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1、100:00:16,160 00:00:52,515非英语Non English200:00:52,515 00:00:55,808关于这大会. and thats one of the things that I enjoy most300:00:55,808 00:00:59,057我最享受的事之一就是about this convention.400:00:59,057 00:01:06,668都跟万物为何 这个话题有着多多少少的关系Its not so much, as so little as to do with what everything is.500:01:06,668 0

2、0:01:10,058(笑声)(Laughter)600:01:10,058 00:01:12,192了解一下生命的崎岖But it is within our self-interest700:01:12,192 00:01:14,908和我们自身的关系to understand the topography of our lives800:01:14,908 00:01:16,926是为了自身利益unto ourselves.900:01:16,926 00:01:21,380(笑声)(Laughter)1000:01:21,380 00:01:23,100未来表明The future s

3、tates1100:01:23,100 00:01:24,883并不存在时间that there is no time1200:01:24,883 00:01:28,615只不过是我们在记忆影像中的生活other than the collapsation of that sensation1300:01:28,615 00:01:31,465轰然崩塌而已of the mirror of the memories in which we are living.1400:01:31,465 00:01:34,637(笑声)(Laughter)1500:01:34,637 00:01:36,115

4、虽说是常识Common knowledge,1600:01:36,115 00:01:38,584但也还是很重要的but important nonetheless.1700:01:38,584 00:01:40,949(笑声)(Laughter)1800:01:40,949 00:01:43,478在这种情况下我们感到恐惧As we face fear in these times,1900:01:43,478 00:01:45,844恐惧无所不在and fear is all around us,2000:01:45,844 00:01:48,044也有抗恐惧法子we also have

5、anti-fear.2100:01:48,044 00:01:50,995很难设想或衡量Its hard to imagine or measure.2200:01:50,995 00:01:54,114背景辐射过于静态The background radiation is simply too static2300:01:54,114 00:01:57,641普通光谱分析根本无法检测出来to be able to be seen under the normal spectral analysis.2400:01:57,641 00:02:01,123但有些时候我们也会觉得But we fe

6、el as though there are times2500:02:01,123 00:02:03,600当许多人 - 你们懂的when a lot of us - you know what Im sayn?2600:02:03,600 00:02:05,467但是呢 - 你们懂的But - you know what Im sayn?2700:02:05,467 00:02:07,801就 嘻哈音乐那种范儿 你们都懂的Cuz, like, as a hip hop thing, you know what Im sayn,2800:02:07,801 00:02:10,316TED 赞

7、爆了 - 就这意思TED be rockn - you know what Im sayn.2900:02:10,316 00:02:12,553我写了首歌Like so I wrote a song,3000:02:12,553 00:02:14,734希望大家喜欢and I hope you guys dig it.3100:02:14,734 00:02:16,852这是一首有关人们Its a song about people3200:02:16,852 00:02:19,367和长毛野人的歌曲 -and sasquatches -3300:02:19,367 00:02:22,001

8、(笑声)(Laughter)3400:02:22,001 00:02:24,839- 还有些法国科技的玩意- and other French science stuff.3500:02:24,839 00:02:26,238没错 法国科技Thats French science.3600:02:26,238 00:02:30,225好 开唱Okay, here we go.3700:02:30,225 00:02:37,602我一直内心在争斗 Ive been trying inside 3800:02:37,618 00:02:54,443 我知道我身陷囫囵 I know that Im

9、in trouble by myself 3900:02:54,443 00:02:59,174但每次它困扰我 But every time it gets me 4000:02:59,174 00:03:06,443 听不清 unclear 4100:03:08,513 00:03:38,519(音乐)(Music)4200:03:38,519 00:03:44,020 我一直努力成为你信任的那个人 And Ive been trying to be the one that you believe in 4300:03:44,020 00:03:49,236为了你 我才愿意变得这么挑逗 A

10、nd youre the one that I want to be so saucy 4400:03:49,236 00:03:54,051正是你,我才想听不清,宝贝 And youre the one I want to unclear, baby 4500:03:54,051 00:03:56,516 你可以做任何的事 And you can do anything 4600:03:56,516 00:04:00,119只要事后你不会受到伤害 as long as you dont get hurt along the way back 4700:04:00,119 00:04:04,7

11、15若我能生存下来 会告诉你哪里出了问题 If I survive, Im gonna tell you what is wrong 4800:04:04,715 00:04:10,398因为假若你是 不确定 Because if you were unclear 4900:04:10,398 00:04:16,151 我认为你看起来像不确定 And I think that youre looking like a unclear 5000:04:16,151 00:04:21,436我给予你我所能做到的一切 I give you what I want to be 5100:04:21,4

12、36 00:04:36,705(音乐)(Music)5200:04:36,705 00:04:40,591这些东西 你想用多少用多少And its like, you could use as many of those things that you want.5300:04:40,591 00:04:46,143(掌声)(Applause)5400:04:46,143 00:04:47,445那些计算机虚拟建模And the computer models,5500:04:47,445 00:04:49,062不管你做了多少no matter how many that you have5

13、600:04:49,062 00:04:50,579用了多少人and how many people that you use,5700:04:50,579 00:04:53,811结论永远不同are never going to be able to arrive at the same conclusions.5800:04:53,811 00:04:58,098四年前我在布鲁金斯学院跟一些人合作Four years ago I worked with a few people at the Brookings Institute,5900:04:58,098 00:05:00,216得出

14、了一个结论and I arrived at a conclusion.6000:05:00,216 00:05:07,674(笑声)(Laughter)6100:05:07,674 00:05:09,963明天是新的一天!Tomorrow is another day.6200:05:09,963 00:05:11,898(笑声)(Laughter)6300:05:11,898 00:05:13,915不是随便哪一天Not just any day,6400:05:13,915 00:05:15,950但反正就是一天but it is a day.6500:05:15,950 00:05:19

15、,070明天一定会到来 这是毫无疑问的It will get here, theres no question.6600:05:19,070 00:05:21,556重要的是要记住And the important thing to remember6700:05:21,556 00:05:25,238这次模拟是成功的is that this simulation is a good one.6800:05:25,238 00:05:28,070真实可信 触手可及Its believable, its tactile.6900:05:28,070 00:05:30,139你可以伸手触碰 - 这些东西都是有形态的You can reach out - things are solid.7000:05:30,139 00:05:32,488你可以把东西从这儿移到那儿You can move objects from one area to another.7100:05:32,488 00:05:34,905你能感觉到自己的肢体You can feel your body.7200:05:34,905 00:05:36,905你可以说 “我想走到那个位置”You can say, Id like to go


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