split a 斜顶头 lifter head b 斜顶杆 lifter rod, lifter shaft 成型顶杆 moulding face pin, form pin c浇注系统 Feed System 1塑料 Moulding 主流道 sprue 分流道



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