人教版英语八年级下教案 unit10第五课时section b (2a-2d)

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《人教版英语八年级下教案 unit10第五课时section b (2a-2d)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版英语八年级下教案 unit10第五课时section b (2a-2d)(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years.Section B (2a-2d)Teaching and learning Goals:1、 语言知识 :Learn and use the following vocabularies: nowadays,search,among,crayon,shame,regard,count,century,according,to,opposite,especially,childhood.2、 语言功能:能从阅读中获得自己周围的事物变化的相关信息。3、 学习策略:1. Using Previous Knowled

2、ge: Guessing what a text is about by using what they know. 2. Guessing the meaning of the vocabularies according to the context and word-formation.3. By reading students can master the different reading strategiesscanning and skimming.四、情感态度:珍惜自己周围事物的变化感恩社会,回报社会,关爱他人。.Teaching and learning steps: Pr

3、e-reading: Step one. Preview Look at P78 and put the following into English orally. And then, write them down without looking at the word list. 1. 一年一两次 _ 2.一位46岁的父亲和丈夫 _ 3. 离开农村去寻找工作_ 4.怀着极大的兴趣_5. 从城市里派老师 _ 6.总是保持不变_7.一起在大树下玩耍_ 8.如此快乐的一个童年_【设计意图】教师通过检查预习,让学生快速说出重要短语,了解学生对课本知识的掌握情况,为下一步的教学做铺垫。Step t

4、wo:Warming up and leading in1.Free talk about students hometown :A:What do you think of your hometown?B:I.A: Why do you like your hometown?B:I like my hometown because.The teacher can give the chart and some pictures below to help them. ( Linshan hill) (beautiful scenery) (friendly people) (old cult

5、ure)2.Predict the passage.Please look at the title and the pictures and guess what it is about. Ss: It talks about hometown feelings.T: Well done! Now talk about hometown feelings according to the chart above in groups. We all like our hometown. However, many people live their hometown every year no

6、wadays. Do you know why millions of Chinese leave the countryside every year? And how often do you think these people visit their hometowns? What new buildings does the government usually build in towns and villages? For work For study For better life 【设计意图】我引导学生通过读标题和看插图的方式预测本文的内容,然后让学生以小组为单位讨论家乡的感

7、觉,通过词汇联想的方式,激发学生想象和思考,激活学生头脑中各种相关的图式,让学生回忆已学过知识或相关经验,互相启发,畅所欲言。接着我通过图片引导学生进一步讨论为什么很多的农民要离开家乡到城里生活,这样可为阅读文章做好充分的准备。Step three: While-reading1.Read the article fast and silently to get the main idea of each paragraph. (读取大意) 【设计意图】快速阅读是为了锻炼学生在有限的时间内快速提取信息并概括归纳的能力。通过整体粗读,领略内容大意,帮助理解,为细读作准备。(默读)2. Read

8、the text carefully and silently to get the specific ideas (读取细节)Task 1:Task2.Task3: Task4: Read the paragraph 4 and choose the best answers.1. _has become a symbol of Zhong Weis hometown. A B C2) Most of the children liked to _ under that big tree. A B CTask5: 2b Find expressions in the passage that

9、 have the same meanings as these words and phrases.1. look for _ 2.consider _3. across from _ 4.in ones opinion _5. go back _ 6.changes_7.area_【设计意图】细读过程分为五个任务。每个段落设计一个任务,让学生逐个击破。让学生在了解课文大意之后把握一些细节性的内容。能够更深刻透彻的掌握课文内容。Step four Post-readingTask 1:RetellingRetell the first paragraph according to the k

10、ey words below of the pictures. A. Retell the first paragraph according to the pictures and the key words below of the words. leave their hometown for work for study some.live in. . however, others. see. millions of.leave.to search for . among .is . he has lived . find much time to . used to. havent

11、 been back for.B. Retell the second and third paragraph according to the main sentences and pictures. large hospital new road new school hometowns. have changed. large hospitals and new road. have appeared. noticed. old primary school. new school.C. Retell the fourth paragraph according to the pictu

12、res and key words. a big old tree play together under the big treeaccording to ., Some things .never change. a big old tree .opposite.the school. become quite a symbol of the place. children. like .to play together . such a happy childhood. left.soft and sweet memories.【设计意图】给出关键词和图片让学生复述出所学内容,是语言的输出任务。Task 2:2c Complete the summary with words from the passage. You may need to change the forms Many Chinese people these days leave their _ to work in the _. They usually _ to their hometowns one or two times a _. Zhong Wei hasnt been back in



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