【典中点】2017春人教版八年级英语下册练习 unit 5 课后作业题库部分题来自《点拨》

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1、一、根据所给汉语意思写出单词1His car didnt work during the heavy _(暴风雨)2I completely forgot to buy the _(闹钟)3Then a _(奇怪的) thing happened.4There was a strong _(风) blowing outside.5S_,the boy fell off the tree.二、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1The l_ in the room is too weak. I cant see clearly.2The rain was b_ heavily against the

2、windows.来源:学优高考网gkstk3Some students are a_ the plan so we have to have another discussion.4Im sorry to come late,Mr. Steve. I fell a_ on the sofa and didnt hear the alarm.(恩施)5The sun r_ in the east and sets in the west.三、单项选择1The chairman _ from his chair.Araises BraisedCrised Drose2I was beginning

3、 _ angry.Ato getting BgotCto get Dget3The Lakers _ the Houston Rockets by a large score.Abeat Bwin Cbeated Dwon4The fire _, so we put more coal on it.Adied down Bwent downCcut down Dbrought down5Look! Whats on the ground?Oh, its my sweater. Please_.(陕西)Apick it up Bput it on Cgive it out Dtake it of

4、f四、完成句子1当那几个德国人到达机场时,雨正下得很大。It was _ _ when the Germans _ at the airport.2最终,风逐渐减弱。Finally, the wind began _ _ _.3他正靠着树站着。来源:gkstk.ComHe is _ _ the tree.4昨晚下暴雨时,你在干什么?What _ you _ _ the time of the _ last night?5据报道那位作家真的死了。来源:学优高考网gkstk_ _ _ that the writer is really dead.来源:学优高考网gkstk答案:一、1.rainst

5、orm2.alarm3.strange4wind5.Suddenly来源:学优高考网二、1.light2.beating3.against4asleep5.rises三、1.D点拨: 题意为“主席从他的椅子上起身。”人或物体本身位置升高,应用rise, rise的过去式为rose,故答案为D。2C点拨:本题采用语法判定法解答。题意为“我正要开始生气。”根据begin to do sth.“开始做某事”可知答案为C。3A点拨:本题采用寻找题眼法解答。题意为“湖人队以大比分击败休斯敦火箭队。”应选beat, beat的过去式仍为beat,故答案为A。4A点拨:题意为“火逐渐变弱了,所以我们在它上面多放了一些煤。”die down“逐渐变弱;逐渐消失”; go down“下降”; cut down“砍倒”; bring down“打垮”,根据句意可知应选A。5A点拨:本题用语境判断法。pick up捡起;put on穿上;give out分发;take off脱下;起飞。由上文可知应该是捡起。故选A。四、1.raining heavily; arrived2to die down3standing against4were;doing at;rainstorm5It is reported


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