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1、第二单元一、词语检测,根据句意及所给的首字母或汉语提示,完成单词。 1. I want to drink some water Im very t_. 2. Its best to go to bed _ (早早地). 3. I _ (相信) I can pass the tests. 4. Take some m_, youll be better.5. Its i_ to eat breakfast every day. 6. My brother isnt at home at the m_. 7. Dont get a_ with your little sister.8. He di

2、dnt go to bed u_ he finished his homework. 二、短语互译1. 早睡觉_ 2. stressed out_ 3. 的平衡_4. Traditional Chinese doctors_ 5. 大多_ 6. Chinese medicine_7. 此刻,此时_8. host family_ 三、根据提示完成句子1. 你不应该迟到。 You_ _late.2. 他不应该看太多的电视。 He shouldnt watch TV _ _. 3. 晚饭后散步对人有益。 _ after dinner_ _ for us.4. 拥有健康的生活方式很容易。 _ _to

3、have a healthy lifestyle. 5. 今年我的压力很大。 Im _ _ this year. 四、单项选择1. Its important to eat a _ diet. A. balanced B. balance C. balancing D. balances 2. My mother is busy. She has _ housework to do. Atoo much B. too many C. much too D. many too 3. You should not eat _24 hours. A. something in B. nothing

4、for C. anything for D. everything at 4. My mother is ill. _. A. Dont worry. B. No hurry. C. Im sorry to hear that. D. OK. 5. I feel stressed out. I have so much work to do every day. Youd better not work too hard. Its good for you to take some _, I think. A. health B. exercise C. lesson D. work6. Th

5、is kind of cake looks _and smells_. A. good, well B. well, good C. good, good D. well, well 7. I have to speak to my grandpa loudly because something is wrong with his _. A. eyes B. legs C. mouth D. ears 8. Chinese doctors believe that they should eat more foods_ tofu. A. for B. like C. as D. and 9.

6、You shouldnt drink_water before sleep. A. too much B. much too C. too many D. too less 10. _important to exercise every day. A. Its B. Thats C. Theyre D. This is 11. There is nothing for dinner, so I have to buy _ things at the supermarket. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little12. Who is the girl st

7、anding over there? Well, if you _ know, her name is Joe. A. must B. may C. can D. shall 13. He _the radio every morning. A. listens to B. listens C. hears D. hears of 14. The _now is that we have lots of _to ask. A. question; problem B. question; problems C. problem; questions D. problem; question15

8、. He speaks very good English but he knows _ English people. A. few B. little C. a few D. a little 16. Mrs Jenny gave us _on how to learn English well. A. some advices B. many advices C. some advice D. an advice 17. Why dont you go to the shop on foot? It takes me _ time. A. much too B. too much C.

9、very much D. too many18. Its very cold. There is _ snow on the road. A. much too B. too much C. very much D. many19. Did you _ some medicine? A. take B. eat C. drink D. have20. Are you feeling _ today? A. better B. good C. well D. bad21. Whats _ you? A. matter with B. matter of C. the matter with D.

10、 the matter 22. _ you have a sore throat? A. Do B. Are C. Can D. Have23. You _be quiet when you are in the reading room. A. should B. shouldnt C. can D. cant 24. Mom, _ I play computer games? Yes, you can. But you have to finish your homework first. A. must B. may C. will D. need 25. Whats the matter with you? I caught _bad cold and had to stay in _ bed. A. a; / B. a; the C. a; a D. the; the 26. I have got a bad cold. I feel terrible. _ A. All right. B. Is that so? C. Sorry to hear that. D. Im afraid so2第2 页,共 2页



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