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1、 第 - 1 - 页 共 6 页 考点跟踪训练 24名词、冠词基础巩固.单项选择( C )1. For my homework I have to write a(n)_ about the wonders of the world.(2011 天津)A. music B. pictureC. composition D. exam解析:考查词义辨析。music 音乐, picture 图片, exam 测试,都不符合句意。只有 composition 作文符合句意。( C )2. Hello! May I speak to Lucy,please?Sorry,Im afraid you ha

2、ve the wrong _.A. way B. nameC. number D. telephone解析:考查词义辨析。Hello! May I speak to Lucy,please?是打电话常用术语,故答案选 C,意为“号码” 。( A )3. Please pick up the _. Dont keep it on the floor.A. paper B. boxesC. books D. bottles解析:考查词义辨析。由“Dont keep it on the floor.”可知应是不可数名词或单数可数名词。( D )4. Could you please tell me

3、something about the two_?_. They are exchange students of No.1 Middle School.A. Frenchmen; Yes, pleaseB. Frenchmans; Come onC. Germen; Not at allD. Germans; All right解析:考查名词复数与交际用语用法。 Frenchman 的复数是Frenchmen,German 的复数不是把 a 换成 e,而是直接加 s, 即 Germans,故B,C 错。Yes, please 意为“好的,请吧。 ”,All right 指“好吧 ”。故 D

4、对。( C )5. Could you lend me your _?I want to take some photos.A. watch B. radioC. camera D. telephone解析:考查名词词义辨析。watch 手表,radio 收音机,camera 照相机,telephone 电话。下文语意:我想拍些照片。故选 C。( A )6. Would you like some _? 第 - 2 - 页 共 6 页 Yes, please. Im thirsty.(2011 淮安)A. water B. breadC. pens D. clothes解析:考查名词语境题。根

5、据后面的 语境“我饿了。 ”可知上文 “你想来一些吃的吗?”water 水, bread 面包, pens 钢笔, clothes 衣服。故 选 A。( A )7. When you visit France, you can go to _ and take photos there. (2011 宿迁)解析:考查国家标志。A 项埃菲尔铁塔是法国巴黎的标志之一;B 项澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院是悉尼的标志之一;C 项富士山是日本的标志之一;D 项长城是中国名胜古迹。句意“当你参 观法国,你可以去 _ 拍照。 ”。到了法国我们可以去埃菲尔铁塔拍照。故 选 A。( B )8. Today, we hav

6、e many other _ to pay besides coins or paper money.A. excuses B. waysC. chances D. plans解析:考查词义辨析。excuse 借口;way 路,方式; chance 机会;plan 计划;根据句意:当今除了硬币或纸币外,我 们还有其他的方式付钱 。只有 B 符合题意。( B )9. _ is celebrated on September 10.A. National Day B. Teachers DayC. Dragon Boat Festival D. Spring Festival解析:考查短语辨析。S

7、eptember 10 意思为 9 月 10 号,是教师节。故 选 B。( B )10. John wants to be a _, so he often helps sick people in the hospital.A. reporter B. doctorC. scientist D. cook解析:考查词义辨析。reporter 记者;doctor 医生;scientist 科学家;cook 厨师。句意为“约翰想要成为一名医生,所以他常常在医院帮助病人 ”。故 选 B。( A )11. The evening party was really fun. We had _ grea

8、t time. (2011 丽水)A. a B. anC. the D不填解析:考查固定搭配。 have a great time 意为“玩的开心” 。( C )12. Photography can be _excellent hobby for kids. (2011 临沂)A. / B. a C. an D. the 第 - 3 - 页 共 6 页 解析:考查不定冠词。不定冠 词 an 用于元音前,表示 “数量有 一 ”的意思,句意为“对孩子们来说是一个很好的 爱好” 。( D )13. What do you usually have for _ breakfast, Peter?A

9、fried egg, three pieces of bread and a glass of milk.(2011 南京)A. a B. an C. the D. /解析:考查冠词。三餐前不用冠 词,故 选 D。( B )14. Have you seen_ pen? I left one here this morning.Is it_ black one? I think I saw it somewhere.(2011 青岛)A. the; the B. a; aC. the; a D. a; the解析:考查冠词。两个空缺处 均是泛指,且都是以 辅音音素开 头的单词,故选 B。( D

10、 )15. The young man plays _ violin very well, but he plays _ basketball badly. (2011 绵阳)A. the; the B. a; aC. a; the D. the;不填解析:考查冠词。与球类有关的不加 the,如: play football;与乐器有关的一律加 the。本句是 “这位年轻人钢琴弹得不错,但他 篮球打得不好。 ”,故选D。.词汇运用 1. Trees turn green and flowers come out in spring.(2010 湖州)2. Be careful. There i

11、s a wine bottle on the table. You might break it. (2010 杭州)3. We dont go to the cinema much for movies because we have a video. (2010 杭州)4. After the examinations, I need to take a good rest. (2010 广州)5. Monday is my favorite day of the week because we have a computer lesson in the afternoon. (2010

12、宁波)6. We need some yogurt, two tomatoes(西红柿) and some honey to make the salad. (2010湖州)7. As a reporter(记者), he meets lots of people every day. (2010 湖州)8. I feel very hot in here. Would you mind opening that door(门). (2010 宁波)9. Winter is the coldest season of the year. (2010 杭州)10. Koalas are very

13、 cute animals and they like eating leaves(树叶). (2010 宁波)11. The soldiers coming to help people in Yushu county are also heroes(英雄) in my mind. (2010 盐城)12. Thank you for giving us so many good suggestions(建议). (2010 兰州) 第 - 4 - 页 共 6 页 13. He has always been a big fan(迷) of Michael Jackson. (2010 苏州

14、)14. The babys first front teeth(牙齿) are just coming through. (2010 苏州)15. This is one of the most expensive dictionaries(字典) on the market. (2010 扬州)16. The camera was one of the greatest inventions(发明) in the 19 th century. (2010 滨州)17. The Palace Museum has a large collection(collect). People can learn a lot in it.(2010 临沂)18. When the fire happened, the firemen hurried there and carried the children to


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