2017秋冀教版八年级英语上册教学课件 u2 lesson 11

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1、,八年级(上),冀 教 版,Its fun! Its easy!,学练优八年级英语上(JJ) 教学课件,Lesson 11,My Favourite School Subject,Unit 2,UNIT 2,Lesson 11 Lily learns about China!,学习目标,objectives,To know about Mothers Day and Fathers Day,To listen and understand the passage,To learn to use the words and expressions,Phrases: learn about a f

2、ew,Patterns: take sb. to say thank you to,Words: recently southern tourist,adv. 最近;近来,Words,recently southern tourist,adj. 南部的,n. 游客;客人,Have you learned about other countries in school? Which one is the most interesting? What foreign holidays do you know about?,Lead in,foreign holidays,New Year,Sain

3、t Valentines Day,April Fools Day,Easter,Mothers Day,Fathers Day,Halloween,Thanks-giving Day,Christmas,母亲节(Mothers Day), 是一个感谢母亲的节日。 这个节日最早出现在古希腊,而现代的母亲节起源于美国,是每年5月的第二个星期日。母亲们在这一天通常会收到礼物,康乃馨被视为献给母亲的花,而中国的母亲花是萱草花,又叫忘忧草。,How much do you know about Mothers Day?,父亲节(Fathers Day) 是一年中特别感谢父亲 的节日,约始于二十世 纪初,

4、每个国家的父亲节日期都不尽相同,也有各种的庆祝方式,大部分都与赠送礼物、家族聚餐或活动有关。世界上有52个国家和地区是在每年6月的第三个星期日庆祝父亲节,中国台湾地区的父亲节是每年的8月8日。,How about Fathers Day?,Listen to the passage and write true (T) or false (F).,Monkey Hill is the name of a restaurant. 2. Kellys favourite restaurant has delicious monkey food. 3. Kelly likes to order ch

5、icken at her favourite restaurant. 4. Kellys parents cook the best beef in the world. 5. Kelly wants to have her own restaurant in the future.,T,F,F,F,T,2,Pre-reading,Lilys favourite subject is _. She likes it because she learns a lot about _ countries of the world. Her class has learned about Chine

6、se _ and _. Now she wants to _ to China. She loves being a _ and seeing _.,Read the lesson and fill in the blanks.,social studies,different,culture,festivals,travel,tourist,new things,P27,1,While-reading,1. We learn about different countries of the world. 我们了解世界上不同的国家。 I didnt learn about that until

7、 my friend told me. 朋友告诉我,我才知道那件事。 Children learn about the world by playing. 孩子们通过玩来了解世界。,learn about (通过某种途径)得知,获 知(有关的信息)。,Language Points,2. Our teacher once worked in southern China. 我们的老师曾经在中国的南方工作过。 She lives in southern Italy. 她住在意大利南部。 He speaks with a slight southern accent. 他说话夹杂着南方口音。,so

8、uthern “(在)南方的,向南方向的”。northern, western, eastern分别表示 “北方的”,“西方的”,“东方的”。,3. A few days ago, our teacher took us to a Chinese grocery store and a Chinese restaurant. 几天前,我们的老师带我们去了一家中 国食品店和一家中国餐馆。,a few “几个,有些(表示肯定)”;few作 形容词,表示“很少数的,几乎没有 的”,都修饰可数名词复数。a little表示 “一点儿,少量,一些”;little意为“少, 不多”,两者都修饰不可数名词。

9、,Tom bought a few books on his way home. 汤姆在回家的路上买了几本书。 街上人很少。 There were few people in the streets. 我们没有从他们那儿得到什么帮助。 We got little help from them. I had only a little food for breakfast. 早餐我只吃了一点食物。,She took us to a beautiful garden. 她带领我们去了一个漂亮的花园。 Mum is not at home. Dad will take us to school. 妈

10、妈不在家。爸爸将送我们上学。,2) take 带领;带去 take sb. to 带领某人去,4. On Mothers Day and Fathers Day, children say thank you to their parents. 在母亲节和父亲节这天,孩子们向他们的父母道谢。,say thank you to 向道谢 say sorry to 向道歉 say hello to 向问好 say goodbye to 向道别 say no to 拒绝某人 say yes to 答应某人,Look and say,It will rain in_ China.,southern,Po

11、st-reading,There are so many_ on National Day.,tourists,Will you _me _ the bus stop?,take,to,I love my father and I want to _ _ _ _ my dear dad.,say,thank you to,Mary bought _ books in the book store.,a few,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.,fun child south tour,1. Ev

12、ery year, large numbers of _ visit Hainan. 2. Tom is a _ boy. He often makes us laugh. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Green have three _: one daughter and two sons. 4. Guangzhou is in the _ part of China. Its very hot there in summer.,tourists,funny,children,southern,3,Time for reflection,learn about a few take sb

13、. to say thank you to,了解;得知 一些 带领某人去 向道谢,Practice,Practice,. 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。 1. The weather has been rainy and windy _(recent). 2. Mr. Liu lives in a _(south) city in China now. 3. The Great Wall is always full of _(tour) in summer. 4. There are lots of children in the zoo on _(child) Day. 5. _(mot

14、her) Day is coming. I will buy a red scarf for my mother.,recently,southern,tourists,Childrens,Mothers,. 选词填空。 1. Nick has practiced playing the piano _(in / for) two hours. 2. My parents _(took / brought) me to that new museum yesterday. 3. Tom told us such a _(fun / funny) story that we all laughe

15、d. 4. You should say thank you to your father on_ (Fathers / Fathers) Day. 5. I have _(few / a few) friends in the city. We often get together.,for,took,funny,Fathers,a few,. 写出下列句子的同义句,每空一词。 1. Mr. Smith lives in the south of Canada. Mr. Smith lives in _ _. 2. Can you show us some of your paintings? Can you _ some of your paintings _ us? 3. Lisa is good at physics and social studies. Lisa does _ _ physics and social studies. 4. Li


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