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1、第五章 非谓语第一部分 考点精讲精练 考点1. 谓语和非谓语在英语中,一个主谓结构中只能有一个谓语,再出现动词时,要变成非谓语形式。(参看:P错误!未定义书签。Error! Reference source not found.)英语中非谓语动词包括:动名词,现在分词,过去分词和动词不定式。无论它们在句中作什么成分,他们都保持着自己本身的属性特点。动名词:具有名词功能,常在句中作:主语,宾语;作定语时表功能;现在分词: 表主动和正在进行, 常在句中作: 定语, 状语,宾补;过去分词:被动和已完成,常在句中作:定语,状语,补语;动词不定式:表将来具体某一次,常在句中作; 主语;定语,状语,补语,

2、宾语等。要学好非谓语,掌握它们的本身属性很关键第1讲 作主语考点1. 动词不定式作主语与动名词作主语的区别动词原形是不能作主语的。动词作主语时,如果侧重于表示经常性,在动词后面加ing构成动名词来做主语;如果侧重于表示将来特定的某一次,则用动词不定式来做主语。 Playing basketball is my favorite sport. (“打篮球”指经常性,因此用动名词。)To go to a key college is his dream.(“上名牌大学”指特定的将来的某一次,用不定式)有时为了对称,主语,宾语(或表语)要么都用不定时,要么都用动名词。Seeing is believ

3、ing. To see is to believe.1. _ is a good form of exercise for both young and old.A. The walk B. Walking C. To walk D. Walk2. _ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to ones skin.A. Exposed B. having exposed C. Being exposed D. After being exposed3. To answer correctly is more important than _.A

4、. that you finish quickly B. finishing quickly C. to finish quickly D. finish quickly4. _ now seems impossible.A. Saving money B. To save money C. Being saved money D. To be saved money5. 【2009四川】He told us whether _ a picnic was still under discussion A. to have B. having C. have D. had考点2. what在问句

5、中作主语时,常用动名词短语来回答6. What do you think made Mary so upset?_ her new bicycle.A. As she lost B. Lost C. Losing D. Because of losing 写作专练1. 正确选择不定式或动名词做主语(P29 )第2讲 作宾语作主语用动词不定式还是动名词主要是看主语表示的动作是将来还是经常性;作宾语用动词不定式还是动名词主要是看谓语动词的搭配。考点1. 有些动词只能跟不定式作宾语这类及物动词常见的有:agree (同意) , ask (请、要) , attempt (试图) , afford 付得

6、起 agree 同意 ask 要求apply 申请care (想要) , choose (决定、要) , decide (决定) , desire (希望) , determine (决心) , help 帮助expect (期望) , fail (未能) , hope (希望) , intend (打算) , learn (学习) , manage (设法) , offer (愿意) , plan (计划、打算) , pretend (假装) , refuse (拒绝、谢绝) , wish (希望) , promise (答应),want(想要)等等。1. We asked _ to wor

7、k in the countryside.A. to be sent B. to send C. to be sending D. sending2. 【2010江西】There were many talented actors out there just waiting .A. to discover B. to be discovered C. discovered D. being discovered3. I expected _ your friend, but my car broke down on the way.A. Ill meet B. meeting C. to m

8、eeting D. to meet4. She told me that she had decided _ again.A. be not late B. not be lateC. not to be lateD. to be not late5. Almost everyone fails _ on the first try.A. in passing his drivers testB. to pass his drivers testC. to have passed his drivers testD. passing his drivers test6. The two wea

9、vers pretended _ very hard, though they did nothing at the looms.A. work B. workingC. to be workedD. to be working7. When he got off the train, it happened _.A. to rainB. to be rainingC. rainingD. to raining8. I didnt _ it until you had explained how.A. manage to do B. managed to doC. manage to have

10、 done D. manage doing9. The young driver offered _ the patient out of the car.A. to hand B. handing C. hands D. would hand10. The white horse refused _ the stone wall.A. its jumpingB. to jumpC. jumping upD. to jump at考点2. 有些动词只能跟动名词作宾语下列动词习惯上可接动名词作宾语,但不能接不定式作宾语: admit 承认 advise 建议 allow 允许 appreciat

11、e 感激avoid 避免 consider 考虑delay 推迟 deny 否认discuss 讨论dislike 不喜欢 enjoy 喜爱 escape 逃脱excuse 原谅 fancy 设想 finish 完成 forbid 禁止forgive 原谅give up 放弃imagine 想象keep 保持mention 提及mind 介意 miss 没赶上pardon 原谅permit 允许 practice 练习prevent 阻止prohibit 禁止 put off 推迟 risk 冒险stop 停止suggest 建议feel like想做某事11. I would appreci

12、ate _ back this afternoon.A. you to callB. you callC. your calling D. youre calling12. She enjoys _ light music.A. to hearB. hearing C. listening to D. to listen to13. You can keep the book until you _.A. have finished reading B. finish to read C. will finish reading D. have finished to read14. Ali

13、said that she wouldnt mind _ alone at home.A. left B. being left C. to be left D. leaving15. If you keep _ English, you can learn English well.A. practicing speak B. practicing speaking C. practicing to speak D. to practise spoken16. We are considering _ a new plan.A. making B. being madeC. to make

14、D. to have made17. The squirrel was lucky that it just missed _.A. catchingB. to be caughtC. being caughtD. to catch18. Can you imagine yourself _ on a desert island?A. staying B. stay C. have stayed D. being stayed19. We can understand why he avoids _ to us.A. to speakB. speechC. having spokenD. speaking20. Please excuse my _ in without _.A. come, askingB. coming, asking C. to come, being asked D. coming, being asked21. Why have they delayed _ the new



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