七年级英语上册 unit 1 my name’s gina能力提升练习 (新版)人教新目标版

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《七年级英语上册 unit 1 my name’s gina能力提升练习 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语上册 unit 1 my name’s gina能力提升练习 (新版)人教新目标版(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、同时我们还召开了党委会,进行了专题研究,并召开工作安排会,及早启动了全域无垃圾治理工作。在工作中,我们成立了领导小组、确定了三层面、一中心和四主线的工作重点能力提升(时间45分钟 满分100分)ACan you introduce and greet with your new classmates? (你能与你的新同学互做介绍并互致问题吗?)(5分) BCan you introduce one of your classmates? (你能向我们介绍你的一位同学吗?)(5分) AListen to the sentences twice and choose the right words

2、 you hear (听两遍句子,选出你所听到的单词。)(10分) 1AMary BLinda CAmy DKate 2Aher Bmy Chis Dyour 3ASmith BJones CGreen DGrace 4ABill BMark CPeter DTony 5A4233688 B4323688 C4323866 D4233866 BListen to the dialogue twice and fill in the form(听两遍对话,填写下列表格。)(10分)First nameLast nameTelephone number. write the answers acc

3、ording to the pictures(请你看图写出答案。)(16分). Choose the correct words from the list to complete the sentences.(请你选出恰当的词填入下列空格中。)(10分) First I ts is her What his last Its Whats number it your Example: A: Is her name Amy? A: Whats _name? B: His name is Jeff Green. A: Whats his _name? B: His _name _Jeff. A:

4、 Is _ _ name Smith?B: No, his _names Green.A: _ his telephone _?B: _628-4573. Make right sentences. (下面句子中单词的顺序乱了,请你把他们排好。)(10分) 1Is name first Tony his _ 2. name Tina her is _3. 5376258 phone my is number _ 4. family is name Brown your _ 5. number what your phone is _ Please finish the conversation

5、(请你完成下列对话。)(14分) A:Hi! B:Hi! A: (1) ? B:My names Beck A:Nice to meet you! B: (2) A: (3) ? B:Its 5556547 A: (4) ? B:Her names Rose。 A: (5) ? B:Her family name is White A: (6) _? B:Its 5557246 A:Thank you B: (7)_Read the paragraphThen read the statements and circle T for “true” or F for “false”(读短文,测测

6、你的判断力,T代表正确,F代表错误。)(10分)A lot of English people have three names:a first name,a middle name and a family nameTheir family name comes lastFor example(例如n),my full name is Bill Allan GreenGreen is my family nameMy first name is Bill,and my middle name is AllanPeople dont use their middle names very mu

7、ch In China,the first name is the family name,and the last name is the given(给予的adj)name. 1. All English people have three names T F 2. People use their middle names all the time T F 3. In England,their family name comes last T F4. In China,the first name is the given name T F 5. Bill is a family na

8、me T FPlease make a school card yourself and write some sentences about it(请你为自己制作一个徽,并写一段话介绍一下你的情况。5句以上。)(10分)First name:Last name: Your photo Telephone number: (你的照片)School:Class:参考答案 Unit 1 My names GinaI要求:(1)语音、语调标准,表达流畅自如,语感强。 (2)表情自然,富有感情。 提示用语:A:Hello! My namesWhats your name? Nice to meet y

9、ou! Whats your telephone number? B:This is my friend KateHer family name is A1B 2D 3C 4A 5CBFirst nameHelenTomLast nameKingSmithTelephone number327-6549327-68321three 2four 3eight 4seven 5nine 6two 7six 8onehis,first,first,is,his,last,last,Whats,number,ItsV1His first name is Tony 2Is her name Tina?

10、3My phone number is 537-6258 4Your family name is Brown 5Whats your phone number?(1)What is your name? (2)Nice to meet you! (3)Whats your telephone number? (4)Whats her name? (5)Whats her family name? (6)Whats her telephone number? (7)Youre welcome1F 2F 3T 4F 5FFirst name:PaulLast name:Smith Your ph

11、otoTelephone number:227-4359 (你的照片)School:No13 Middle SchoolClass:Three. 要求:(1)书写工整规范。(2)至少5句以上。(3)先补上胸卡,再介绍你自己。 要点提示(范文): My name is Paul SmithPaul is my first nameSmith is my last nameMy telephone number is 227-4359I am in No13 Middle Schoo1I am in Class Three, Grade Two 附:听力原文 A1Her name is Linda 2Whats your name? 3Hisfamily name is Green 4The boys name is Bi11 5My telephone number is 432-3866 B. A:Hi! My name is Tom SmithWhats your name? B:My name is Helen KingNice to meet you A:Nice to meet you,tooIs your family name King,K-I-N



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