2018-2019学年度人教版必修二unit 3 computers -using language练习

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1、必修二 Unit 3 Computers Learning Plan Period 6 Using language Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims: Master the new words and expressions2. Ability aims:Enable the students to know in what ways computers are used today3. Emotional aim:Arouse students imaginative ability.Content to preview1. Preview the follow

2、ing words androidstrikersignalshot (n.)competitionNagoyaSeattlecheatencouragecreatesystemcoachpreparereliableelectronicbrainappearancecharacterpartner samplemopnaughtyniecespoil2. Preview the following expressions1. be allowed _ (do) 2. 事实上:3. ran _( 很快) 4. 像人那样思维:5. 用计算机语言: 6. 新情况III. New knowledge

3、1. Imagine what a robot or an android can do in our daily life?2. read the passage and fill in the file for AndyNameAndyAppearanceSizeCharacterAbilityJob3. Read the text carefully to find the answers to the following questions.1) How often are the androids allowed to get together to play a football

4、game?2) Where did Andy first compete ?3) What does Andys programmer programs him with?4) What does Andy serve as on the football team?5) Who is Andys coach?4. language points: 1) Personally 2) even better 3) in a way Other phrases about “ way”4) arise-_ (p.)- _ (p.p)5) make up 6) after all first of

5、all above all all above7) deal with8) watch out9) wanderwonderIV. Self check1.I cant tell exactly when Ill get there; _I will be there as early as I can A. however B. thus C. so D. anyhow2.Can you _my dog while I am on holiday?A. watch out B. watch overC. look outD. look over3.Many people trust Joe

6、and think highly of him, but _ I think he is actually dishonest. A. generallyB. speciallyC. especiallyD. personally4.Soon there _ a question at the meeting who would be the best choice to be sent to work in the west. A. rose B. raised C. arose D. caused5.How are you going to _such problems?A. do with B. deal withC. dealD. do up6.You are standing too near the camera. Can you move_? A. a bit farB. a little fartherC. a bit of fartherD. a little farV. Summary 1. words you have learnt:2. phrases you have grasped:3. difficulty you still have:


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