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1、成立市决策咨询委员会,是市委、市政府推进行政管理体制改革、提高执政能力的重要举措,是推动XX经济社会科学赶超跨越发展的重要保障。Unit 5 Canada-“The True North”.完形填空(建议用时17) 2017河北联考I would say that I have been relatively stable for the past 6 months mentally. It is _1_ considering that I should have started a new job and _2_ a breakup.There have been difficult ti

2、mes and I have dried _3_ off my phone screen over the past months, and I was even feeling suicidal (自杀的) in the early days of the _4_. Honestly it isnt the end of the _5_. Yes, its only the end of a long relationship.I have my _6_ to thank for keeping me well. He is the light of my life and never _7

3、_ me. He loves me generously and _8_. Like a good _9_ member, he takes care of me, and I take care of him.It is good to have a living one in your life, someone that needs me and that I need. That is really important. Once I had a long _10_ with him. He looked at me lovingly and seemed to really _11_

4、 what I said.I am _12_ to him. He never _13_ to seek me out and get some snuggling (依偎). I am _14_ from a computer screen, a TV screen or a phone. I am looking _15_ at him and it is saving me.He is an angle coming home. _16_ its an empty house. His fur all over the place is a(n) _17_ that he lives h

5、ere with me! He is also incredibly _18_. His meow (猫叫声) makes me smile. Watching him run up the stairs is heartwarming. He is a beautiful little soul that I _19_ every day, for it is he that has helped me out and brings me _20_ and pleasure.篇章导读:本文是记叙文。过去的一段时间“我”遭受了不少挫折和打击,在“我”处于生活低谷的时候,“我”养的猫给“我”带来

6、了希望和快乐。1A.interesting BimportantCastonishing Dobvious 答案:C 这里的should have started表惊奇、意外,所以只有astonishing能表达这种情感。句意:一想到自己竟然能开始一份新工作,熬过这次感情挫折,真令人感到惊奇。2A.suffered from Bgone throughCthought about Dmade up答案:B 成功地熬过一段感情挫折,go through“经历;通过;渡过”。3A.tearsBdustCsoup Dsweat答案:A dry tears“擦干眼泪”,与前面的difficult ti

7、mes对应。4A.life Byear Cpromotion Dbreakup答案:D breakup在这里表示“与朋友分手”,文章首段第二段中有提示。5A.world Bpain Csuccess Dfuture答案:A 参见后面一句。由上下文可知,这不是世界的末日,只是一段长期的关系的结束而已。6A.cat Bdog Cfather Dteacher答案:A 最后一段的meow有提示,全文都在讲作者的猫陪伴她渡过难关的故事。7A.praises Bbites Cdisappoints Dcheats 答案:C 根据语境可知,它是作者生活的希望,从不会让作者“失望”。8A.privately

8、 BautomaticallyCmentally Dhonestly答案:D 与空前的generously构成并列。由上下文可知,它一直毫不吝啬地、忠诚地爱着“我”。9A.team Bclub Cclass Dfamily答案:D 作者和这只猫互相照顾,就像家庭成员一样。10A.wait BjourneyCstay Dconversation答案:D 11题空后的what I said给出了提示,这里应是“进行对话”。11A.expect BunderstandCencourage Dhonor答案:B 由上下文可知,作者与它对话,它就像的确听懂作者讲的一样,亲切地看着作者。12A.grate

9、ful Bhopeful Cregretful Drespectful答案:A 由语境可知,一直以来,作者对它心存感激。本段最后一句和短文最后一句都给出了提示。13A.fails Bintends Cpretends Dtroubles答案:A fail to do sth.“未能做成某事”。句意:猫从来都不会找不到“作者”,然后依偎在“作者”怀里。14A.taken in Btaken awayCbrought up Dbrought back答案:B即因为猫,作者放弃了上网、看电视或者玩手机。句意:我常常被猫从电脑屏幕、电视屏幕或者手机前拉走。15A.intently Bnervously

10、Ccuriously Dfaithfully答案:A intently意为“专注地;专心地”。句意:我专注地看着它,它正在拯救我。16A.Perhaps BThereforeCSomehow DOtherwise答案:D 句意:它就像一个来到我家的天使,“否则(otherwise)”作者的家就会是空荡荡的。17A.idea Breason Cevidence Dchance答案:C evidence意为“证明;迹象”。句意:满地的猫毛说明它实实在在地和“我”生活在一起。18A.tough BfunnyCnaughty Dindependent答案:B 根据接下来的两句可知,这里说的是猫非常“有

11、趣、令人感到开心(funny)”。19A.feed Bwalk Ctreasure Dnotice答案:C 根据后面的原因状语从句可知,作者非常“珍惜(treasure)”这个小精灵,因为它帮助作者走出了情感困境,给作者带来了快乐和希望。20A.hope BsuggestionCspace Dexcuse答案:A 四个选项中与pleasure相呼应的唯有A项,意为“希望”。.阅读理解(建议用时16)A2017湖南彬州高三三诊Both of my parents worked fulltime when I was a little girl, so my grandmother would s

12、tay at our house during the day. We would watch game shows in the living room. Our favorite was The Price Is Right. We would call out our answers along with the contestants.When I got older and started going to school, we couldnt watch our game shows regularly. That was okay with me, though, because

13、 the one thing I liked better than watching game shows with my grandmother was helping her bake (烘烤) cakes. Watching her in the kitchen was amazing: she never seemed to need the recipes but everything she made tasted delicious.At first I would just sit in the kitchen and watch, even though I didnt u

14、nderstand what she was doing. As I got older, she let me help with the easy parts, such as measuring the sugar. The day she let me separate the eggs, I felt like I had found complete pleasure.At last, my parents decided that I could take care of myself, and my grandmother stopped coming over every d

15、ay. The love of baking, however, stayed with me. I started baking by myself, and even if the cookies ended up burnt sometimes, more often they turned out pretty well. I tried out new recipes, and whenever I got to a thorny part, I would call my grandmother for advice. Sometimes I would call her just to talk, too. I felt like I could talk to her about anything.My grandmother p



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