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1、【韦玉鲜教案设计新目标初中英语八年级下册】Unit 1 Whats the matter? 教学内容 Section B (1a-1d)教学目标(重点)让学生熟练拼写和运用本课时的新单词和短语,掌握表达建议的句子。教学难点教会学生如何针对所遇到的意外事故给出正确的处理方法。教具准备多媒体课件、录音机、卡片、PPT图片。教学过程Step1 Review (复习)1.全班齐读 Unit 1 的单词。2.复习身体状况和简单的建议。-How are you?-Im fine, thank you. And you?-Im sorry. Im not feeling well, because I ha

2、ve a cough.-What should I do? -You should go to the hospital. Step 2 Presentation(呈现)1.导入(leading-in)(给学生欣赏一段关于国际足球比赛赛场上出现意外事故的视频。) T: Whats the matter with the boy?Ss: He fell down and hurt himself.T: Yes, This kind of accidents often happen to us, and if they happen to us. What should we do? Ok, t

3、oday we are going to learn something about that. Lets come to Unit1 Section B (1a-1d).2.自主学习(self learning)和预习检测(Preview detection)让学生在小组里交流预习检测部分的答案,并大声读出他们会读的单词或短语,然后在班级面前展示他们的答案。全班有节奏性的齐读单词短语。检测小组和个人朗读单词短语情况。游戏单词记忆大比拼。3.新句型呈现呈现新句型:幻灯片展示(根据图片,运用刚刚学过的短语补充句子完整)T: Shows the pictures one by one, then

4、ask and answer like this:-Whats the matter with him? -He has a nosebleed-What should he do? -He should put his head down.教师领读新句型,男女生分组操练。 Step 3 Pratice and show(操练与展示)1.Pair work(两两对话)Let students draw a simple picture about accident, then ask and answer with their partners. A: Whats the matter wit

5、h him?(指着简笔图画)B: He felt sick. A: What should he do?B: He should take his temperature.Show their dialogue to the whole class.2. Group work(以小组活动方式,结合现实中经常发生的意外事故编或演情景剧) Get the students to make their own play in groups. They can do it like this:S1: Whats the matter with you?S2: Oh, I hurt my back. S

6、3: You should lie down and have a rest.Get the students to act out their play in groups.Step 4 Consolidation and expandation (巩固和拓展)1.ListeningPlay the recording and get the students to match the problems with the treatments.Get the students to check the answers with their partners.2.拓展Sharing your

7、trouble(分享烦恼,彼此建议)在我们生活中,每个人都有自己的烦恼,请你把你的烦恼写在一张纸条上并贴在白班上汇总,然后再根据这些问题烦恼进行小组讨论,并提出一些解决问题的建议,最后小组推选一名同学把你们小组情况向大家汇报。Step 5 Test(当堂检测)1. Finish the exercise in the learning case.2. Check the answers in groups.3. Show the answers to the class.教学后记(反思)本节课主要学习有关伤病及处理建议的表达。我以高效课堂理念为指导,又以五步教学法来统领课堂,让两者很好地融合在一起。一开始我就以生动形象的做了咳嗽难受样子的动作,并让同学们用should给我提出了建议,使学生的思维在最短的时间里被激活。这环节也为本节课的主题做出很好的铺垫。在group work环节,学生们编演了的“小短剧”也是围绕本节课话题展开,主要是表演了疾病和意外事故以及处理办法。在表演的过程中,学生创造性了展示了各种病的症状,并给予了适当的建议。本单元不仅仅是语言的学习,通过情景剧的展示,学生也学到了日常生活中一些处理疾病和意外事故的常识,这就是学以致用吧。3



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