高考英语大一轮复习 unit 3 travel journal课件 新人教版必修11

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1、Travel journal,Book 1 Unit 3,晨背佳作 积累素材,话题词汇 1.aboard prep.上(船、飞机、火车、汽车等) 2.accommodation n.住宿;膳宿 3.destination n.目的地;终点 4.enjoy v.欣赏;享受乐趣;喜欢 5.guide n.导游;向导 6.luggage/baggage n.行李 7.a place of interest名胜 8.be struck by.被迷住,9.have a good trip旅行顺利 10.take a picture拍照,话题佳作 假设你参加了某国际旅行团的意大利三市游(罗马佛罗伦萨威尼斯

2、)。今天你参观的是佛罗伦萨。请根据下面表格提示,写一篇游记。,参考词汇:米开朗基罗广场Piazzale Michelangelo; 大卫塑像the sculpture of David;乌菲兹美术馆Uffizi Gallery,佳作欣赏 Oct.4th,Friday Fine Here I am in Florence,a tourist city in Italy.It is not only the most famous cultural art center in Europe,but also the home of the Renaissance.Firstly,I came to

3、 the Piazzale Michelangelo,from where I looked over the beautiful sights.Then,standing in the middle of the square is the sculpture of David,where I couldnt help showing my respect to the ancient artists.At last,I came to the Uffizi Gallery,a lot of artworks displayed. I am so attracted that I reall

4、y want to stay here a few more days.However,I must leave for Venice,another famous city tomorrow morning.,名师点睛 作者能够仔细审题,按照题目要求,出色地将题目中的要点表达出来。作者能够灵活地运用所学单词和短语,如not only.but also.,in the middle of,cant help doing,show ones respect to,display,attract,leave for以及定语从句、倒装句、结果状语从句、独立主格结构等高级表达方式,同时,还有一些过渡词

5、汇,如firstly,then,at last等的使用,使行文流畅,衔接自然。,内容索引,基础排查 点拨要点,语篇训练 提升能力,教材升华 综合运用,基础排查 点拨要点,A.写作必记单词 1.prefer vt.更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物) (1)preference n.偏爱;优先权 (2)prefer sth./doing.to sth./doing.(prefer to do.rather than do.) 与相比更喜欢 (3)As for the working environment,Tanis prefers (work) by herself.(2016北京) (4)

6、I have a preference wild release,because it is very convenient for the other persons who want to read books.(填介词)(2015重庆),1,working/to work,for,2.disadvantage n.不利条件;不便之处 (1)advantage n.有利条件;优势,长处 (2)Parents should actively urge their children to (利用) the opportunity to join sports teams.(2016江苏) (3

7、)West hasnt tested his idea on larger blocks,but he thinks rolling has clear advantages sliding.(填介词)(2015四川) (4)Previous care-related experience will be great advantage for you. (填冠词)(2014四川),take advantage of,over,a,3.persuade vt.说服;劝说 (1)persuade sb. to do.(persuade sb. doing.)说服某人做 (2)persuade s

8、b. not to do.(persuade sb. doing.)说服某人不做 (3)persuade sb. sth./that.使某人相信,into,out of,of,表示“试图说服某人做”的表达形式:try to persuade sb. to do.;advise sb. to do.。,4.graduate vi.毕业; n.大学毕业生 (1)Eventually the girls all graduated college and went away to work for themselves.(填介词)(2015安徽) (2)Upon (graduate),Charlot

9、te returned to Montreal and set up a private clinic.(2014山东) 5. adv.最后;终于 adj.最后的,最终的,from,graduation,finally,final,6.determine vt.决定;确定;下定决心 (1) adj.坚决的;有决心的 n.决心;决定;确定 (2) (determine),Dad filled our plates with steaming stew and passed them around.(2015四川) (3)Pressed from his parents,and realizing

10、 that he has wasted too much time,the boy is determined (stop) playing video games. (4)They determined starting early.(填介词),determined,determination,Determined,to stop,on/upon,7. adj.可信赖的;可靠的 That young man is honest,cooperative,always there when you need his help.In short,hes reliable. 那个年轻人诚实而且善于合

11、作,总是在你需要帮助的时候出现。总之, 他是可靠的。(2016浙江),reliable,8.view n.风景;视野;观点;见解; vt.观看;注视;考虑 (1) view of鉴于;由于;在能看见的范围内 (2)Persons in other cultural groups value silence and view it necessary for understanding a persons needs.(填介词) (2016全国) (3) (在我看来),new architectural styles can exist perfectly well alongside an o

12、lder style.(2014安徽),in,as,In my view,B.阅读识记单词 9.journal n._ 10.transport n.& vt._ 11.fare n. 12.flow vi._; n._,日记;杂志;定期刊物,运输;运送,费用,流动;流出,流动;流量,13.schedule n. ; vt._ (1) schedule 提前 schedule 晚点;拖后 (2)As (schedule),we participated in several instructive activities. (2016天津) (3)Having worked for two da

13、ys,Steve managed to finish his report_ (准时).(2015天津),时间表;进度表,为某事安排时间,ahead of,behind,scheduled,on,schedule,14.shortcoming n._ 15.organize vt. 16.journey n. When I was thirteen years old,I went a long journey on foot in a great valley,well-equipped with pens,a diary,and a camera.(填介词) 17.attitude n.

14、the attitude .对的态度 18.forecast n.& vt. 19.parcel n.,缺点,组织;成立,旅行;旅程,on,态度;看法,to/towards,预测;预报,小包;包裹,20.insurance n._ v.给保险;确保 21.midnight n. _midnight在午夜 22.flame n._ But in Indonesia extremely dry forests are (着火;燃烧). (2016江苏) 23.beneath prep. 注意下列对应词: beneath ;under ;below_,保险,insure,午夜;子夜,at,火焰;光芒

15、;热情,in flames,在下面,on,over,above,1. 自从;自以后 That was my first real lesson in the power of CRM,and I (use) it in the operating room ever since.(2013新课标全国),2,ever since常与现在完成时连用。,ever since,have used,2. 梦想 3. 喜欢;喜爱 4. 关心;忧虑;惦念 5. 改变主意 ones mind下决心;决定 sth. in mind记住某事,dream about,be fond of,care about,change ones mind,make up,bear/keep/have,6. 屈服,让步;投降 (1)give


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