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1、http:/ http:/ http:/ 信息技术与各学科课程的整合是从上世纪90年代提出并开始实施,已经取得了令人瞩目的成就。但目前,许多政治教师还不能真正把握信息技术与高中政治教学整合的实施途径。不少教师把信息技术与高中政治教学整合和计算机辅助教学等同起来,认为只要在课堂教学中运用了多媒体或课件就是将信息技术与高中政治教学有机整合了,这显然是肤浅的,甚至是错误的。Disciplines of information technology and curriculum integration is proposed and implemented in the 1990 s, has mad

2、e remarkable achievements. But at present, many political the teacher cant really grasp the information technology and the implementation ways in the integrate of the high school political teaching. Many teachers to integrate information technology and senior high school political teaching and compu

3、ter assisted teaching, think that as long as the use of multimedia in classroom teaching or courseware is the organic integration of information technology and politics teaching in high school, its clearly a superficial, even is wrong. 信息技术与高中政治教学的整合,是通过将现代信息技术有效地融合于高中政治教学过程来营造一种新型教学环境,实现一种既能发挥教师主导作

4、用,又能充分体现学生主体地位的以“自主、探究、合作”为特征的教学方式,从而把学生的主动性、积极性、创造性较充分地发挥出来,使传统的以教师为中心的课堂教学结构发生根本性变革,切实提高政治理论课的教学效果。, the integration of information technology and senior high school politics teaching, through effectively merge the modern information technology to the high school politics teaching process to creat

5、e a new type of teaching environment, to achieve a kind of can not only play teachers leading role, and can fully embody the student main body status is characterized by autonomous, inquiry and cooperation mode of teaching, to students initiative, enthusiasm and creativity more fully play out, the t

6、raditional teacher-centered classroom teaching structure of fundamental change, effectively improve the teaching effect of politics theory class. 信息技术与高中政治教学的整合,不仅仅是在高中政治教学中运用现代信息技术的过程,而是一场涉及到高中政治教学的教学理念、教学目标、教学内容、教学方法等方面的深刻变革。为了实现信息技术与高中政治教学的有效整合,我们可以从以下途径进行探索。, the integration of information techn

7、ology and politics teaching in high school, not just in high school politics teaching using the modern information technology in the process, but a involved in the teaching of high school politics teaching idea, teaching goal, teaching content, teaching method and so on aspects of the profound chang

8、es. In order to achieve the effective integration of information technology and the high school politics teaching, we can from the following path to explore. 一、信息技术与高中政治教学目标的整合First, the integration of information technology and senior high school political teaching goal 高中政治课程设置的总目标是:让学生知道中国共产党是中国特

9、色社会主义事业的领导核心,让学生了解党的指导思想,学习运用马克思主义基本观点和方法观察问题、分析问题、解决问题,初步形成正确的世界观、人生观和价值观。在实现信息技术与高中政治教学整合的过程中,要有目的地将信息技术教育目标与高中政治教学目标相结合。高中政治课具有思想性、教育性、社会性、实践性等特点,这决定了我们在将信息技术与其整合的过程中,要更加注重高中政治教学目标的实现问题,而不能片面追求表面的华丽,为了整合而整合,迷失政治教学应有的目标。The overall goal of the high school politics course setting is: let the studen

10、ts know the communist party of China is the core of leadership for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, for students to understand the partys guiding ideology, learning with marxism basic standpoint and method of observation, to analyze and solve problems, a preliminary form a correc

11、t world outlook, the outlook on life and values. In the realization of the process of the integration of information technology and the high school politics teaching, must have the destination to information technology education goals combined with high school political teaching goals. High school p

12、olitical lesson with a thoughtful, educational, social, practical wait for a characteristic, which determines we in the process of integrating information technology with the, will pay more attention to high school political problems, to achieve the goal of teaching rather than on the surface of the

13、 one-sided pursuit of gorgeous, in order to integrate and integration, the teaching should have lost the political goals. 二、信息技术与高中政治教学内容的整合Second, the information technology and the high school political teaching content integration 传统的教学模式对教学内容主要是通过声音(以教师语言为主)、文字和图像来呈现的。信息技术与高中政治教学的整合,就是要利用现代信息技术作

14、为呈现政治教学内容的重要工具,将文本、图片、音频、视频、动画等多种媒体方便、快速地集成,实现对教育资源的整合,实现教学内容呈现方式的变革。The traditional teaching mode of teaching content mainly by voice (mainly teachers language), text and image to render. , the integration of information technology and politics teaching in high school, is to use modern information

15、technology as an important tool of politics teaching content, the text, images, audio, video, animation, etc. Various media, fast and convenient to integration, realize the integration of education resources, the realization of teaching content presentation changes. 信息技术与高中政治教学内容的整合主要表现在以下几个方面:在课堂教学

16、过程中,信息技术可提供多种媒体的刺激,有利于师生对知识的获取和保持。教师可以根据教学需要,展现教科书以外的素材、案例,这些资源教师可以集成在计算机里方便以后使用。信息技术还可提供超文本特性,实现对教学内容最有效的组织与管理。在课程教材建设方面,可开发多媒体电子教材、教学资料,将文字、声音、图像、动画等有机地集成,制作成CD、Rom光盘长期、大容量地贮存。教师还可以建立教学专用网站,随时更新、补充网上教学资源,实现教学内容的实时开放。, the integration of information technology and senior high school political teaching content mainly manifested in the following aspects



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