《名校课堂》九年级英语人教版练习:unit 12 单元知识背记手册

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1、Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.单元知识背记手册Section A重点单词1. unexpected 出乎意料的;始料不及的2. backpack 背包;旅行包3. oversleep 睡过头;睡得太久4. ring(钟、铃等)鸣;响5. block 街区6. worker 工作者;工人7. above 在上面;在上面8. burn 着火;燃烧9. alive 活着;有生气的10. airport 机场11. till 到;直到12. west 向西;朝西;向西的;西部的;西;西方13. cream 奶油;乳脂14. pie 果馅饼;果馅派15.

2、bean豆;豆荚16. market 市场;集市Section A重点短语1. be full of 充满2. by the time 在以前3. go off 发出响声4. wake up 叫醒;唤醒;醒来5. give a lift 捎一程6. at least 至少7. in line with(与)成一排8. stare at 盯着看9. in disbelief 不信任地10. take off 起飞;脱掉11. show up 赶到;露面12. by the end of在(某时间点)以前Section B重点单词1. fool蠢人;傻瓜;愚弄2. discovery发现;发觉3.

3、 lady 女士;女子4. cancel取消;终止5. officer军官;官员6. believable可相信的;可信任的7. disappear消失;不见Section B重点短语1. get dressed 穿好衣服2. stay up 熬夜3. take place 发生;举行4. play a joke on sb.和某人开玩笑5. sell out 卖光6. end up doing sth.以做某事结束7. get married 结婚8. lead to 通向9. hand in 上交词形变换1. worker(动词) work2. alive(动词) live3. west(

4、形容词) western4. burn(形容词) burning5. discovery(动词) discover6. officer(名词) office7. believable(动词) believe8. disappear(反义词) appear重点句型1. By the time I got up,my brother had already gotten in the shower.在我起床以前,我的哥 哥已经在淋浴了。2. So I just quickly put on some clothes and rushed out the door.因此我快速地穿了一些衣 服,跑出了

5、门。3. I was about to go up when I decided to get a coffee first.我正要上楼,这时我决定先去买 杯咖啡。4. We stared in disbelief at the black smoke rising above the burning building.我们直愣愣地 盯着燃烧着的大楼上升起的黑烟,无法相信(这一切)。5. The other planes were full so I had to wait till the next day.另外一架飞机人满了,因此我 不得不等到第二天。6 .By the end of the day,more than 10,000 people had phoned the TV station to find out how to get this water.一天之内,超过1万人给电视台打电话,询问怎么得到这种水。7. Welles made it sound so real that hundreds of people believed the story,and fear spread across the whole country.威尔斯说得如此逼真,以至于数百人相信了这个故事,恐怖 席卷了整个国家。


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