八年级英语下册 unit 6 sunshine for all task教案 (新版)牛津版

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《八年级英语下册 unit 6 sunshine for all task教案 (新版)牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语下册 unit 6 sunshine for all task教案 (新版)牛津版(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、同时应当为侨商归国工作、创业和生活提供更加便捷、适宜的环境,使得侨商归国后能够安心并专心于事业发展,提高海外高层次人才回国创新创业的热情Unit 6 Sunshine for all教学目标知识与能力:To know how to write a letter asking for help.To write a letter asking for help.过程与方法:情感态度与价值观:教学重点难点How to finish the article completely.教 学 活 动 内 容活 动 组 织 过 程改 笔Step 1 RevisionWeve learnt about gro

2、ups of people who need our help in this unit. Get the students to tell us who these people are and how we can help them?Step 2 Warming upGet the students tell: other people who need our help.Then present some new words: survivor, disease, operation.Step 3 Writing1. Get the students to answer the que

3、stions:What are the main parts of an article?How can we organize our ideas before writing?2. Peter wants to write a letter to ask for help. Present Peters ideas of his letter.IntroductionWho needs help?Main bodyInformation about the person or group in needWhat kind of help do they need?How can we he

4、lp?ConclusionThanks for help3. Listen to Part B on page 90 and answer the questions. 1) What is wrong with Xiao Wei? He has a serious blood disease.2) What kind of help do his family need? The need money for Xiao Weis operation.3) How can we help Xiao Wei? We can donate money.4. Read Peters letter a

5、nd answer the questions. 1) How does Peter write such a letter?2) What is the main idea of each paragraph in Peters letter?5. Tell students the writing tips: Before writing, its necessary for us to organize our ideas first. When we write a letter for help, we need to tell others two points: who need

6、s help how we can helpStep 4 Language points1. He has been ill in hospital since last month.本句用的是现在完成时,表示从过去某一时间开始一直持续到现在的动作或事情。2. have a serious disease 有严重的血液疾病 表示“生病”通常用动词have。如:头疼 have a headache3. as soon as possible 尽可能快的4. lose ones life 失去生命,丧生5. Many hands make light work.人多力量大。6. give a he

7、lping hand 伸出援助之手7. get well 康复 句中well是形容词,表示“健康的”。Step 5 Discussion1. Discuss in pairs: who you want to help and what you can do. 2. Present some questions: 1) Who needs help?2) How do these people probably feel?3) What do these people need?4) How can we help these people?5) What can we give them?6

8、) How can we raise money for them?7) What can we do with this money?8) What can we ask others to do for these people?9) Who should we write to? 3. Useful expressions: Give students some useful expressions.Step 6 ExercisesTranslation.1. 他生病住院是因为一种严重的血液病。 He was ill in hospital because of a serious bl

9、ood disease.2. 他们没有足够的钱做这样一个手术。They dont have enough money for such an operation.3. 对他来说尽快做手术是很重要的。Its important for him to have the operation as soon as possible.)4. 人多力量大。 Many hands make light work.5. 如果我们都能伸出援助之手,他可能很快就会康复。If all of us can give a helping hand, he may get well soon.Step 7 Homewor

10、k 1. Remember the words and phrases in the lesson.2. Write a letter asking people to help. Use the useful expressions and sentences.Discuss how to help people in need in groups .Then get some groups to show their results in class.To learn Peters ideas of his letter.Listen to Part B on page 90 and an

11、swer the questions.Read Peters letter and answer the questions.Pay attention to the following the writing tips:Before writing, its necessary for us to organize our ideas first. When we write a letter for help, we need to tell others two points:who needs helphow we can helpDiscuss in pairs: who you w

12、ant to help and what you can do. Translate the sentences into English.Check out the homework and preview.To learn the writing method “1.introduction.2.Main body.3.Conclusion.”Before writing, its necessary for us to organize our ideas first. When we write a letter for help, we need to tell others two

13、 points:1.who needs help2.how we can helpWrite a letter asking people to help. Use the useful expressions and sentences.课堂达标书面表达假设你是戴维,你想参加学校举办的“我想成为一名志愿者”为题的英语演讲比赛,你用英语写下包含以下要点的演讲稿。要点如下:1.以前父母不在家时,邻居常帮忙照顾你,你想向他们学习;2. 每年3月5日,你都会去拜访孤独的老人;3. 上周,你在学校里组织了次义演 (charity show),4. 现在你已经帮助两个贫困的孩子重返校园,这些都很有意义;

14、注意:1. 短文须包括所有内容要点,要求语句通顺、意思连贯;2. 第3要点的内容须用12句话展开合理想象,作适当发挥;3. 词数70个左右。Hi, everyone! My name is David. I want to be a volunteer._-_板书设计8下 Unit 6 Sunshine for all Task1.IntroductionWho needs help?Main bodyInformation about the person or group in needWhat kind of help do they need?How can we help?ConclusionThanks for help2. h


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