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1、MSC 85/26/Add.1 I:MSC8526-Add-1.doc ANNEX 2 RESOLUTION MSC.267(85) (adopted on 4 December 2008) ADOPTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL CODE ON INTACT STABILITY, 2008 (2008 IS CODE) THE MARITIME SAFETY COMMITTEE, RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning t

2、he functions of the Committee, RECALLING ALSO resolution A.749(18) entitled “Code on Intact Stability for All Types of Ships Covered by IMO Instruments”, as amended by resolution MSC.75(69), RECOGNIZING the need to update the aforementioned Code and the importance of establishing mandatory internati

3、onal intact stability requirements, NOTING resolutions MSC.269(85) and MSC.270(85), by which it adopted, inter alia, amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as amended (hereinafter referred to as “the 1974 SOLAS Convention”) and to the Protocol of 1988

4、 relating to the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 (hereinafter referred to as “the 1988 Load Lines Protocol”), respectively, to make the introduction and the provisions of part A of the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008 mandatory under the 1974 SOLAS Convention and the 1988 Lo

5、ad Lines Protocol, HAVING CONSIDERED, at its eighty-fifth session, the text of the proposed International Code on Intact Stability, 2008, 1. ADOPTS the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code), the text of which is set out in the Annex to the present resolution; 2. INVITES Contrac

6、ting Governments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention and Parties to the 1988 Load Lines Protocol to note that the 2008 IS Code will take effect on 1 July 2010 upon the entry into force of the respective amendments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention and 1988 Load Lines Protocol; 3. REQUESTS the Secretary-General

7、to transmit certified copies of the present resolution and the text of the 2008 IS Code contained in the Annex to all Contracting Governments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention and Parties to the 1988 Load Lines Protocol; 4. FURTHER REQUESTS the Secretary-General to transmit copies of this resolution and

8、the Annex to all Members of the Organization which are not Contracting Governments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention or Parties to the 1988 Load Lines Protocol; 5. RECOMMENDS Governments concerned to use the recommendatory provisions contained in part B of the 2008 IS Code as a basis for relevant safety

9、standards, unless their national stability requirements provide at least an equivalent degree of safety. 广州番禺粤新造船有限公司专用 MSC 85/26/Add.1 ANNEX 2 Page 2 I:MSC8526-Add-1.doc ANNEX INTERNATIONAL CODE ON INTACT STABILITY, 2008 (2008 IS CODE) CONTENTS PREAMBLE INTRODUCTION 1 Purpose 2 Definitions PART A M

10、ANDATORY CRITERIA Chapter 1 General 1.1 Application 1.2 Dynamic stability phenomena in waves Chapter 2 General criteria 2.1 General 2.2 Criteria regarding righting lever curve properties 2.3 Severe wind and rolling criterion (weather criterion) Chapter 3 Special criteria for certain types of ships 3

11、.1 Passenger ships 3.2 Oil tankers of 5,000 dwt and above 3.3 Cargo ships carrying timber deck cargoes 3.4 Cargo ships carrying grain in bulk 3.5 High-speed craft PART B RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CERTAIN TYPES OF SHIPS AND ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES Chapter 1 General 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Application Chapter 2 Recom

12、mended design criteria for certain types of ships 2.1 Fishing vessels 2.2 Pontoons 2.3 Containerships greater than 100 m 2.4 Offshore supply vessels 2.5 Special purpose ships 2.6 Mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs) 广州番禺粤新造船有限公司专用 MSC 85/26/Add.1 ANNEX 2 Page 3 I:MSC8526-Add-1.doc Chapter 3 Guidan

13、ce in preparing stability information 3.1 Effect of free surfaces of liquids in tanks 3.2 Permanent ballast 3.3 Assessment of compliance with stability criteria 3.4 Standard conditions of loading to be examined 3.5 Calculation of stability curves 3.6 Stability booklet 3.7 Operational measures for sh

14、ips carrying timber deck cargoes 3.8 Operating booklets for certain ships Chapter 4 Stability calculations performed by stability instruments 4.1 Stability instruments Chapter 5 Operational provisions against capsizing 5.1 General precautions against capsizing 5.2 Operational precautions in heavy we

15、ather 5.3 Ship handling in heavy weather Chapter 6 Icing considerations 6.1 General 6.2 Cargo ships carrying timber deck cargoes 6.3 Fishing vessels 6.4 Offshore supply vessels 24 m to 100 m in length Chapter 7 Considerations for watertight and weathertight integrity 7.1 Hatchways 7.2 Machinery spac

16、e openings 7.3 Doors 7.4 Cargo ports and other similar openings 7.5 Sidescuttles, window scuppers, inlets and discharges 7.6 Other deck openings 7.7 Ventilators, air pipes and sounding devices 7.8 Freeing ports 7.9 Miscellaneous Chapter 8 Determination of lightship parameters 8.1 Application 8.2 Preparations for the inclining test 8.3 Plans required 8.4 Test procedure 8.5 Inclining test for MODUs 8.6 Stability test for pontoons 广州番禺粤新造船有限公司专用 MSC 85/26/



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