人教新目标版英语七年级下册教案 unit6 period 2 section a (1a-2d )

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1、Unit6 Im watching TV?Period2 Section A(1a-2d)Teaching and Learning Goals1.The knowledge goals1) Students can make sentences by using the curriculum words(学会使用下列词汇造句子)newspaper, use, soup, wash, movie, just,house,drink,tea,tomorrow,pool,shop, supermarket,man2) Talk about what people are doing using P

2、resent progressive tense(学会使用现在进行时) What are you doing? Im watching TV. Whats he doing? Hes using the computer. What are they doing? Theyre listening to a CD. This is Jenny. Its Laura here. 2.The ability goals1) Ask what people are doing using What questions and Yes/No questions and short answers(能够

3、用含有现在进行时的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句,询问人们正在做的事情。)2) Can listen and understand the listening material (学会抓取听力材料中的关键信息。)3.The emotional goals通过对本单元的学习活动,能培养培养学生学习英语的兴趣,善于发现生活中正在发生的事情,积极思考,乐于助人,乐于参加各种活动的积极情感,培养学生团结合作的精神。Teaching and learning steps Sept1. Preview Translate the sentences into English.1. Let students tra

4、nslate the sentences by themselves. 2. Talk about in groups. One come to the blackboard and write the answer on the blackboard. 3. Then check the answer.1).看电视_2).打扫卫生_3).读报_4).通过电话交谈_ 5).听CD_ 6).用电脑_7).做汤_8).洗碗_9).锻炼_10).出去吃饭_ 11).明天_ 12).喝茶_ 13).看电影_ 14).他正在干什么_.他正在用电脑_.15).你想去看电影吗?_?听起来不错。_16).他在

5、读报纸吗?_ 不,他没有。他正在打篮球。_【设计意图】:复习环节通过翻译句子对所学内容检测,了解学生对所学内容的掌握情况。小组合作环节给学生参与、实践和交流的机会,体现了以学生为中心的思想,以学定教。通过英汉短语互译的形式能够让学生更好得掌握本节课的重点短语,为下面的听力及对话练习做准备。句子的翻译主要是把本节课的语法现在进行时态以翻译的形式呈现给学生,让学生从整体上了解本节课的语法结构;同时检测了学生的预习效果,教师可以更有针对性的调整自己的教学思路。Sept2. Pre-Listening Activities. Warming-up and Lead in 1. Show some pi

6、ctures on the big screen. Present the new words and expressions. watching TV talking on the phone cleaning doing her homework using the computer listening to a CD washing the dishes making soup2. Ss watch and learn the new words and expressions.3. Give Ss some time and try to remember the new words

7、and expressions. 4. (Show some pictures on the screen and ask some students to perform the actions.)e.g: T: What are you doing? S: I am doing homework. (Help him/her to answer) T: What is he /she doing? Ss: He /she is doing homework. Teach: watching TV, cleaning, reading a book, eating dinner, talki

8、ng on the phone.as the same way. 5. Work on 1a. Ss read the activities and look at the pictures. Then match the activities with pictures. 6. Check the answers with the Ss. 【设计意图】:通过图片记忆单词、短语,同时引出正在做的事情,为下一步语法的学习实现目标语言的输入。. Play a game (击鼓传花)T: Now lets play a game. What are you doing? (传信封,里面写有动词,所有

9、学生边拍手边说: What are you doing? 信封传到谁的手上,之后同学一起问,这个同学根据自己手里的动词,用现在进行时回答。)【设计意图】:用简单的同学比较熟悉的游戏,来练习本节课所学的内容,增加学生学习英语的兴趣,活跃了课堂气氛。Sept3. Listening ActivitiesWhile-listening Activities1. Listen for the general ideas of 1b1.The general idea of Conversation is about_.A.what the people are doing B.where the pe

10、ople are C.why the people come here2. Listen for the specific ideas of 1b 1b1 Listen .What are these people doing?Write the numbers from1a.1b2 Complate the dialogue according to the tape. Bob:Hello,Jenny! Jenny:Hi,Bob.Bob: Jenny, what_you_? Jenny:Im_TV. Bob:Do you want_ _tennis? Jenny:No,this TV sho

11、w is_.WhatJohn_?Bob:Hes_the dishes. Jenny:Well,what_Dave and Marry_?Bob:Theyre_ _a CD.【设计意图】:通过第一步的听选出What are these people doing?这一环节有利于学生把握听力内容,然后根据听力内容补全对话,可以让学生更好的关注听力的细节。3. Post-listening Activities1c1 Listen to the tape and repeat.2c21. Ask and answer questions about what people are doing in 1

12、a. 【设计意图】:学生听并练习听力对话让学生在模仿中学习。通过用1a中的短语看图组编对话更好地进行语言知识的内化。While-listening Activities1. Listen for the general ideas of 2aThe general idea of Conversation is”_”A.why do you like cats? B.they want to go the movies C.they want to go to the zoo 2. Listen for the specific ideas of 2aT: Jack and Steve are

13、 talking on the phone. What are they doing now? Listen to the conversations and match the answers with the questions. (Play the recording for the first time, students only listen carefully. Then, listen to the recording again, and match the answers with the questions. )Check the answers. 3. Work on

14、2b. Let Ss read the conversation in 2b first. Then play the recording for the Ss twice. The first time Ss only listen and write down the words in the blanks. Then play the recording again for the Ss to check the answers. (If necessary, press the Pause button to help.)Jack: Hello, Steve. Steve: Hi, Jack.Jack: What _you _, Steve?Steve: Im _ What about you?Jack: Im_but its kind of_.Steve: Ye



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