九年级英语下册 unit 2 great people reading ii教学设计 (新版)牛津版

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1、要加强学习,把深入学习党的十九大精神和习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想作为首要任务,跟进学、经常学、反复学,真正学深悟透、学懂弄通。要带头深入调研,走向基层Unit 2 Great peopleUnit 2 Great peopleReading IITeaching objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. Use the new words and expressions correctly;2. Know how to write a biography.Teaching content1. New

2、 phrases: out of control, cutshort, manage to, further research,the pride of2. New sentence structures:He became interested in flying when he took his first flight at the age of six.He and David Scott managed to join two spacecraft together for the first time in space.Armstrong received the order to

3、 cut the flight short.He was the pride of the whole world.Teaching difficult and important pointsTo use the words and expressions correctly.Teaching methodsTask-based Teaching Method; Situational Teaching MethodTeaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-inT: Weve learned a lot about Neil Armstrong. Can you say

4、something about him?(根据关键词和图片复述阿姆斯特朗的生平,帮助学生复习上节课所学课文的核心内容。)Step 2 PracticeAsk and answer questions about Neil Armstrongs life and his flying experiences.(通过自主设计问题并给出回答,帮助学生进一步了解文本信息。有助于发展学生语言运用的能力和信息转换的能力,同时,该活动有助于训练学生的思维能力。)Step 3 Language points1. Early yearsaircraft, spacecraft, pilot, astronaut

5、, licenceT: What did Armstrong become interested in when he was six years old?S: Flying.T: Yes. That was in 1936. Did he do anything for his interest?S: He received his studentpilots licencewhen he was 16.T: What can people do after getting the pilots licence?S: Fly anaircraft.T: Apilotis a person w

6、ho flies an aircraft. What about anastronaut?S: An astronaut is a person who flies aspacecraft.T: It is difficult to get a pilots licence. But Armstrong did it at 16! What do you think of him?To accomplish great things, in addition to dream, you must act.要想成就伟业,除了梦想,必须行动。2. Pilot years(1) serveT: Wh

7、en did Armstrong become a pilot?S: T: He joined thenavyandservedas a pilot for three years. “Serve” can be used as both an intransitive and transitive verb. It is used as an intransitive verb here. “Service” is its noun form.Complete the following sentences please.(2) testvt.测试;检验n.试验;测试T: Armstrong

8、 was only 19 years old when he became a pilot. He was the youngest pilot in the navy at that time. Did he do well as a pilot?T: In 1955, he became a test pilot. What doesatestpilotdo?S: A test pilottestsall types of aircraft.Complete the following sentences, please.3. Astronaut yearsT: Armstrong bec

9、ame an experienced pilot by testing all types of aircraft.Opportunities always favor the minds that are prepared.机遇总是青睐那些有准备的人。How old was he when he was chosen to be an astronaut?T: How much do you know about his space travel? Read paragraph 3 and complete the information about his first space trav

10、el.(1) manage toT: Armstrong and David Scott managed to join two spacecraft together for the first time in space. Did they finish doing that?T: “Manage to do sth” means “succeeding in doing sth”.What happened on their way back to Earth?(2)spinvi./vt.旋转controln.控制,支配T: The spacecraft beganspinning ou

11、t of control.If something spins or if you spin it, it turns quickly around a central point.If something is out of control, it is not under your control. You cannot control it.(3) order; cut shortT: The spacecraft kept spinning. What happened later?S: Armstrong received anorder.T: “Order” can also be

12、 used as a verb. It has different meanings.Can you make sentences with the different meanings of order? Have a try!T: What did the order ask Armstrong to do?S: The order asked him tocutthe flightshort.T: He successfully brought the spacecraft down into the westernPacific Ocean. This was his first sp

13、ace travel.(4) landT: What about his second space travel? Read paragraphs 4-5 and fill in the blanks.T: Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landedApollo 11on the Moon. “Land” can be used as both a noun and a verb.Complete the sentence.T: What were the famous words he said as he stepped out the Moons surface?

14、What did he mean by saying this?T: Yes. It was one small step on the Moons surface for Armstrong, but for mankind, it was a great achievement in space technology. Its really a simple sentence with a deep meaning.(5) prideT: Armstrong was a hero. The same year he walked on the Moon, he was presented

15、the Medal of Freedom.T: He was the pride of the whole world. That is, the whole world felt proud of him.(通过设置恰当的情境,结合生动的画面,较好地训练了学生运用新知识的能力。借助语言教学的情境,设置了开放性的任务,帮助学生正确理解和运用新知识,培养了学生语言运用的能力以及观察、想象等思维能力。)Step 4 Conclusion1. Write a summary about Armstrongs life with expressions you learned this class;2. Try to write a biography of a person you like.(指导学生进一步巩固阿姆斯特朗的生平并熟练复述,由说到写,培养学生用英语进行连贯地思维和表达的能力。)Step 5 ProductionT: Armstrongs life was full of challenges. Try to talk about his li


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