八年级英语上册 unit 6 i’m going to study computer science(第6课时)section b(3a-self check)教案 (新版)人教新目标版

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八年级英语上册 unit 6 i’m going to study computer science(第6课时)section b(3a-self check)教案 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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《八年级英语上册 unit 6 i’m going to study computer science(第6课时)section b(3a-self check)教案 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语上册 unit 6 i’m going to study computer science(第6课时)section b(3a-self check)教案 (新版)人教新目标版(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、榜样的力量,源于苦难得磨砺。苦难事人生的必修课,有的人在苦难面前选择退却、消沉、怨天尤人,而我们身边的榜样却坦然的面对,从不向命运屈服,积极为明天拼搏Unit 6 Im going to study computer science.第六课时:Section B 3a - Self checkTeaching and Learning Goals:1、 功能Functions: 让学生学会制定未来计划,规划自己未来的职业。二、词汇和常用表达Words and expressions:复习一般将来时态的构成。掌握生词own, personal, relationship三、学习策略Strateg

2、ies: 能通过对未来话题的讨论,树立自己的生活目标和制订相应学习计划。 四、文化知识Culture: 了解中外学生的择业观,树立健康积极的生活目标。 Teaching and learning steps:PreviewLook at P47, first ask the Ss to put them into English orally, then let them write English down without looking at the textbooks.1.第一个打算是关于我自己个人的提高。 _ 2.关于提高我体质的想法 _ 3.关于改善亲朋关系的想法 _4.关于在校表现

3、更好的想法 _ Step1.Review and lead in: T: Do you know him? S: Yes. He is big wolf. T: Do you know what his new years resolution? S: He is going to catch sheep.Step2.Before writingTask 1. Pair work: Talk about the pictures.S1: In picture 1, what is Toms New Years Resolutions? S2: He is going to S1: Can he

4、 keep it? Why or why not? S2: S1: In picture 2, what is the girls New Years Resolutions?S2: She is going toS1: Can she keep it? Why or why not?S2: S1: In picture 3, what is the girls New Years Resolutions? S2: She is going toS1: Can she keep it?Why or why not? S2: S1: In picture 4, what is the lazy

5、sheeps New Years Resolutions? S2: He is going to S1: Can he keep it?Why or why not? S2: (设计意图:通过对灰太狼等动画角色新年愿望问答复习回顾一般将来时的用法,为下一环节的写作做好知识储备,积累语言素材。教师在学生练习时,要仔细聆听,并对学困生进行指导,使每个孩子都有话可说, 才能保证有话可写。)Task2. Complete the first two paragraphs about resolutions with the words in the box. T: Everyone has his o

6、wn resolutions, Lets look at these resolutions. Try to complete the first two paragraphs about resolutions with the words in the box. T: Give the Ss time to read the completed passage.Task3. Number the letter 1-3 T: Can you put the sentences into the correct order?Task4.Read the first two paragraphs

7、 again and try to find the topic sentence and the supporting sentences.T: Read the first two paragraphs again , can you find the topic sentence and the supporting sentences?(设计意图:通过对3a课文的阅读和分析,使学生思考并完成本课的写作要点,引导学生确立主题句和支持句,为下一步的写作做好铺垫。)Step3. While writingTask1.Pair work T: Now lets talk about your

8、New Years Resolutions.(设计意图:通过两人对话,引导学生自己能够获取有效信息,利用目标语言进行交流,为写作积累语言素材。)Task2. Write your resolutions under the following headings. T: Now please write your resolutions under the following headings. First, we should pay attention to the form of a letter, then the topic sentence and the supporting se

9、ntences, and then we should pay attention to the person and the tense. I will give you ten minutes to write the letter. Task3. Use your notes to write three more paragraphs about your resolutions. In each paragraph, write what you are going to do and why.T: First, we should pay attention to the form

10、 of a letter, then the topic sentence and the supporting sentences, and then we should pay attention to the person and the tense. I will give you ten minutes to write the letter. (设计意图:写作之前,对学生进行写作指导,提示应注意的几点要求及可能使用的句型。)The teacher walks around and correct their mistakes, find out better passages to

11、 show in the whole class.Step4 After writingTask1. Share students works.T: Have you finished your writing?Ss: Yes!T: Lets enjoy some woks. (Show some students works.)T: Class, lets enjoy a letter together. Show the evaluation standards:T: Is the form right?S: Yes, it is.T: Can you find the topic sen

12、tence?S: Yes. Its. T: Can you find the supporting sentences?S: Yes. They are.T: Can you find any grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes?S: No.T: What kind of grades should he get?Ss: A!T: Me, too! I think all of us can get good grades, as long as we work hard!(设计意图:教师在巡视过程中,找到优秀的作业进行展示,同时展示评价标准,引导学生对

13、文本进行分析,找出写作要点。同时对该生的写作做出评价,鼓励学生参与教学活动。通过对范文的分析,以及评价标准的展示,为下一步学生间互评提供理论依据。)Task 2. Pair work (同位间根据评价标准互评)T: Now, please check your partners letter You can give her/him a grade you like according the evaluation standards.(设计意图:师生共同分析欣赏学生作品,通过师生、生生评价的方式,依据评价标准进行合理评价,让所有学生都参与其中,通过生生评价的方式,可以让学生互相学习,取长补短,让学生体验成功的快乐。教师总结时对全班学生进行德育教育,鼓励全体学生互相交流沟通以便更好地了解,增进友谊。) Task 3.Group work T: Imagine you work for your city. Please work in groups to think of plan to make it cleaner and greener.Step 5 Se



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