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1、中北大学信息商务学院毕 业 论 文 开 题 报 告学 生 姓 名 : 学 号 : 09080344X32学 院 、 系 :人文社会科学学院外语系专 业 :英语论 文 题 目 : TheAnalysis Of Love View In Gone WithThe Wind对飘中爱情观的分析指 导 教 师 :张宏涛2012 年 3 月 15 日毕 业 论 文 开 题 报 告1 结 合 毕 业 论 文 情 况 , 根 据 所 查 阅 的 文 献 资 料 , 撰 写 2000 字 左 右 的 文献 综 述 : Literature ReviewMargaret Mannerly Mitchell, an

2、 American famous historical and romantic novelist inthe middle 20th century, wrote one and the only one novel in her life, Gone with the Wind.When it was published, its sale broke many records among the publishing circles; its famousall over the world and also won the 1937 Pulitzer Prize in fiction.

3、 Margaret Mitchell wasborn in Atlanta where she always heard about many stories about the war between thenorthern and southern states in American. Then, when she was wounded in home, shedetermined to write a book about the war. The novel Gone with the Wind was set during thetimes of the Civil War in

4、 Atlantic. In this novel, different kinds of love appearing at thattime, a love contrasted with the background of the harsh Civil War and rough Reconstructionafter the war, flowered passionately and faded abruptly. Gone with the Wind has alwaysbeen regarded as one of the most classic love stories in

5、American literature.The work, Gone with the Wind, presents the social turmoil in American Civil War. Itdescribes the life conditions in the Old South before the war and the struggle people do inorder to survive during the process of reconstruction after the war. So readers can also getgenera1 unders

6、tanding about the local conditions and customs, social fashion, religion andfaith and so on at that time in America. On the eve of American Civil War, the heroineScarlett, daughter of a Southern planter, only cares about capturing Ashley, whom she loves inher heart, but who will be engaged with anot

7、her woman. At that moment, the only thing shewants to do is trying to recapture Ashley. However, along with the wars aggravation, thelifestyle of the cotton kingdom built by the whole south collapsed. Scarlett begins herstruggle against the hardship. During this process, she does not give up the str

8、ong emotionto Ashley and cherishes her fantasy love to support her in overcoming every difficulty andcrisis. And her obstinacy makes her always blind to Rhett, who keeps to her side and lovesand cares her every minute. At the last moment, she knows the truth and gets clearrecognition about his inner

9、 feeling after all. But it is too late. She loses everythingtheman she loves and the man who loves her as well as her only friend.Gone with the Wind has won the worlds largest audience for its pathos and delicatestyle. Since it was published, it had been among the forefront of the worlds best-sellin

10、gbook, sales second only to the Bible, but the position in literary history was not so high.Now there are more and more people addressing themselves to study it from manyperspectives.Firstly, there are some essays about the relationship between Margaret Mitchell and herworks. Anne Edwards (1983) wro

11、te a book on Margaret Mitchells life. The book presentsreaders with the real language and the real thoughts of Margaret, which will help people todeconstruct the false legends about Margaret Mitchell. Carolyn Gage (1997) described atrue-life Mitchell who suffered great grief after her fiancs death a

12、nd then got flash marriageto a bootlegger which took her little happiness. And later, even though she enjoyed a fastpace of life, she could not escape the stigma of her gender. So when Mitchell reinvestedherself in the novel, she rewrote life the way she thought it should have been, and therefore,sh

13、e created a right man instead of the dashing and sexually charismatic alcoholic. In thisway, Gage concluded that Mitchells writing purpose was to reveal the delusion of female lifeand escape from her shadowy preceding life, so Gage appealed that females should not live indream under the patriarchal

14、society, but took Scarlett for example, to live in present andpursue what they needed.Secondly, female consciousness of tomorrow catches peoples attention. Luo Minyu(2005) thought that Gone with the Wind had three aspects and considered Scarlettsconsciousness of tomorrow as a kind of expectation: th

15、e first was to expect the freedom of lifeand equality between men and women, the second was to look forward to a peaceful worldand happy homeland, and the third one was to expect a pure and true love.Thirdly, another popular topic is the comparison between Scarlett OHara and somefemales in other wor

16、ks, such as Jane Eyre or Wang Xifeng. Liang Yaru (2006) comparedScarlett OHara with Jane Eyre. Both Scarlett and Jane were brave, strong-minded,independent and rebellious against the restrictions which set against the females by thesociety of their own time. Moreover, many scholars focused their attention on thecomparison and contrast of Scarlett with Wang Xifeng. Zhai Xu (2007) compared Scarlettand Wang Xifeng and thought that they were a typical paragon of femin


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