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1、海淀二模:When I was in the sixth grade, one day my teacher asked our class to think about the question “What does doing the right thing mean to you?” over the weekend. We could talk to our parents or anyone else(we thought might have a good answer). 35 By Monday, we were to hand in an essay(论文) on it, a

2、nd be prepared to live up to our 36 answers . 当我上六年级的时候,有一天,我的老师要求我们班级思考一个问题“做正确的事情对你意味着什么” 在这周末。我们可以和我们的父母或者任何其他的我们认为可能有好的答案的人。直到周一,我们将要上交一篇关于它的论文,并准备接受我们的答案。The entire weekend, I was trying to 37 come up with something (that would impress my teacher and be easy to live by). I talked to my parents,

3、 called my grandmother and asked my neighbor. Everyone had good answers, but I didnt feel like I could live up to them. 整个周末,我尝试的想出一些将会使我的老师印象深刻并容易认同的事情。我和我的父母谈,给我的奶奶打电话,询问我的邻居。 每个人都有好的答案,但是我不觉得我能赞同他们。On Sunday afternoon, my parents said they were going to my Aunt Cindys house. That usually 38 meant

4、 that I would have to entertain my four-year-old cousin Andrea 39 while my parents visited. I found a Disney movie for Andrea, and then I sat down and started to write my essay. It was due(到期的)the next morning and this was my last 40 chance . 在周日下午,我父母说他们将去我辛迪阿姨的家。那通常意味着我将不得不照顾的四岁的表妹Andrea当我父母拜访的时候。

5、我找到一个迪士尼的电影给Andrea。然后我坐下来开始写我的论文。第二天早上就到期了,这是我最后的机会。Soon I felt a pair of eyes on me. It was Andrea. “What are you doing?” Andrea asked. “I have to write an essay about what doing the right thing means to me.” I answered. Andrea laughed. Could this smart four-year-old 41 possibly know the answer? “T

6、hats easy,” she said. “Doing the right thing means being nice to your family and friends. Never lie. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Take a bath when youre 42 dirty . And never put rocks in your mouth.” 很快地我感觉有一双眼睛瞅着我。是Andrea.“你在干什么”Andrea 问。我不得不写一篇关于“做正确的事情对我意味着什么”的论文。我回答。Andrea 大笑。这个聪明的四岁(小孩)可能

7、知道答案么?“那很容易”,她说。“做正确的事情意味着对你的家人和朋友友好”。从不撒谎。吃许多水果和蔬菜。当你脏的时候要洗澡。从不把石头放在嘴里。I stared with great 43 surprise at my little cousin. Then I jumped up and gave her the biggest hug. Not only had Andrea answered a very tough question for me, but I could easily live by 44 all of her answers. All I had to do was

8、 to be nice, not to lie, to keep myself clean and healthy, and never put rocks in my mouth. So when I wrote my essay, I 45 include the story about Andrea and how she had answered my question.我吃惊地盯着我的小表妹。然后我跳起来给了他一个大大的拥抱。不但Andrea回答了一个对我然说非常困难的问题,而且我能很容易的接受所有她的答案。我所要做到事就是要友好,不撒谎,保持自己的干净和健康,不要把石头放在嘴里。所

9、以当我写我的论文的时候。我把Andrea的故事以及她如何回答我的问题这件事包含在了我的论文中。 Two weeks later, my teacher returned everyones essays. I 46 received an A+ along with a little note my teacher had written at the top: “Always do the right thing and give Andrea an A+, too!”两周后,我的老师返还了每个人的论文。我得到了一个A+ 附带着一个小的便条,我的老师在顶部写着:“经常做正确的事情,并且也给A

10、ndrea 一个A+.”35. A. By B. OverB. AboutD. For36. A. answersB. plansC. adviceD. information37. A. look throughB. keep onC. make up ofD. come up with38. A. leftB. meant C. decidedD. explained39. A. sinceB. becauseC. whileD. before40. A. task B. chanceC. stepD. choice 41. A. quicklyB. normallyC. seriousl

11、yD. possibly42. A. dirtyB. tiredC. sleepyD. unhappy43. A. prideB. fearC. surpriseD. worry44. A. anyB. allC. someD. none45. A. readB. found C. includedD. returned46. A. preparedB. expectedC. introducedD. received东城一模:I must share a heartwarming experience( I enjoyed this week), both as a parent and a

12、 human being.我必须要分享一个暖心的经历我这周享受的。既作为一个家长又作为一个人。 My 35 daughter , Emma, started back to school last week. There is a young boy in her class called Jake. It seems that hes not a nice boy. He is treated very badly by other kids, and some boys often pick on(刁难)him. 我的女儿,Emma, 上周开始返回学校。在她的班里,有一个小男孩叫Jake.

13、 似乎他不是一个好的男孩。其他的孩子很坏的对待他,一些男孩经常刁难他。 For several nights this week Emma came home from school 36 upset about the fact that Jake got picked on so much. She also mentioned that he had no school supplies as his family could not 37 afford them. He is always asking to borrow paper. It gives the kids even m

14、ore reason to pick on him.这周的几个晚上,Emma 从学校回到家,心烦于Jake 被欺负的事。她也提到她没有学习用品,因为他的家庭不能支付的起。他也总被要求去借纸。这给了那些孩子更多的理由刁难他。One night Emma and I sat together and discussed the situation in great detail. We made a plan, and Emma decided to ask Jake what he 38 need for supplies.一天晚上,Emma和我坐在一起详细地讨论这个情况。我们做了一个计划。Em

15、ma 决定问Jake他需要什么学习用品。The next day Emma spent some time with Jake and really came to 39 realize that this young man had a heart of gold, but 40 hardly had the chance to show it. Emma asked Jake if he needed school supplies and if he could make a list for her, for she 41 would bring in extra supplies( that she had at home). Jake made a small list of several things. Emma told him she was happy to help, and Jake felt most 42 thankful . 第二天, Emma 和Jake度过了一段时间,真正意识到这个年轻人有一个金子般的心,但是几乎没有机会去展示它。Emma 问Jake



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