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1、Interpretation for,Senior English for China Students Book 7 Unit 5,Travelling abroad,国外旅游,Contents,Part 1 Analysis of Teaching Material Part 2 Teaching Aims Part 3 Important and Difficult Points Part 4 Learning Methods Part 5 Teaching Procedures Part 6 Blackboard Design,Position and Function (二)teac

2、hing aims Knowledge aim 能力目标 德育目标 (三)教学重点与难点 (四)教学工具,Part 1 Analysis of Teaching Material,(一)教材简析及其地位和作用 高中英语选修7第五单元的中心话题是“出国旅游”,课文始终围绕这一主题展开。具体涉及在国外学习、旅游等,语言知识和语言技能部分主要是围绕“旅游”这一中心话题进行设计的。 这一节课是本单元的第一篇阅读训练课,标题是KEEP IT UP,XIE LEI Chinese student fitting in well(谢蕾,再接再厉!中国学生适应能力强),讲的是21岁的中国小姑娘 谢蕾出国上学的

3、经历,具体描写了她出国前的不安和到了国外后的不适应,主要是生活上的不习惯及学习方法、思维方式的冲突。但经过她的努力,她克服了这一切,并开始了崭新的生活。 通过本单元的学习,既要让学生通过语言实践活动来体验语言,提升综合语言运用的能力,又要增强学生挑战新生活的信心,感受到“出国旅游”的气息。,1.知识目标 掌握有关记叙文的体裁 学习一些词汇和短语 2.能力目标 发展学生听、说、读、写的基本技能,提高阅读技巧,培养综合语言运用的能力 能利用上下文猜测词义 3.德育目标 通过本文,激发学生对人生和命运的感悟,使学生形成积极的情感态度和健康的人生观。,确立教学目标的依据: 根据新课标的要求,高中英语选

4、修7旨在通过听、说、读、写四项基本语言技能的训练,综合提高学生的语言技能,鼓励他们锻炼思维、发挥想象力,以培养创新精神和实践能力。,(三)教学重点与难点 (1)重点(Key Points) 掌握限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的 区别; 训练skimming, scanning, careful reading 等阅读技能; 对文章深层次的理解及细节的欣赏,认识及 分析主人公的人物特征及人物性格。 (2)难点(Difficult Points) 对阅读技能的训练; 培养学生克服困难、迎接挑战的决心和勇气。,(四)教学工具 计算机、录音机和多媒体课件 创设情境, 增大课堂容量, 提高课堂效率,速

5、读法:根据高中英语教材侧重阅读理解这一特点, 让学生快速阅读,以尽快了解文章的大意。 问答法:帮助学生理解文章的细节 翻译法:适当地运用翻译可帮助学生理解文章的难点 讨论法:通过小组活动让学生都得到口语训练的机会, 在这节课上,我设计了一些适当的话题,如: 1.Would you like to travel abroad?Why or why not? 2.What place would you like to travel? Why? 快乐教学法:在教学过程中,充分利用多媒体技术、 图片、课件等刺激学生的感官系统,创造一种和谐的学习 氛围,让老师教得开心,学生学得开心。,Part 2 T

6、eaching Methods,适当的教学方法应尽可能多地为学生创造动口、动脑、动手的机会,让他们更多地参与教学,根据该课的教学目标、教材特点和学生以往的学习经验、年龄及心理特征, 我采用以下方法进行教学:,Part 3 Learning Methods,阅读是一种积极主动地吸收、思考、理解、接受信息和反馈信息的过程,也是一种复杂的智力活动。培养学生的阅读理解能力可分三个层次:表层理解、深层理解和评价性理解。 在本课教学过程中,学生可结合语境,采用推测、查阅、比较归纳、分析概括等学习方法,通过略读、精读等阅读技巧做阅读练习,对文章进行表层理解和深层理解;通过课堂讨论,对文章进行评价性理解。这样

7、,学生的观察力、记忆力、想象力、创造力、思维能力、自学能力等都可以得到进一步的提高。,Part 4 Teaching Procedures,Step 1 导入 (4m) Step 2 读前 (2m) Step 3 阅读 (20m) Step 4 分析知识点 (6m) Step 5 课堂讨论 (5m) Step 6 归纳总结 (2m) Step 7 布置作业 (1m),活动方式:师生互动 1) 教师提问,学生回答 2) 学生与学生之间讨论 首先,联系生活实际导入本单元的话题,说出旅游在我们生活中所起的 作用,引发联想,激发兴趣 。 The world is becoming smaller an

8、d smaller. We have more and more opportunities to travel or study abroad. Travelling helps us learn a lot about local customs and broaden our views. Besides, it is relaxing and we can get rid of our anxiety and stress. 其次,与学生一起回忆高一学过的有关旅游的那个单元,并对学生进行提 问,让学生积极参与讨论,加深印象。 1) Whod like to tell us the ti

9、tle unit we learned in Book 1? 2) Do you like travelling? If you have enough time and money, where do you want to go most? 3) Which one would you prefer, travelling domestically or travelling abroad ?,Step 1 导 入,Do you like travelling? If you have enough time and money, where do you want to go most?

10、,Which one would you prefer, travelling domestically or travelling abroad ?,France (Paris),Australia (Sydney),Italy (Rome),最后,用 Brain-storming(头脑风暴)让学生说出与国外学习和旅游有关的词汇和短语,使学生知道如何用分类、归纳的方法记忆英语词汇。 What should we take into account before we decide to travel abroad?,Step 2 读前,Do you want to go abroad for

11、 a further study ? 通过提问和展示图片,可以激发学生的兴趣和好奇心,启发学生预测课文的内容,展开简短的讨论,以便通过阅读验证自己的推测。,Cambridge,Princeton,Yale,Harvard,Life abroad,Keep it up,Xie Lei,Reading,1)略读(Skimming) Listen to the tape carefully and answer the two questions. Which country does Xie Lie study in? How long has she been there? 2. Which t

12、wo types of people have helped Xie Lei most since she came to England? 这篇文章选自报纸,很多部分都是对话,听课文录音可以帮助学生整体感知全文,纠正单词发音。更重要的是,让学生带着问题去听录音,有一定的针对性和目的性。,Step 3 阅读,Careful reading,1.Scan the text and put the events into order. _The difficulties Xie Lei met while living in London; _The newspaper will follow X

13、ie Leis progress in later editions. _The general introduction to Xie Lei and her study; _The advantages that Xie Lei gained while living with a host family. _ Xie Lei is now getting along well and is living an active life. _ Xie Lei, a Chinese girl, is studying in a foreign country-London. _Xie Lei

14、is getting used to the Western Universitys way of learning. 默读课文,通过做排序练习了解课文的主要意思,理清文章的写作思路,为下面的教学更有条理作铺垫。,First reading,2) 精读(Scanning),2.Reading comprehension,Who does Xie Lei board with in England? A. Her classmates B. Herself C. A host family D. Her family 2) Why does Xie Lei have such a decisio

15、n that she would like to board with while studying in England? A. She feels lonely while staying in a foreign country. B. She is afraid to get used to a new life in a new country. C. She can make good preparations for her courses. D. She can have opportunities to learn more about life and customs in

16、 a new country.,Second reading,3) How does Xie Lei try to get used to the new life in England? A. She tries to avoid rising a feeling of homesick. B. She tries to join in a few university clubs to share more social activities and meet some people she had much in common with. C. She tries to put her heart into her preparation course. D. She tries to protect herself from the strange environm



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