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1、全省各地交警部门积极会同媒体围绕畅行中国,交警同行主题进行宣传筹备,组织走进直播间、现场连线、随警作战等活动Unit 1 Getting along with others 课 堂 检 测.用所给词的适当形式填空1I always cannot help_(give) people in trouble a hand.But I am so busy today that I cant help_(do) the work with you.2It was unbelievable that the fans waited outside the gym for three hours jus

2、t _(have) a look at the sports stars.3I knocked on the door and tried to wake up the children,but there was no _(respond)at all.4Members receive discounts in the shops and the restaurants,as well as free _(admit) to the Museum.5Our company _(sincere) welcomes the arrival of new and old customers and

3、 cooperations.6Drinking water really can help keep you _(cheer)A study suggested that even slight dehydration(脱水) affected the moods of its female participants.7I feel sorry for my behavior yesterday and please accept my sincere _(apologize)8He drew his readers into the _(argue) by drawing them into

4、 the story.9He said he felt _(betray) by his friend Hannah at first.10He got annoyed,_(say) it wasnt his fault.答案1.giving;(to)do2.to have3.response4.admission5.sincerely6.cheerful7.apology8.argument9.betrayed10.saying.完成句子1She pretended _ (在专心地听)2Health and environmental problems have increasingly b

5、ecome _(关注的焦点)3No matter when I recall the funny story,I_(忍不住大笑起来)4_(多亏老师的鼓励),we can make continuous progress in life.5Dont always _(把失败归咎于他人)Sometimes you yourself _(应该责怪)6As the salary advanced,_(生活费用也提高了)答案1.to be listening attentively2.the focus of attention3.cant help bursting into laughter/bur

6、st out laughing4.Thanks to our teachers encouragement5.blame your own failure on others;are to blame6.so did the cost of living.课文缩写填空Secrets and liesSarah told Annie that Hannah had been her best friend since primary school in her letter.They were both very hardworking and got good 1.grades at scho

7、ol.One day,they had a 2.surprise math quiz.Though it was easy,Sarah got the lowest grade in the class!The next day Sarah found almost everyone knew it.She was so angry with Hannah because she only told Hannah the secret.Hannah said someone must have 3.spied on them in the washroom,but Sarah didnt be

8、lieve her explanation and couldnt 4.forgive her.A friendship in troubleIn Andrews letter,he said he and his best friend Matthew were in the school football team.Last week they played against another school.The other team was 5.superb and they really had to focus.In the match Matthew couldnt keep pac

9、e with the game so they were 6.defeatedFor this reason,Andrew got angry with him and said that he had not tried hard enough.Matthew got 7.annoyed,saying it wasnt his fault and that Andrew shouldnt talk to him that way.They 8.quarreled and it turned into a horrible argument at last.Because Andrew disliked seeing his team lost,he made some cruel 9.remarksSince they 10.argued,they had stopped talking to each other.Andrew felt awkward.各地交警部门将在9月29日前通过电视、广播、交警双微平台等各类渠道,向社会公布本地国庆假期交通流量研判情况和分流绕行预案警媒携手联合开展出行安全信息和预警提示。


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