八年级英语下册 unit 7 international charities self-assessment教案 (新版)牛津版

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《八年级英语下册 unit 7 international charities self-assessment教案 (新版)牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语下册 unit 7 international charities self-assessment教案 (新版)牛津版(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、同时应当为侨商归国工作、创业和生活提供更加便捷、适宜的环境,使得侨商归国后能够安心并专心于事业发展,提高海外高层次人才回国创新创业的热情Unit 7 International charities教学目标知识与能力:Master the new words and expressions ,some main sentences in this unit.过程与方法:Through the test, understand the Ss condition of mastering the content.情感态度与价值观:To educate the Ss to finish the tes

2、t paper by themselves.教学重点难点Master the new words and expressions ,some main sentences in this unit.教 学 活 动 内 容 一、根据句意及中文提示完成句子(10分)1.I like playing games, (尤其) this game.2. I am feeling much better after taking the (药) .3. He is (自豪的) that he has won the gold.4. Its expensive to go to Australia by p

3、lane, I cant a it. 5. There are so many p in the hospital because of the serious disease.二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空(10分)1. Do you know the on TV? Of course. He is Shui Junyi from CCTV.2. I am so weak that I cant walk any .3. I think is very important for poor children.4. The doctors didnt know what caused th

4、e old mans .5. ORBIS uses a eye hospital to visit poor countries.三、用方框中所给动词的正确时态填空(10分)sing clean fly listen wanteducate interview far fly blind1. Jane often a kite in the garden in the past.2. -Would you please show me your new radio?-Sorry. I to music. I didnt catch you.3. -Tom , you on the phone.

5、-OK, Im coming.4. - Where is your father? - He the car.5. - the twins at the party yet? -Yes, they sang a new pop song fine minutes ago.四、单项选择(20分)( ) 1. these pictures, I like this one best. A. Between B. In C. AmongD. About( ) 2. All we need enough money to carry on the work. A. are, about B. is,

6、about C. are, with D. is, with( ) 3. 70% of the earth covered with water. A. are B. is C. were D. being( ) 4. of us live on rice. We live on rice.A. Mostly, most B. Most, almost C. Mostly, almost D. Most, mostly( ) 5. We are China for its long history and colorful cultures. A. proud of B. proud inC.

7、 proud to D. proud that( ) 6. The boy used a knife the back door.A. open B. to open C. opens D. opening( ) 7. I hope my father ask me about my studies.A. not B. not to C. wont D. dont( ) 8. How many do they do during a visit? Many patients during the last visit.A. operations; were operated onB. oper

8、ation; were operated onC. operations; were operated D. operation; were operated( ) 9. I plan to improve my spoken English listening to radio and tapes every day. A. on B. with C. through D. by( ) 10. Doctors in every part of the world. A. need B. needed C. is needed D. are needed 五、句型转换(10分)1. ORBIS

9、 uses the plane as a teaching plane.(改为同义句) The plane is a teaching plane by ORBIS.2. The doctor operated on the girl last week. (改为同义句) The doctor operation the girl last week.3. She studies English by watching movies.(对划线部分提问) she study English ?4. It provides basic education for children in poor

10、areas. (改为同义句) It provides in poor areas 。六、翻译句子(20分)1、我太虚弱,走不动了。_2、我们很多病人没有钱去医院看病,所以我们得去他们那儿。_3、这架飞机也被也被用作培训中心。_4、在我上次巡诊期间,有150个病人做了手术。_5、需要更多的钱继续我们的工作。_七、短文填空(20分)Mr King taught English in a middle school. He was very b all the time and couldnt do some r . So he left the school and opened a book s

11、hop in the c of the town. It wasnt big enough but all the books were nice and most people liked to buy some there. When the shop was c , he could read at home. He knew a lot and the learned(有学问的) person were glad to make f with him.It was Sunday and it was cold outside. Mr King was very busy. At nin

12、e in the evening all the buyers left e a girl. She was dressed up and waited for s there. Standing by the shelves, she looked over the books one after a . It made them in a fearful mess(凌乱不堪). Mr King came up to her and asked, “Excuse me, madam. What can I do for you?” “ Your books are all dull (乏味的).” Said the girl. “I want a d one.” “Thats easy”. Mr King smiled. He t out a cookboo


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