八年级英语上册 unit 5 do you want to watch a game show section b(3a-self check)教案 (新版)人教新目标版

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《八年级英语上册 unit 5 do you want to watch a game show section b(3a-self check)教案 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语上册 unit 5 do you want to watch a game show section b(3a-self check)教案 (新版)人教新目标版(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、榜样的力量,源于苦难得磨砺。苦难事人生的必修课,有的人在苦难面前选择退却、消沉、怨天尤人,而我们身边的榜样却坦然的面对,从不向命运屈服,积极为明天拼搏Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show?Section B(3a-Self Check) Teaching and Learning Goals:一、语言知识(常用词汇、短语和表达) 1.Master the words and phrases: take sb.s place, dress up, army, do a good job.2. Review Infinitives used as objec

2、t: to do.3. Talk about movie reviews.二、学习策略Learn to master the writing skill of movie reviews.三、情感态度Lead the students to evaluate things objectively, express themselves correctly and know something more about movie culture.Teaching and Learning Steps:Pre-writing activities Step: Show teaching Aims G

3、et the students to know the learning aims: to talk about movies and learn how to write movie reviews.Step: Warm up and Lead in 1. Review T: Do you like watching movies? What kind of movies do you know? Which kind do you like best? Why? (Get a student to answer, the other students may add other names

4、 of the movies.) Ss: Cartoon, comedy, action movie and scary movie. Then show some posters of movies and have the students to the names of the movies. T: What else ? (Show some pictures of which are about the movies that they watched. ) documentary 纪录片 science fiction 科幻片 romance 爱情片 war movie 战争片Ss

5、: documentary, science fiction, romance, war movie. (Help them to say other names of the movies and teach to learn these words ) (设计意图:先回顾学过的关于电影类型的词汇,通过出示图片拓展其他的电影类型的名称。)2. Talk and Lead in Show pictures of the movie Journey to the West and ask them. T: What can you see in the picture?Ss: We can se

6、e four people. T: Who are they? Ss: They are the characters in Journey to the West.(对于这个回答,让学生可以先用汉语回答这四个人名和电影名字。然后教师可以给出适当的英文提示,把人名和电影名说出来,以便帮助他们完成下例的回答。) T: Great! Journey to the West is one of the four classic Chinese novels. (稍加解释classic,继续提问。) T: Which character do you like best? (学生们可以给出不同的回答。

7、)S1: I like the Monkey King best. S2: I like Sandy best. S3: I like Pigsy best. S4: I like Xuanzang best. (当学生们给出不同的回答后,教师提问他们喜欢这一角色的原因,引导学生们对其性格特点做出描述。) T: Why do you like the Monkey King? S1: Because he is funny and clever. T: Why do you like Sandy? S2: Because he is kind and helpful. T: Why do yo

8、u like Pigsy? S3: Because he is fat and lazy. He likes eating very much. He is very funny. T: Why do you like Xuanzang? S4: Because he can say magic words to make the Monkey King do the best. (教师总结学生们的回答,并对其进行情感态度方面的教育。)T: Xuanzang was nearly eaten by his enemies. With the help of the other three, h

9、e was saved at last.(适当用汉语和肢体语言加以解释,让学生更明白,印象更深刻。)(设计意图:给学生展示自己观看过的电影的图片,能够激发学生的学习兴趣。再引导学生讨论相关问题,激活学生头脑中和写作话题movies 相关的词汇,语段等,为接下来形成一篇文章做好铺垫。)2. Show the Ss a passage with some blanks. Ask the Ss to try to fill in the blanks. 热身导入 Journey to the West is a _. Children like watching it. It comes from

10、old Chinese fairy story. The story is _the Monkey King. He is brave and faces many problems. He is also_and _ I like Sandy because he is _and _. Pigsy likes eating very much so is _and _.He is _,too. I think the actor played the Monkey Kings role very well in the movie. If I am free, I _ to watch it

11、 again. Check the answers. Then ask the Ss to read the whole passage for consolidation.(Answers: cartoon; about; clever; finny; kind; helpful; fat; lazy, funny; want/ plan) (设计意图:引导学生形成文章意识,然后再鼓励他们去朗读,进行语言的输入,为输出做好积累,为接下来的写作练习做好准备。)Step : Pre-writing activities Taks1 Complete the passage in 3a on P

12、39. 1. Talk about pictures T:Look this picture. Where can we see? Oh, Yes. It is on the poster. It is movie poster. It is a cartoon. T: Do you like cartoons? Do you know Mulan? Can you say something about her? Ss: Yes, I do.T: Who can tell us something about her?S1: Mulan didnt have any brothers. Sh

13、e took his fathers place to fight in the army.S2: Mulan dressed up like a boy. Nobody knew she was a girl in the army. (学生如不能用英语表达也可使用汉语。然后帮他们用英语表达。)(设计意图:鼓励和引导学生谈论自己所了解的花木兰,激活学生的背景知识。)T: Lets see some movie posters about Mulan again.T: Are you familiar with the actors? Who are they? What do you thi

14、nk of them? S1:They are ZhaoWei ,Chen Kun and Fang Zuming and I think Zhao Wei played Mulan s role well S2: I think Chen Kun (设计意图:利用图片吸引学生,展开对花木兰这部电影的讨论,激发学生学习兴趣。)2. Fill in the blanks 1) Explain: Whats movie review? Its a movie review about Mulan. Writing a movie review is a great way of expressin

15、g your opinion of a movie. The purpose of most reviews is to help the reader in determining (决定)whether they want to watch, rent or buy the movie. (简单介绍影评这一文体特点及作用。就是电影或电视剧的观看者,在观看完电影电视剧节目以后的所感所想以文字语言、语录等形式表现出来,发表的一种评论看法见解。)2)Have the Ss to read quickly and find out what it is talking about. (学生通读短文掌握大意。)3)Now, please read carefully and fill in the blanks with your own words. (引导学生根据上下文及所缺部分在句子中所作的成分用自己的话填词。)4)This


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