2018-2019学年度人教版必修二unit 5 music-reading教案 (7)

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1、编号11Unit 5 Music The band that wasnt教学内容:人教版英语必修2 Unit 5 Music: The band that wasnt课 型:阅读课来源:学,科,网教学对象:高一年级学生教学内容分析:本单元的话题是“音乐”、“音乐类型”、和“乐队”。本课“The band that wasnt”(“曾不是乐队的乐队”)是单元的精读课文。文章先介绍了一个乐队形成的通常过程。然后描述了门基乐队(The Monkees)由“假乐队”发展为“真乐队”、“成功的乐队”的特殊历程。通过对课文的学习,学生将了解音乐的价值、乐队的成名过程,并领悟乐队成功的要素。本课理解的关键点


3、aims:Knowledge objectives1. Learn about what a band is.2. Describe the formation and development of a band.3. Master the words and phrases related to the formation and development of a band.Musician, instrument, performance, dream of, pretend, to be honest, attachto, form, earn, studio, millionaire,

4、 play jokes on, rely on, get familiar with, or so, break up.Skill objectives 1. Learn to predict the possible contents of a text through the title and the pictures.2. Learn to sum up the main idea of a paragraph by reading the topic sentences as well as key words or phrases.3. Learn to scan for key

5、information by spotting the verbal phrases and transitional words.Affection objectives1. To learn what music is from enjoying different styles of music and talking about different bands;2. To Learn about the important factors to success such as the full love of music, the hard working,the passion to

6、 the career, the team sprit etc.Important and difficult points:1. To understand what a band is.2. To sum up the differences and similarities between an ordinary band and the Monkees.Teaching procedure Step 1 Warming-up1. T plays a short music video by a band a few minutes before the class. 2. T intr

7、oduces the topic of “music” in the new unit by asking “Do you like music? What kind of music styles do you know? 3. Ss talk more about different music styles (e.g. classical, rock & roll, rap, jazz etc.) with Ts introduction & explanations.4. Ss listen to the different music video and name it out an

8、d talk about how they feel when listening to the different music.Step 2 Lead-in 1. Ss look and say about some pictures of the band they are familiar with (e.g. Beyond, Beatles) 2. Read a passage about Beatles (甲壳虫乐队) with some Qs: “Whats the music style of Beatles? ” “What do they write about in the

9、ir songs?” “When did they become famous? (70s)”. 3. T indicates the students that today they are going to learn about a band(the Monkees门基乐队)that was of the same time with the Beatles in the 70s last century and even once more popular than the Beatles.4. T plays a short video of the Monkees if neces

10、sary and asks Ss how they like the Monkees song or their style of performance and if they would like to find out why the Monkees were so popular. 来源:学科网Step3 Reading1. Ss read the title of the passage with the question “What does the title mean?”2. Ss predict the possible contents of the passage acc

11、ording to the title and the pictures on Page 34. ( Q: What does the title mean? Is the Monkees a real band or not?)3. Ss underline the key words to explain if the Monkees is a real band or not.4. Sum up the main idea of the text. (Main idea:The Monkees was not a real band in the beginning, but later

12、 it developed into a real band.)5. T guides Ss to sum up the main idea of each paragraph by going through the topic sentences as well as the key words and phrases in each paragraph.Para. 1 Peoples dreams of being famous as singers and musicians.Para. 2 The usual way that a band is formed.来源:Z。xx。k.C

13、omPara. 3 The formation of the Monkees.Para. 4 The development of the Monkees. 6. Ss read Paragraph 2 and draw a flow chart to show the formation of a band. 来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_KStart as_Later, 7. Ss read Paragraph 3 & 4 about the formation and development of the Monkees and then fill in the blanks. Forma

14、tionBegan as _ with one _ and three _, who _with each other while playing music _ the Beatles.Development_other musicians and _ to sing during the broadcast;However,after a year or so,来源:学,科,网Started to sing and play_; _ their own records;Became more _and sold more _ than the Beatles;_in 1970; _ in

15、the mid-1980s.8. Ss check the answers and share information together; Look at the chart and tell which part shows that the Monkees was not a real band, and which part shows that they are a real band. (Draw the students attention to the transitional word “however” that indicate the change of something.)Step 4 Post-reading 1. Discuss in pairs about the following Qs:(1) In what way do you think the Monkees is different from or similar to other bands?(2) In



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