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1、1高 一 Unit 1 Good Friends知能聚焦 (Language Points )单词和短语honest brave loyal wise handsome smart argue classical fond match mirror fry gun hammer saw rope movie cast deserted hunt share sorrow feeling airplane lie(n.) speech adventure note error fond of hunt for in order to care about such as drop sb a li

2、ne 主要句型(1) sothat和suchthat引导的结果状语从句: so+副词/形容词+that +clause so+形容词+a/an+单数可数名词 +that +clause so+many/much/little/few+(形容词)+名词+ that +clause such+a/an +形容词+单数可数名词+that +clause such+形容词+不可数名词或可数名词复数+that +clause (2) 主语+be+ 形容词+ 不定式 (3) even if/though引导让步状语从句的用法 (4) not onlybut also引导两个并列成分的用法 (5) in o

3、rder to 和so as to 引导目的状语的用法 语法 Direction and Indirection课前热身 (Warming up) 谁发明了E-mail ? 1967年美国的一位电脑工程师富 托姆林森为了让在Arpanet 网上工作的程序员和研究员能够相互发送信息,他编出一个“传送信息”的程序。有意思的是,第一封电子邮件是托姆从一台电脑发给另一台电脑的,收件人竟然是他本人。更奇怪地是,对于这项发明,就连托姆本人当时也没有认识到它的重要性。结果,一个名叫罗伯特的人对托姆的发明爱不释手,把电子邮件作为自己在工作中唯一的通信方式。于是,托姆发明的这种通过网络来传递信息的系统很快就从一

4、种方便之举变成了当前在Internet上使用频率最高的工具了。2.话题 ( Topics) What should a good friend be like ? How can we make friends? How many friends have you made? How do you deal with the problems about your friendship? 读写指导 (Instructions for Reading and Writing )1. Reading: Chucks FriendParagraph 1 In the movie Cast Away,

5、 Chuck survives the crash and land on a deserted island.Paragraph 2. On the island, he has to learn to survive all alone and develops a friendship with an unusual friend .Paragraph 3. Chuck learns a lot about himself when he is alone on the island and 2he understands that friendship is about feeling

6、s and that we must give as much as we take.Paragraph 4. Friends are teachers. Friendship helps us understand who we are, why we need each other and what we can do for each other.2.Writing: How to write an e-mail? 随着电脑的普及,E-mail 是许多人最常用的网上交流形式.那么,怎样写 e-mail?一般来讲,写 e-mail 要注意以下几点:a. 其形式同书信格式.b. 要运用学过的

7、词组,句型表达,注意时态.c. 写作要点齐全.d. 根据高中英语课程标准的要求,写作时要注意较高级词汇的运用. 假如你叫王华,你的姐姐王红目前在广东一家工厂打工。你已经在高中上学三周了。原来你以为自己从农村来,一方面在城里生活不习惯;另一方面可能城里的学生不好处。谁知经过几周的学习和生活,你发现自己错了。城里的学生对你很好,没有人瞧不起你,都把你当作他们的好朋友。于是,在周末,你将自己在高中的学习和生活情况通过网上告诉远在广东的姐姐,请她放心,且要保重身体。 注意: 1.要点齐全,可适当增加细节。 2.词数: 80-100。 1. 认真审题,确定要点。 2. 选择适当的词语和恰当的句型。 3.

8、 连词成文。请参看下面范文: Dear Sister, I havent seen you for months, so I miss you very much. How are you getting along with your work? Im very glad to tell you that I have already been used to the life and study here . Before I came here, I thought I couldnt get along well with the students of the town. But n

9、ow I find I was wrong at that time. Although we have stayed together only for about three weeks, theyve treated me as their friends. Therefore, I must work hard at all my subjects in the future .Dont worry about me and our parents! Take care of yourself! Wang Hua 要点解析 ( Key Points Analysis)beautiful

10、 和 handsome beautiful adj, “美丽的,漂亮的 令人生美感的”,既可指人,又可指物,形容人时,指女性。 a beautiful flower 美丽的花朵 My sister looks very beautiful. 我姐姐看上去长得很漂亮。 beauty,n; beautifully adv. handsome adj, a.“仪表堂堂的,英俊的,潇洒的”,一般用语男性。 b.“(指礼物,行为)慷慨的,大方的”。 quite a handsome birthday present 相当大方的礼物 Our P.E teacher, Mr.Li, is very stro

11、ng and handsome. 我们的体育老师, 李先生, 高大而英俊。 2. wise 和 smart 3wise,adj, 指“聪明的,有智慧的,博学的 ,” 指人的经验,行为,学识,言语,计划等。 be/ get wise to sb/ sth “明白,懂得某人/ 某事 ”put sb wise to sb/sth “告诉某人现状/实情”He is a wise warm-hearted honest person. 他是一位聪明、热情、诚实的人。 Its easy to be wise after the event.事后聪明是很容易的。 I shouldnt put her wis

12、e to that.我不应当告诉她那件事。 smart, adj , a. “鲜明的,整洁的,衣冠楚楚的 ” a smart hat/ car 别致的帽子/ 汽车 You look very smart.你看起来很帅。b.“时髦的,有名气的” the smart suit 时髦的套装c.“敏捷的,伶俐的,精明的”,指人的判断力和动物的运动速度。 Yesterday she saw a smart monkey climbing up that apple tree. 昨天她看到一只灵敏的猴子很快地爬上那棵苹果树。3. On the island, Chuck has to learn to s

13、urvive all alone. alone adj,表示“独自一人 ”, 没有感情色彩, 只能作表语 。 adv,表示“独自,单独” ,相当于by oneself。 lonely adj, 表示 “孤独的,寂寞的”, “荒凉的,人烟稀少的,偏僻的”,既可作定语,又可作表语。 After school,I am often staying in our classroom alone, but I dont feel lonely.放学后,我经常独自一人呆在教室里,但我并不感到孤独。 We should do our homework alone. 我们应当独自做作业。 There is a

14、 lonely small village over the river. 河边有一个偏僻的小村庄。 4. One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes. a. across, prep, from one side to the other side of “横过,穿过”,指在平面上从一边到另一边,也可表示“在的对面”的意思; walk across the street 走过街a bridge across the river 横跨河上的一座桥My house is

15、 just across the street.我的房子就在街的对面。 b. across, adv ,常与动词连用,意义同介词一样。 Can you swim across? 你能游到对岸去吗?The bank is just across from the school.银行就在学校的对面。5. and that we must give as much as we take. 和 as many as as much as , 表示 “多达”,后接数字 ,也可接不可数名词或度、量、衡等单位名词;as many as 的意思同 as much as,但修饰可数名词。 Your father

16、 can earn as much as 890 yuan a month. 你父亲每月收入多达890元。 There are as many as 75 students in our class . 我们班学生多达75 名。 6. so as to 和 in order to 这两个短语都能用来引导目的状语,表示“为了,以便,”只是so as to 常常被放在句中, 不能放在句首,但它可以分开使用,即soas to。而in order to 则即可放在句首,也可放在句中,但不能分开使用。 此外,in order to 和 so as to 短语在句中还可转换成由so that 或者in order that导的4目的状语从句,但从句中须加上情态动词may, might, could, can, etc. His



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