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1、翻译实践考试范围一: 翻译短语1, soft -无坚固掩体的, /-很容易被打破的2, super-soft软着陆3,soft(麻醉毒品)毒性较轻的,软性的4 soft pillow-软枕5, Soft music-轻柔的音乐Soft cushion-靠垫Soft wood软木Soft money-纸币Soft drink-不含酒精的饮料Soft breeze-和风Soft light -柔光Soft voice-低声Soft fire-文火Soft hat-呢帽Soft words-和蔼的话Soft answer-温婉的回答Soft goods-毛织品Soft heart-易感动之心,慈心S

2、oft water-软水二,翻译句子中带下划线的词,并标出其词类 每题 2 分 8 题1, figure数字/人物/像/人影/花样 -noun2,rightIt is not RIGHT for children to sit up late-好 -形容词The plane was RIGHT above our heads-正好-副词in the negative, RIGHT and left and black and white are reversed-右-名词she tried her best to RIGHT her husband from the charge of rob

3、bery-伸冤-名词,3,account for he is ill ,that ACCOUNT FOR his absence- 原因 -名词in this battle he ACCOUNT FOR five of the enemy-消灭了-动词-VERBI want you to ACCOUNT FOR every cent you spent交代清楚 动词4, likeHe likes mathematics more than physics -喜欢-动词In the sunbeam passing through the window there are fine grains

4、of dust shining LIKE gold-像介词LIKE knows LIKE -同类的人/物5, LASTHe is the LAST man to come -最后-形容词决不会、 、 、最不配 , , ,也不该, ,根本不易-形容词 另外考一个动词三,翻译习语 每题 2 分 合计 16TO praise to the skies 捧上天去To fish in troubled waters -浑水摸鱼To add fuel to the fire-火上浇油To be on thin ice如履薄冰Walls have ears -隔墙有耳Strike while the iro

5、n is hot-趁热打铁A drop in the ocean-沧海一粟To laugh off ones head-笑掉牙齿To shed crocodile tears-猫哭耗子To be out at elbows-捉襟见肘To spend money like water-挥金如土At sixes and sevens 七颠八倒,乱七八糟Six of one and half a dozen of the other -半斤八两One boy is a boy ,two boys half a boy ,three boys no boy-一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水

6、吃。P 167To take French leave-不告而别A stony heart -铁石心肠At ones fingertips -了如指掌To have a hand like a foot-笨手笨脚To return good for evil-以德报怨As mute as a fish-噤若寒蝉To shut ones eyes against-视若无睹To talk black into white-颠倒黑白To turn a deaf ear to -充耳不闻Practice makes perfect-熟能生巧Plain sailing-一帆风顺To be dead dr

7、unk-烂醉如泥Laugh and grow fat-心宽体胖to fly into a rage-勃然大怒to make a noise in the world-名噪一时more haste ,less speed-欲速不达neither fish nor flesh-不伦不类to be at the end of ones rope-上穷水尽to flog a dead horse-徒劳无益to turn over leaf -改过自新to put all ones eggs in one basket-孤注一掷四 按照指定的翻译方法翻译句子 每题 3 分 10 题词类转译法1, on

8、the walk through the city they saw breadlines-在走过市区时候,他们看见领救济食物的人排成队2, a view of MR.fuji can be obtained from here-在这里可以看到富士山3, at the thought of the mishap his legs stiffened under him and couldnt move a step further-他一想到这场灾难,两腿就像有千斤重,就再也挪不动一步了。4, he is no smoker,but his father is a chain-smoker-他到

9、是不抽烟,但他爸爸一支又一支地抽。5, he was a regular visitor-他经常来增词法1, i knew it quite well as I know it now-我在当时就知道的和现在一样清楚。2.mother insisted to this day that she thought I was just joking-直至今天母亲还坚持说,她当时以为我只是开玩笑罢了。3.they had always been able to control things,now control was getting away from all of them-他们以前一向是能够

10、控制局面的,现在他们大家正在丧失控制了。4, this too was a complete lie-这也纯粹是一派胡言。6, you might just take a look at my coat before this afternoon,see if it wants pressing 你最好在下午之前瞧一下我的上衣,看是否要熨一下。正反,反正表达法1. we should abstain from any exaggerations and void phrasemaking said he -他说:我们不应吹牛皮,讲空话。2. his explanation is far fro

11、m being satisfactory-他的说明决不能令人满意。3. you should seize the opportune moment to put in a good word for me-你应不失时机为我说说情。4. the news of the assassination of President Lincoln spread like wild fire-林肯总统被刺的消息不胫而走5. let bygones be bygones-既往不咎6. as was expected, the enemy walked right into the trap-不出所料,敌人果然

12、自投罗网。7. it had been six or seven hours since I had had anything to eat drink or smoke-我已经六七个小时没有吃,没有喝,没有烟抽了。合句,分句法1, the hospital was already spreading a fame for its food-这个医院的伙食好,这点已远近闻名了2, the answer had been there all of the time just out of reach-答案一直摆在那里,可他就是没有拿到手3.MR. MYLES still smiled but h

13、is voice had a little bit of irritation in it unusual to ROB-麦克斯先生仍然面带微笑,可是他的口气却有点不耐烦了,罗布很少见到这种情况。4,strange enough they were the same age to the day-说来也真巧,他两年纪一样大,而且还是同日生的5,out of sheer joy she waved-她怀着无比喜悦,挥了挥手5, he stood on the curb till a car shot by-他站在路边等车飞快的开过去6, if we do a thing ,we should d

14、o it well-我们要干就要干的好7, it was 1953 and I had just come from kilkelly Ireland to seek my fortune-1953 年,我刚从爱尔兰的克尔克勒来此寻找出路8.it was an LST, and it was already nearly loaded with trucks and armored cars-这是一艘几乎已装满了卡车和装甲车的坦克登陆舰9.it was in midaugust and the repair section operated under the blazing sun-八月中旬

15、,修理组人员在骄阳下工作着被动法1, after a while an agreement was arrived at过了一会儿达成了一项协议2, a contingency plan was hastily drawn up-匆匆忙忙拟定了一个应急计划3, the workers were seen repairing the machine-有人看见工人们在修理机器4, every country will be represented by its prime minister-各国都将由总理代表5, rivers are controlled by dams-拦河坝把河流控制住了6, he was regarded as a republican by everybody,even though he had always thought of himself as an independent-所有的人都把他看作共和党人,尽管他一直认为是无党派人士



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