2018学年度人教版必修一unit 1friendshipperiod 1reaing 单元专题学案(5页word版)

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1、学案设计 2018学年度人教版必修一Unit 1FriendshipPeriod 1Reaing 单元专题学案识记词汇1.Match the words and phrases.A.words (单词连线)1)outdoors2)dislike3)disagree4)loose5)pack6)survey7)item8)suitcase9)series10)partner1)松的,松开的2)在户外,在野外3)调查4)打包,捆扎5)不同意6)不喜欢,厌恶7)伙伴8)项目,条款9)连续;系列10)手提箱B.phrases(短语连线)1)将装箱打包2)使平静下来,使镇静3)记下,放下;登记4)故意地

2、5)在黄昏时刻1)at dusk2)set down3)on purpose4)pack up5)calm down2.根据释义写出单词1) make someone feel unhappy or worried2) pay no attention to,take no notice of,pretend not to see3) completely4) the ability or right to control people or things5) a piece of cloth that is hung to cover a window6) go to live in a n

3、ew place and stay there7) get well again after being ill or hurt,etc.8) correctly,precisely9) feeling or showing thanks,thankful10) a small piece of advice;a thin pointed end精讲词汇1.add vt.加;增加;补充说【完成句子】1)If you 3 and 5,youll get 8.3加5等于8.2)If the soup is salty,you can some water it.如果汤太咸,你可以向里面加点水。3)

4、The fine weather our pleasure.好天气增加了我们的欢乐。4)The storm only added our difficulties.暴风雨只是增加了我们的困难。5)He said goodbye and that he was pleased with the result.他告辞,并补充说他对结果感到满意。6)He that they would return a week later.他接着说,他们一周后回来。7) these figures.将这些数加起来。8)Abraham Lincolns entire school education no more

5、 than one year.亚伯拉罕林肯接受的全部学校教育加起来总共不过一年。add.to. 把加到上add to 增加;增添add up 把加起来add up to 加起来总计2.upset adj.心烦意乱的;不适的;vt.使不安,使心烦【完成句子】1)Theres no point in it.犯不着为此事难过。2)I understand (多么难过)you are feeling.3)He had an stomach.他肠胃不适。4)This decision is likely to a lot of people.这个决定很可能会使很多人不快。5)It (upset)me t

6、o think of her all alone in that big house.想到她孤身一人守着那个大房子,我就很不舒服。be/get upset about 对心烦意乱It upsets sb.to do. 做使某人不安3.concern v.使担忧;涉及;关系到;n.担心;关注【填空】1)What me is our lack of preparation for the change.我担心的是我们对事态的变化缺乏准备。2)The story the princes effort to rescue Pamina.这故事讲的是王子奋力解救帕米娜。3)His health is b

7、eginning to me.他的健康开始使我担心。4)She has a deep concern the safety of her children.她深切挂念她孩子们的安全。5)There is growing about violence on television.人们对电视上的暴力日见忧虑。6)We are all concerned her health.我们都非常关切她的健康。7)The President is deeply about this issue.总统对这个问题深感担忧。concerned adj. 担心的,关心的;有关的be concerned about.

8、对.很担心have concern for . 对.的担心4.fall in love with.爱上;be in love with.与相爱;be tired of.厌倦;be tired from因而感到疲惫【完成句子】1)I in love with the city the moment I stepped in it.2)Mary in love with Mike for many years.3)I am tired so much housework.4)He is tired walking for so long.运用词汇.单词拼写1.If you live in the

9、snowy part for a long time,you might be very t of winter by now.2.The country has not yet r from the effects of the war.3.In the past a few days she has become seriously ill,s great pain and discomfort.4.As far as I am c,riding bicycles is a good solution.5.They completely i these facts as if they n

10、ever existed.6.People do stupid things when they are (心烦意乱的).7.They decided to (定居下来)down in America at last.8.Here are some of my ideas.What would you (补充,添加)?9.Then began a (系列)of wet days that spoiled our vacation.10.You copied this work from Paul because youve made (正是)the same mistakes.单项填空1.Sh

11、e refused to offer any help,which quite all the people present.A.ignored B.settled C.upset D.suffered2.“If you your diet,trouble will follow.” my doctor warned me.A.packB.ignoreC.recoverD.concern3.He devoted himself to his research work,having no time for play.A.exactlyB.gratefullyC.looselyD.entirel

12、y4.He has more than anybody else in the company.A.energyB.strengthC.powerD.force5.She drew back the to let some sunlight in.A.curtainsB.suitcasesC.partnersD.teenagers6.I cant express how I am for all youve done for me.A.gratefulB.looseC.calmD.entire7.In order to build the dam,they moved the local pe

13、ople and them in another place.A.recoveredB.ignoredC.concernedD.settled8.The doctors are delighted to find that the patient is beginning to from heart trouble.A.uncoverB.discoverC.recoverD.cover9.The train arrived at 8 oclock,neither earlier nor later.A.clearlyB.exactlyC.widelyD.nearly10.Steve gave

14、me some useful on how to take good pictures.A.powersB.tipsC.itemsD.thunders.短文填空My New Life in High SchoolIt has been a long time since I started high school.At present I get along well my classmates and enjoy my school days.At first,I was not adapted to the new life.(准确地) speaking,I (遭受)a lot at first. (为了)get a good mark,I got up very early to study.But for the first exam,all my scores (加起来总计)500,which really (使心烦)me.My (伙


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